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God, how long must they take?


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I sent in my last chance appeal exactly 11 days ago, and its still pending.








People think i have a good chance of getting off, as what i did was absolutely ridiculous. It's funny how much time you put into your char, and dedication, then JaGex simply perm bans you by the click of a button without taking a second thought.








Yes, i know, Rules are Rules and are NOT meant to be broken but its a game, the rules sound so formal that its real life affecting, its not, its a game, and yes i did barely did anything wrong and people DO learn frm mistakes.








Anybody experienced something similiar, if so how long did they take to give u a result? Thanks

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best of luck to you








i cant think of any reason why jagex is so slow at responding, aha..they might get 10,000 messages a day but they do have 200 ppl working for a whole day..omg, 11 days ridiculous








nowadays your lucky if u even get a computer message,












Full Rune: 200k




Dragon Chain: 15M




Personal message from jagex: Priceless





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i totally agree, i also do think that perm ban is not nessary, as people DO LEARN from their mistake. my main has also been perm banned, my appeal has been pending for 10 days. i broke rule 12 once, got cought buyig e gold online. they gave me 10 black marks instantly. may i ask which rule u broke?

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i cought breaking rules b4... banned for 7 days... day 6 then they denied it...




Then i have 7.8 blackmarks over 10.. phew...








so i never or should i say seldom talk in public anymore...
















and btw, depends what rules ur breaking... mine one rule break cost me alot already...



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i totally agree, i also do think that perm ban is not nessary, as people DO LEARN from their mistake. my main has also been perm banned, my appeal has been pending for 10 days. i broke rule 12 once, got cought buyig e gold online. they gave me 10 black marks instantly. may i ask which rule u broke?




If you were not permanently banned for buying gps in real world trading, then everyone would go around buying gold online. That is a major offense.








The reason most folks do not buy gp online is because of the fear of losing their accounts permanently. Take away that fear, and Houston, we have a problem.








In your case, that account is gone forever, as it should be.








I read lots of posts like these, and have to wonder where people come from, this land that teaches people that punishment for willful rule-breaking is somehow unfair?

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like i said, i learnt from my mistake. in my appeal i even agreed to give bk the gold i bought online. besides, microing is seen as a even worse offense, as andrew pointed out on a previous thread, and people only get baned for a few days for that.

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like i said, i learnt from my mistake. in my appeal i even agreed to give bk the gold i bought online.




That is not punishment. You seem to think that you should not be subjected to punishment.








Let's say in the real world I rob you of $10,000 dollars. I get caught with the money in my backpack.








Could you imagine how hard the coppers would laugh if I said to them, as they sat there with me in irons, the $10,000 on the table, my fingerprints all matching up, and I said "Oh, OK, you got me. If I give the money back, you'll let me go, right? I promise I won't do it again. I've learned from my 'mistake'*."








If they did let me go, what is the message they've just sent to all the other low-lives out there: You can try at least once, and if you're caught, there's really no risk, just some lost real world cash.








If you're thinking that having lost the money you spent buying gold online is punishment in Jagex's eyes, methinks you might be beyond help here.








Your account is gone. Forever.








besides, microing is seen as a even worse offense, as andrew pointed out on a previous thread, and people only get baned for a few days for that.




If "macroing" were, in fact, a more serious offense, they would not get banned for only a few days. If it makes you feel any better, I'm all for macroers being perma-banned as well.








*I love it when people who willfully break the rules/law have the stones to call it a 'mistake'.








As if seeking out a website to buy gp online, selecting the right package, entering your credit card information, address, confirming the transaction was all some big elaborate accident.








A mistake is when you buy regular milk instead of lowfat, or you maybe added wrong when buying something in a RS trade, offering too little gp for an item.








You did something wrong. You did not make any kind of mistake.

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lol, dude, this is a game, real life stituation is completly different. in real life, do u think i rele can buy gold? as for robbing people $10000, yes they suffer punishment, few years locked away, not death paneties (perm ban) i'm from uk, jagex is from uk, we give people chances, not end their life immediatly.








now as for me suffering punishment, i lost hundrads of GBP already. on the last chance appeal, jagex said that everyone deserved a chance. for me, giving bk the gp is the best i can can do.

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I asked my RL friend for his chain, (which he was going to give me) and they classed it as attempted scam and account stealing.








I hate the new legal system..it sounds way too professional for what it is...A GAME.








Hell, people get second chances in real life for murders and robberys and [cabbage] like that, yet, I cant have another chance in a GAME for a simple mistake?

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lol, dude, this is a game, real life stituation is completly different. in real life, do u think i rele can buy gold? as for robbing people $10000, yes they suffer punishment, few years locked away, not death paneties (perm ban) i'm from uk, jagex is from uk, we give people chances, not end their life immediatly.








now as for me suffering punishment, i lost hundrads of GBP already. on the last chance appeal, jagex said that everyone deserved a chance. for me, giving bk the gp is the best i can can do.








First you say Runescape is not real life, but then you compare it to a real life situation?




Yes you deserve to be perminately banned.

Supermonk, proving you wrong since 1992.

Supermonk rocks, I want to have his children.

Music is like candy. You always get rid of the rapper.

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i totally agree, i also do think that perm ban is not nessary, as people DO LEARN from their mistake. my main has also been perm banned, my appeal has been pending for 10 days. i broke rule 12 once, got cought buyig e gold online. they gave me 10 black marks instantly. may i ask which rule u broke?




If you were not permanently banned for buying gps in real world trading, then everyone would go around buying gold online. That is a major offense.








The reason most folks do not buy gp online is because of the fear of losing their accounts permanently. Take away that fear, and Houston, we have a problem.








In your case, that account is gone forever, as it should be.








I read lots of posts like these, and have to wonder where people come from, this land that teaches people that punishment for willful rule-breaking is somehow unfair?








its not thats its unfair i think its the fact that jagex doesnt give many second chances




i mean if you dont get stuck in jail for the rest of your life for one burglary

Perhaps they should call those skills Robbery, Lumberjack, Arsonist, ect...

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i totally agree, i also do think that perm ban is not nessary, as people DO LEARN from their mistake. my main has also been perm banned, my appeal has been pending for 10 days. i broke rule 12 once, got cought buyig e gold online. they gave me 10 black marks instantly. may i ask which rule u broke?




If you were not permanently banned for buying gps in real world trading, then everyone would go around buying gold online. That is a major offense.








The reason most folks do not buy gp online is because of the fear of losing their accounts permanently. Take away that fear, and Houston, we have a problem.








In your case, that account is gone forever, as it should be.








I read lots of posts like these, and have to wonder where people come from, this land that teaches people that punishment for willful rule-breaking is somehow unfair?








its not thats its unfair i think its the fact that jagex doesnt give many second chances




i mean if you dont get stuck in jail for the rest of your life for one burglary








If we're going to compare RS offenses to RL crimes, then buying gp online is not really comparable to burglary








Burglary = Item Scamming








Buying gp online would be more along the lines of money laundering or fraud, which in most western countries is punishable with many years in prison (usually at least 15).

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lol, dude, this is a game, real life stituation is completly different. in real life, do u think i rele can buy gold? as for robbing people $10000, yes they suffer punishment, few years locked away, not death paneties (perm ban) i'm from uk, jagex is from uk, we give people chances, not end their life immediatly.








now as for me suffering punishment, i lost hundrads of GBP already. on the last chance appeal, jagex said that everyone deserved a chance. for me, giving bk the gp is the best i can can do.








First you say Runescape is not real life, but then you compare it to a real life situation?




Yes you deserve to be perminately banned.








i compared it to real life because i was taking the views of the previous guy, your all entitled to your own opinion, i'll just have to wait and see what happens.

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lol, dude, this is a game, real life stituation is completly different. in real life, do u think i rele can buy gold? as for robbing people $10000, yes they suffer punishment, few years locked away, not death paneties (perm ban) i'm from uk, jagex is from uk, we give people chances, not end their life immediatly.








now as for me suffering punishment, i lost hundrads of GBP already. on the last chance appeal, jagex said that everyone deserved a chance. for me, giving bk the gp is the best i can can do.








contradiction much? Also permanent bans must be kept i.e. - jimmy macros, gettin insane amounts of coal, jimmy is perm banned problem ends.








If Jimmy macros, gains insane amounts of coal/yew whatever and is NOT perm banned then jimmy will eventually gain the benefit of his macroing, albeit after a few days ban. Do you see my point?








In relation to your actual question Jagex will take a while to respond thats a fact, just wait patiently is all i can suggest.








P.S Rules are Rules and are NOT meant to be broken but its a game, is not a good point, football is just a game but when was the last time you saw David Beckham judo chop an opposition player and say "i know its against the rules but its just a game"?








Rrules are needed to maintain a structure to the game - without them there would be no game - rules indeed are the game, to attain as much success whilst a staying within the rules.

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lol, dude, this is a game, real life stituation is completly different. in real life, do u think i rele can buy gold? as for robbing people $10000, yes they suffer punishment, few years locked away, not death paneties (perm ban) i'm from uk, jagex is from uk, we give people chances, not end their life immediatly.








now as for me suffering punishment, i lost hundrads of GBP already. on the last chance appeal, jagex said that everyone deserved a chance. for me, giving bk the gp is the best i can can do.




I don't want to harp on this much longer, so you're more than welcome to the last word over this.








I wasn't, in my example, comparing the gravity of a real-world offense to one in RS. I was pointing out the effect that punishment of rule breakers has on others contemplating breaking the same rule. At the end of the day there are real people playing this game, and motivations and deterrents work the same as they would outside RS.








If you bought cash online, yet all you had to do was return it if you're caught, then there's no real RS punishment for your transgression. The only deterrent would be some loss of cash in the real world.








Were that the case, people who had lots of real-world money could take the risk over and over again, gaining a spectacular advantage over folks in real life who are of more modest means.








In the real world, if criminals who were caught robbing others were only forced to give the money back as punishment (and there was no prison time), do you think more folks would start robbing others? You betcha.








Others are going to read this thread, they're going to see you're perma-banned for buying GP online. They're going to think looong and hard about buying gp online. Most, after having invested hundreds of hours into their character, will say ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâ¦Ã¢â¬ÅitÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s just not worth itÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃâÃ

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