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Why do YOU play runescape?


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Bored...Cant afford wow or something or just have a mac and wont play bf2.








Who cares about WoW..heh :shame: (Don't flame me!)








I play RuneScape because of my clan.

*-P.K.M-* Website




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I play for fun.




I mean, I'm only level 17, I just go at my own pace, I don't do it really fast, I don't pay t'play, don't have any really good items, or anything, but I find it fun.




I love going out on adventures where no people actually go, just survivin', lightin' fires, fighting, pretending I'll starve without food.








My imagination rocks.





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I play for fun.




I mean, I'm only level 17, I just go at my own pace, I don't do it really fast, I don't pay t'play, don't have any really good items, or anything, but I find it fun.




I love going out on adventures where no people actually go, just survivin', lightin' fires, fighting, pretending I'll starve without food.








My imagination rocks.












+1, I like to level at my own pace. I mostly got to 80+ just for the slight feel of power over any1 under your :P



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Because it's a good hobby that doesn't take much dedication. However, there's a difference between a hobby and an addiction. For those of you who play because you need it for happiness, I give you my sincere pity and advice to go do something active for a change. Playing runescape for the sole reason that you are helplessly addicted is just not healthy. Seriously consider professional help. :shame:

Give a man a fish, he'll eat for a day. Teach a man to fish, your commodity drops in value.
[url=http://www.imagehosting.com][img]http://www.imagehosting.com/out.php/i773526_stingtag.gif[/img][/url] [quote name="Capone_Sabre"]People in the wilderness will [b]always[/b] insult you no matter what you do. Just ignore it and kill them.[/quote]
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I'm bored cuz my girlfriends's being kinda lame lately :wall: Got nothin else to do besides her








Hahahaha lol thats awsome :thumbsup:












by the way I play runescape because I've been playing since you could choose if you wanted to be a ranger mage warrior or priest and I love the game cause I find it interesting lol plus some day I hope to work for Jagex ^.^ :pray:

put the lime in the coconut spin it all round

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i play RuneScape for 2 reasons:




1. Because i like this game very very very very very very very......much




2. I made a promise to a friend that i will stop playing RS only then, when i will get WoW ( in my country that is totally impossible).

The clock is ticking, and your time is running out, mortals.

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Lets see... I'm not allowed to play any "T" or "M" rated games untill i'm 18, so that rules out basically every other game. And, my mom won't let me spend any money on games, so no members, no WoW, or any other fun games :cry:

Always buying:Coal at 170:Mith at 350

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as it's an escape from reality, if people call you ugly, they cant see you in real life so it means nothing, its a place where you can't get born lucky and be a millionaire but EVERYONE has to work to earn thier money and items, which makes it a cheap and amazing game. also the grafix rock!

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