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How to guide: Recording RS Videos on a PC using Hypercam

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(Updated: July 15, 2007)








(Note: If you're on a Mac, scroll to the bottom. I don't use a Mac and I haven't tried them. But they have been suggested to me.)








Step 1. Download and install HyperCam.












Note: The free version will place "unregistered HyperCam" in the corner of your video. It does not show up on the full (paid) version.












Step 2. Select the Runescape window.








Open HyperCam 2. You will see a window that looks like this:
















You can choose one of the buttons to select your window:








Select Region: This lets you drag your own custom sized window. I selected the Runescape game window only:












Select Window: This will select the window automatically. Note the white border that appears around the window when you select this option.
















Step 3. Record + Edit.








Once you've selected an appropriate window, press F2 to start recording (for default settings). Press F2 again to stop recording. By default, your videos will be saved to the "My Documents" folder as Clip.avi








To edit, most users use Windows Movie Maker (but please, feel free to use your favorite).




Windows Movie Maker is located in Start -> All Programs -> Accessories




Or C:\Program Files\Movie Maker\moviemk.exe, if it's not there.








1. Drag your clip(s) into Windows Movie Maker.




2. Mess with them, edit them, cut, etc.




3. When you're done, select file-> Save Movie File. (.mpg or .wmv)




4. Select a reasonable filesize for your video.




5. Upload to your favorite file sharing website. Many people use:




  • Youtube:
MegaUpload: http://www.megaupload.com
FileFront: http://www.filefront.com




















Runescape lags when I try to record a video. How do I fix this?








Unfortunately, screen recording programs take up a lot of your computer's resources to do so. These programs slow down your computer when you use them -- computers with faster processors, video cards, and more RAM will lag less when recording.








The only thing I can think of is to lower the Frames Per Second (FPS). By default, hypercam records 10FPS. Lowering this will making the play on Runescape smoother, but will make your video choppier.








How do I change the quality of my video?








There are a few things you can do. However, note that each of these will slow down your computer when recording.




    - Increase the frames per second. More FPS = smoother video. However, this will cause more lag when recording with a slower computer.
    - Increase the Frame Compression Quality. The default is 75%. If your computer can handle it, up to a higher number (100% is best). If it cannot, it will look like your Runescape has frozen until you press f2 to stop the recording.
    - Select the Full Frames (no compression) video compressor (under the AVI tab). This will capture every single frame and will give you GREAT quality. However, because these files are uncompressed, they take up a big chunk of your hard drive. A 30-second (10FPS) uncompressed video is about 700mb. (1000mb = 1gb)








How do I record sound?








I have tried recording the sound in Runescape, but it doesn't seem to work. I'm not sure why. If someone could answer this question, then please post here.
















Other programs:




Camtasia (30 day free trial, tutorial posted here)
ZD Soft Screen Recorder (5 minute limit w/ watermark on free version)




Mac Programs (tutorial):




Display Eater








xVidCap : I haven't used this, but it has been recommended for Linux users.












Please post any errors and/or anything I should add. Or suggestions.


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Windows Movie Maker comes standard on newer computers...








If there isn't already a shortcut for it somewhere, go to My Computer, then hard drive C, then Program files, and there should be a folder called Movie Maker, and in there somewhere there's the thing to open up Movie Maker.








Or you can just use the search thing under Start, and search for Movie Maker...








You can pretty easily find out how to put music in, but I don't feel like explaining it since I'm tired and it's late...

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is camstasia better than this program? or which trial is longer? :?








btw nice santa.








Camtasia is better (it has more features, etc), but it only has a 30 day free trial.


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hello, i did put my first pk vid on this forum, i had about 100 looks and 1 guy did answer and he said: "i'd comment but cant dl...i think its too big for free??? no idea..." thats very weird i think cause the movie only is 32MB big so can someone explain it to me?








this is the link to my movie:




http://rapidshare.com/files/14846987/c0 ... id____.wmv








i hope u guys can explain it :D

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How do you upload it to youtube? It says it's over 100 megs..how do i make it less?








Well you can cut it up into two pieces, or you could lower the quality (it should have a setting in WMM right before you save your movie to change the quality). The first keeps quality intact, although I don't think anyone really wants to watch two parts of a PK movie.








hello, i did put my first pk vid on this forum, i had about 100 looks and 1 guy did answer and he said: "i'd comment but cant dl...i think its too big for free??? no idea..." thats very weird i think cause the movie only is 32MB big so can someone explain it to me?








this is the link to my movie:




http://rapidshare.com/files/14846987/c0 ... id____.wmv








i hope u guys can explain it :D








It started downloading for me. Not sure what the problem is.


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Ok, nice tut. But WHY hypercam, there are better programs,








Doesnt hypercam put their logo , I mean their name thing "HypercamUnregesterd" on the top..or something, you cant see the levels of people (its bad on a pking vid). Also, it laggs you on some computers. so I never use it cause when I pk on my pure, It lags. I use ZDsoft 1.5 (not newer versions, because newer versions do the same thing as hypercam)

99 Hunting Woot!

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Wow. I never knew there was a program called 'Windows Movie Maker'.








Thanks, I have always wondered how to edit clips. I lagg too much with Hypercam so I removed it. But if I get an urge i'll use this guide for it.


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i need help, i try and open a pking vid im making in window media player and an error came up saying it canot play it, iv had this trouble before and i did it but i for get how, if someone could tell me how to fix it that would be sweet.

















Well, I hope you enjoy RL as much as I soon will. Gl in RL to you man, and you never let me wear the peehat set. :cry:
thank god for him not letting you wear his phat set you friggin nub. :roll:
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