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Brute Warrior WIP update #8


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Strangely I got inspired to draw today so I started drawing this, hopefully I'll stay inspired and finish it :P
















1 - colored arms




2 - worked on arms a bit more, started chain mail




3 - changed chainmail




4 - changed chainmail added helm and head




5 - changed left hand added some more sketch ideas and started helm horns




6 - fixed left hand, added right hand




7 - changed chainmail yet again and added right shoulder pad




8 - changed chainmail again, going for the c effect I guess, I think it looks better, can probably still be improved upon... Also added the chest plate.











Why should we buy postage stamps when we can make our own?

aperson being

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what sword?








well there are some major anatomy problems with his torso and everything still looks a bit sketchy but I know your end result is always pretty awesome, just goodluck with this, Its pretty difficult position to draw.

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what sword?








well there are some major anatomy problems with his torso and everything still looks a bit sketchy but I know your end result is always pretty awesome, just goodluck with this, Its pretty difficult position to draw.








LOL thanks Terley, yea anatomy is still a major issue with me, but I work on it as I go along. Learnig through experience I guess :P








Might have to refresh the page to see the sword.



Why should we buy postage stamps when we can make our own?

aperson being

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Great job so far :D Not a ton to comment on yet, but I can't wait to see how it progresses :)

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Thanks for the comments. :) The sword and hands still need some work, I'll get it figured out though. As far as wierd anatomy well, that sjust how it turns out sometimes. I'm not as concerned with anatomy as the feel of the art. ANatomy isn't everything after all. :) I am using photshop fyi. Regular brushes and smudge tool mainly.








Here's a smallish update, started working on the chainmail a bit and smoothed the arms a little more.








updated on first post



Why should we buy postage stamps when we can make our own?

aperson being

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Hey that hairy barbarian looks like my English teacher!








Very nice dude, I love the attention to detail and the anatomy and muscle structure is excellent. good job, can't wait to see it finished.

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I was not happy with how the chain mail was looking so I changed it, any comments on it? Curious what people think.








update on first post








You might need to reload the pic for the most recent version of it.



Why should we buy postage stamps when we can make our own?

aperson being

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New update, worked on head and helmet, still trying to get chainmail to my liking this is closer, not sure what more i can do. Any suggestions on the chainmail are welcome.








update on first post



Why should we buy postage stamps when we can make our own?

aperson being

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