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Did the past ever exist?


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When you think about it the past could of never really happened. The only things you know about are what you were taught, what you remember and videos. So even if you were talking to yourself in a room and the next day you forgot about that. That moment of time was a waist and basically never had a point so it is lost, it never existed. This then brings me to the reason on how everything started? what made the first atom? what made the first "god"? When i started thinking about this i just couldnt stop so i brought it to you guys




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You have to be a pretty big idiot to think the past didn't exist.








Did you REALLY eat that sandwich 2 minutes ago?




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Yeah, honestly. There are many witnesses of past events (Holocaust survivors, war veterans, etc.) Seriously dude. Use your brain. And by the way, why the hell would people want to tell fake stories of the past like this anyway? And how would they make the detailed videos, camera footage, etc.? :-s

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This is going into things like the quantam theory where the properties of an object are determined by observation (mesuring). Basicly if you dont see what the properties are (look at it, listen to it, feel it, taste it, smell it) then it dosent have properties. And you cant prove it wrong because to do so you would have to messure properties thus proving nothing. Think about it, I hope this wasent to comfusing. :)








Oh and I belive that all time exists simaltaneously.

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a better question is: is there a difference between the past, present and future. quite possibly no. By the superstring theory mainly (dimensions), our preception of time is due to us not being able to see in 4 dimmensions (we cant even see in 3, we see in 2+1, if it were 3 wed be able to see something from all sides, including the inside). We precive the 4th dimension in a progressive fashon. So basicly you could say that time is something that we create. But either way the past likly exists.

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Well, the difference of PPF is just when it happens.












Is happening




Will happen




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Yes, the past existed. But the past no longer exists in a physical state, which is obvious. We can only recall it, and view it through telescopes that are reading light. But physically the past was once the present, and it no longer is, so it therefore no longer exists, just what we can recall of it. The future is what's yet to happen, the future never exists, we live in a present world.


Me doing staff.

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what made the first "god"?








aha!, the collapse of the creationism theory, right there :lol:








but more on topic, -- yes --








So, who made the first "big bang"?








By the way, i'm not realy religious at all, but I hate it when people try and put down religion with that statement. Something was in the begining of the universe. We just don't know what that something is.

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what made the first "god"?








aha!, the collapse of the creationism theory, right there :lol:








but more on topic, -- yes --








So, who made the first "big bang"?








By the way, i'm not realy religious at all, but I hate it when people try and put down religion with that statement. Something was in the begining of the universe. We just don't know what that something is.








or there could be no start of the universe. Noone knows anything, so it's pretty much all pondering and trying to get sufficent evidence for their side.

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Certainly, events in the past have happened.








A major part of history however is made by man (meaning not all stuff is seen today as it actually was).




That's the fault of historical recreation rather than the sources themselves.








And to be honest? This thread is ridiculous. By definition, a past has to exist in order to create the conditions necessary for the present.

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hate it when people try and put down religion with that statement.
sorry if it came across that way, im not against religion.








Something was in the begining of the universe.
you dont know that for sure. Just because something exists, dosent mean it was created by a creator. take evolution for example (opens a can of worms), which happened independantly over billions of years. no creation, just change.








so you see, the universe could have existed forever, up to this point, uncreated, just evolving. Just an idea...

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Certainly, events in the past have happened.








A major part of history however is made by man (meaning not all stuff is seen today as it actually was).




That's the fault of historical recreation rather than the sources themselves.








And to be honest? This thread is ridiculous. By definition, a past has to exist in order to create the conditions necessary for the present.








Of course, but haven't you ever wondered, ridiculous as it may be, that what we know is completely wrong and indoctrinated to us?




We might think that 200 years ago Napoleon was conquerring Europe, but the evidence we now have doesn't actually prove anything. Perhaps the ancient artifacts have just been put there by some higher power. Perhaps everything around us is only just as old as we are and it's been created just to dress up our lives. Perhaps Caesar and the entire Roman empire are just a fairy tale made up by the powers controlling our world, and we all believe it.








Perhaps I'm typing the biggest load of useless junk here, perhaps it's all true. I myself am convinced that wondering if history as we know it is false is ridiculous. I firmly believe in evolution & a logic chain of events that all trigger eachother, but that doesn't mean I, as well as the billions of others that also believe that, am right.




I raise an eyebrow when I hear intelligent people saying they believe the Bible, or whatever they believe is the truth, is the only source of knowledge. But nonetheless, I respect everyone's opinion and I'll never exclude anything more or less reasonable.

Bill Hicks[/url]":dhj2kan9]Since the one thing we can say about fundamental matter is, that it is vibrating. And since all vibrations are theoretically sound, then it is not unreasonable to suggest that the universe is music and should be perceived as such.


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so you see, the universe could have existed forever, up to this point, uncreated, just evolving. Just an idea...








If by saying 'the universe could've existed forever' you mean 'there was nothing, but it all evolved into something', then I can more or less agree with you.




There are dozens of plausible scenarios as how nothing can become something, you just have to think outside the narrow box of theorems and knowledge we posess.




One scenario involves matter vs. antimatter. It states that nothing, absolutely nothing (for our knowledge), can split into a + and a -. together they are nothing, but if they're split, the + is matter, the - is antimatter. All +s become the things we see, feel etc. The things that are the cornerstones of our bodies. All the -s are antimatter, things we cannot see. If they collide with our matter, everythig will be 'reset' to nothing at all once again.




Of course, it seems hard to understand that something like that is possible, I doubt this theory is right as well. But isn't the fact that time isn't constant just as weird or even weirder? I still can't imagine that by travelling amazingly fast, say by half the speed of light, you experience the time being longer than it is here on Earth.

Bill Hicks[/url]":dhj2kan9]Since the one thing we can say about fundamental matter is, that it is vibrating. And since all vibrations are theoretically sound, then it is not unreasonable to suggest that the universe is music and should be perceived as such.


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