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*-* New Crap Sig Rule *-*

Guest 3_Hit_U

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Guest 3_Hit_U

Well, i recieved a PM from a Mod saying that cos of Gore and stuff i can't use the sig on forums....




So therefore, just tell them its Paint and they have no proof at all that its Blood or anything :wink:








Also, if this isnt aloud, and they still persist we need to remove our Sigs, what bout us people that bought them because they look cool?








And on a further note Sunli a Tip.It Administator, sorry to pick you out of the load of them, nothing personal (seriously)




But your Sig has violence in it also, and it should be removed as you are a wanted criminal, and it could be seen by a younger viewer and make him/her be scared of logging on and seeing you, with that bird holding a machette.








((Note: Misterxman, if you read this, think you could modify my sig so that the so called "Gore" is taken out please))




Thanks a lot Misterxman :wink:




Also, you got time to make me another sig? :D













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Guest 3_Hit_U
you cant even say banana or Onions








Erm.... You just said my password to RS :?




How did u guess it?




Ooooow, that mean you can say grapes? :shock:













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The reason I didn't remove the gore in ALL the sigs I sold is because there are A LOT of sigs I made that have gore, and removing gore in some of them would mean completely changing the set ups. Also, people paid me for what they wanted which included the legal gore. Hey 3 hit u, I'll PM you a PG-version sig after I finish this sig I'm working on today. I thought you could keep your sig since it was made before the rule, but I guess not. Don't forget you can still use the same sig in all the forums you want.


Pixel sigs by me.

Pixel Art

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Guest 3_Hit_U
The reason I didn't remove the gore in ALL the sigs I sold is because there are A LOT of sigs I made that have gore, and removing gore in some of them would mean completely changing the set ups. Also, people paid me for what they wanted which included the legal gore. Hey 3 hit u, I'll PM you a PG-version sig after I finish this sig I'm working on today. I thought you could keep your sig since it was made before the rule, but I guess not. Don't forget you can still use the same sig in all the forums you want.








Mister no need, i've handled it, and sorted the problem myself, also added a hell of a lot more Text Animations, and the size is still below 30K :shock:








Here it is :D

















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This has gone too far, since people have already paid for gore sigs to use specifically on tip.it before this immature rule, there should be no reason to delete them. Instead i suggest a minimum age limit to join tip.it or a warning about gore signatures, even though they are obviously only cartoon and completely harmless.

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Nice job on the edit, 3hitu. Great text animation too. :)








The only problem I have with the rule is replacing sigs with non-gore sigs because I wasn't ready for that, but gore isn't a problem in my new sigmaking anymore.


Pixel sigs by me.

Pixel Art

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Isn't their usually a minimum age to sign up for anything on the internet (COPPA law...). As far as I know it has been in effect from 1999 I think, and it says you must be 13+ to register for internet things.








As far as I know, 13 year olds won't get scared from small red pixels shaped like droplets. And if they do get afraid, then they are most likely less than thirteen, and therefore tip.it is not responsible for anything (because they would be inviolation of the law).








You wouldn't censor a Picasso being shown on here would you? (Because Picassos are deformed and ugly, so would kids have nightmares about that?)

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Guest 3_Hit_U
that .gif is 45 000 bytes. 50% over the limit.... :roll: :?








Nope, its 18K :D 8)





















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just a test...how much does it say to you on my sig?








28kb (25 567 bytes) on me...








EDIT: just noticed, that if I download the image, it says 18kb on the "transferred" colum









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