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What should I do?


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Well, 2 weeks ago my best friend got a new girlfriend. I was so happy for him because he had really liked this girl for a long time. Everything was good but then I noticed that he never talked to me nomore. Well infact, he dont talk to any of his friends. He is always around this girl, and I am personally feeling tired of it.








Me and my mates haven't spoke to him for over a week and we are on the verge of walking off and leaving him to do what he wants. We have tried talking to him but yet he doesn't listen. I have told him that girls need space, they dont like to feel hampered. I have spoke to her and she agree's that he is around her too much and she don't like it. I told him this and he ignored my advice. I dont know what to do? Does anybody have any advice for me? Maybe you have been in one of these situitions yourself? Feel free to share your thoughts or ideas, but I know one thing for sure, if this carry's on then soon enough everybody is going to fall out with him, and he is going to get dumped, then he will have nobody and expect us to come back to him.








Thanks to everybody in advance.

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Just talk to him about it. Sure it's cool that he's got a new girlfriend, but only hanging around with her won't do him much good. And eventually the girl will, most likely, be annoyed that's he's not hanging out with other people. If you're friends you'll have no problems with the confrontation. At least, I hadn't. Don't drop your friend, things like these can happen. Friendship needs to come from both sides. And if one person forgets that bit because of a girl, be a friend and put his feet back on the ground.








You can also group with the girl and talk about it with the three of you. Don't push him in a corner, just do it friendly. :)


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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Happened to me :P








Although, my girlfriend didn't have the balls to admit it so I could fix it. Actually, she cried if I didn't sit with her at lunch, so she can't say I "clinged" onto and around her too much.








P.S. She is an idiot by the way, as much as she sounds through this 1 paragraph. She's a man and I regret I ever dated her.

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Phew, I had to get that outta my system ( I got alot of pent up anger atm; a Nazis get trying to push me off the edge of an oil refinery in call of duty 3 :oops: )

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That happens with all relationships early on. Once the initial infatuation stage ends you'll have your friend back. It will happen to you one day too.

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I've seen this happen and I've done it. I only did it for a few days but my friends were missing me so we started doing things as a group (kind of like group dates). We'd go to haunted houses, ice skating, etc. as a group and then we all got to see each other and go out on a date at the same time. With time your friends gf will probably because part of your group and you'll have your friend back (but he'll be more with his gf).

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I've seen this happen and I've done it. I only did it for a few days but my friends were missing me so we started doing things as a group (kind of like group dates). We'd go to haunted houses, ice skating, etc. as a group and then we all got to see each other and go out on a date at the same time. With time your friends gf will probably because part of your group and you'll have your friend back (but he'll be more with his gf).








A haunted house in Niagra Falls turned my hockey team into a bunch of quivering little 6 year old girls. Before they were out of earshot from me




( I was at the arcade) all I heard was high pitched screaming... after about 5 minutes, half of them came out, pale faced.








Lol, one guy kept on saying " If any of those actors in there touches me, I'ma gonna pop him in the face."








The rest of us were saying "Well, you gotta go in the house first!"








Good times, good times. Good advice nevertheless.

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I've seen this happen and I've done it. I only did it for a few days but my friends were missing me so we started doing things as a group (kind of like group dates). We'd go to haunted houses, ice skating, etc. as a group and then we all got to see each other and go out on a date at the same time. With time your friends gf will probably because part of your group and you'll have your friend back (but he'll be more with his gf).








A haunted house in Niagra Falls turned my hockey team into a bunch of quivering little 6 year old girls. Before they were out of earshot from me




( I was at the arcade) all I heard was high pitched screaming... after about 5 minutes, half of them came out, pale faced.








Lol, one guy kept on saying " If any of those actors in there touches me, I'ma gonna pop him in the face."








The rest of us were saying "Well, you gotta go in the house first!"








Good times, good times. Good advice nevertheless.








HAHA! I was never scared when I was going through them.. My friends made me lead the way and we made a train so we didn't get seperated. All of the way through one haunted house my friend was pulling on my sweatshirt so hard he was choking me.




And I almost did punch an actor in the face.. He jumped out a little late and was literally an inch from my face, and my first reaction to something like that is to swing my fist. Lucky for that guy I got ahold my myself before I hit him :XD:

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ask him if hes ever heard the term - 'mates before dates' :P








I think you mean bro's before [garden tools]



[Admin Edit: Attempting to publicly humiliate a user in your signature is inappropriate]


Quit Runescape... Dec 2001 - Jan 2008 on and off... mostly off.

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I've seen this happen and I've done it. I only did it for a few days but my friends were missing me so we started doing things as a group (kind of like group dates). We'd go to haunted houses, ice skating, etc. as a group and then we all got to see each other and go out on a date at the same time. With time your friends gf will probably because part of your group and you'll have your friend back (but he'll be more with his gf).








A haunted house in Niagra Falls turned my hockey team into a bunch of quivering little 6 year old girls. Before they were out of earshot from me




( I was at the arcade) all I heard was high pitched screaming... after about 5 minutes, half of them came out, pale faced.








Lol, one guy kept on saying " If any of those actors in there touches me, I'ma gonna pop him in the face."








The rest of us were saying "Well, you gotta go in the house first!"








Good times, good times. Good advice nevertheless.








HAHA! I was never scared when I was going through them.. My friends made me lead the way and we made a train so we didn't get seperated. All of the way through one haunted house my friend was pulling on my sweatshirt so hard he was choking me.




And I almost did punch an actor in the face.. He jumped out a little late and was literally an inch from my face, and my first reaction to something like that is to swing my fist. Lucky for that guy I got ahold my myself before I hit him :XD:








This is why I want to take a martial arts class. So that when I go into a haunted house, if an actor sneaks up on me, I can deliver some butt-kicking karate move.








Seriously, this house wasn't that bad. The worst thing in there was a guy trying to break out of a glass box..... some of them went into a house where 80,000 people chickened out of. They lasted for about 1/15 of the ride. The solution to being brave in a haunted house is to just not care. Guy dressed up as a zombie? Meh, I've seen worse in Dawn of the Dead. Works well.

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ask him if hes ever heard the term - 'mates before dates' :P








I think you mean bro's before [garden tools]








Possibly different depending on where you're from. I understand both just fine but I suppose I talk to people of different nationalities every day.. A new group starter up on Facebook some time ago for girls called 'Sisters Before Misters'. I suppose it's the female version of our little saying, which I don't think many guys follow. :P

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Your his wing man for god's sake!








Watch his six!

The Enrichment Center reminds you that the weighted companion cube will never threaten to stab you and, in fact, cannot speak.


In the event that the weighted companion cube does speak, the Enrichment Center urges you to disregard its advice.

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Your his wing man for god's sake!








Watch his six!








Sir, yes, sir!








To avoid making this message look like spam, there are a few solutions:








1. Scream at him 'til he gets the idea that people like space.








2. Punch him 'til he realises people need space.








3. Trick him with the " Dump then get back together after a week"








That's my 2 cents.

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leave him and his girlfriend alone. Don't talk to her about him and likewise, don't talk to him about her.








He's still your friend, he just has higher priorities at the moment, if you want to be his friend just leave him and her alone so they can be together. That way if they do break up or whatever, it'll have nothing to do with you pressurizing their relationship.

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That happens with all relationships early on. Once the initial infatuation stage ends you'll have your friend back. It will happen to you one day too.




Listen to what this wise man is saying. Your friend will be back soon.

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1 Good lesson life has taught me.








Girlfriends come and go, friends are for life.








And here I thought the following process held true:








Meet Girl => Girlfriend => Fiancee => Wife












Or do you have some other system whereby you go straight from "Meet Girl" to "Wife"? Because last time I checked the marriage divorce rates weren't at 100%.








Anyway, sarcasm aside, in terms of highschool [or even younger] relationships, I guess the broad generalisation of girlfriends not lasting can be exercised.












There's another analogy for the "Mates before Dates" and "Bros before ..." but its mildly cruder.








Goes along the lines, "[Male anatomy] before Chicks".

I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours."

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