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~Nintendo Ds Vs. Sony PSP~

Guest skater789

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i dont think DS can play movies,music, go to internet by wireless








Shows how much you know.








also DS games are crappy and are for kids like the sonic and mario thing




they are for children








Again, I refer back to what I said about caring about who games are 'for'. You must be very insecure. You feel the need to play games for 'adults' even though I assume you are a child. Are you trying to prove something by doing that?




i mean what i say and im meaning that those games are for kids.... people aged 13+ shouldnt buy a DS its only games for kids as i said




because the story and the graphics make you feel like you play a kids game not a game like final fantasy or others.




Eias, you've said so many ridiculous things, I'm not going to bother wasting my time countering them. I think just by reading them people get the point - it doesn't need explaining why. Just for one you said that Nintendo has kiddy games but not good games like Final Fantasy. Well news flash, it has final fantasy. I could go on explaining why maturity doesn't explain the quality of a game to you, but your mind's closed on the issue. You've been molded by your friends or advertising to think that games are only fun if they have realistic graphics and some form of violence.











ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã60 for 4 extra options, more graphics and regular updates? Sold.











(Care to explain what you mean by more graphics?)








- Time. Although I have never played a DS, the loading times for a friends one didn't seem that much faster than a PSP.




Roughly, i'd say to load up MGA:2 on my PSP takes ~25 seconds. Then a level load will take ~10 seconds more. That's not really a whole lot. Atleast compared to old gameboys.








What's the old saying? Oh, "quality not quantity". I'd much rather have one good MGS game for my PSP than be stranded with 50+ Mario games for DS.




I also like how you neglected to post the number of PSP games. Good psychology.




I'd much rather have one good mario game than 50 MGS games. What's quality to you isn't quality to me. I happen to enjoy games like the New Super Mario Brothers and the 3d Mario game that was redone for the DS. I can't believe you're basing an argument off of that. Mario games define quality. And that's my opinion. Just don't use your opinions to try to back up an already invalid point.




And are you sure you really mean to use the word psychology there?

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ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã60 for 4 extra options, more graphics and regular updates? Sold.











(Care to explain what you mean by more graphics?)








You know what I mean. Higher quality.













What's the old saying? Oh, "quality not quantity". I'd much rather have one good MGS game for my PSP than be stranded with 50+ Mario games for DS.




I also like how you neglected to post the number of PSP games. Good psychology.




I'd much rather have one good mario game than 50 MGS games. What's quality to you isn't quality to me. I happen to enjoy games like the New Super Mario Brothers and the 3d Mario game that was redone for the DS. I can't believe you're basing an argument off of that. Mario games define quality. And that's my opinion. Just don't use your opinions to try to back up an already invalid point.




And are you sure you really mean to use the word psychology there?








I don't see how what you just posted is any different to what I just did. You merely turned my words around.




And yes, I do mean psychology. If you wanted someone to hate say... McDonalds, would you tell them that they sell lots of great, quick and ready to eat food? No, you'd just leave that out and say that they sell food full of fat and bad things.












You obviously didn't even look through the list of games... -.-








Wait, I didn't post the number of PSP games? I'm sorry, maybe you should have actually gone to the site I pointed out and looked for yourself. Whats the point of me posting these links if those who are argueing don't even go to actually look through them, yet argue with them anyways? My point was not in the number of games, it was in the games themselves, otherwise I wouldn't have even bothered giving a list of them.








And I also would like to point out the handful of games that are out now for the PSP maybe only 1, 2 at the most, that actually look any good at all, now what is missing quality again? Sure, in the future it will be a great system, but right now its nowhere near worth the price its going for.








Btw, there are 631 PSP games.








My point: You were willing to post, so it was quickly and readily available to people, the number of Gameboy games to get it into the readers head there are a hueg amount of Gameboy games and leave out PSP making it seem like there were much less.




And yes, I did happen to look. But do you expect all members who have a firm, unwavering opinion will bother? Not likely.








Another quote for both of you: "Another man's trash is another man's treasure".








But like I said in my first post on this thread, in the end it's going to boil down to opinion. It's no use pitting two things, which both have their advantages and disadvantages depending on your taste, together.

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of course PSP




i ahve one its cool




i dont think DS can play movies,music, go to internet by wireless




also DS games are crappy and are for kids like the sonic and mario thing




they are for children




PSP video quality is hell better








Did you read anything other than the first post?








"It's cool" ... Not exactly the most intelligent argument..




Movies/Music ... There's a reason they make MP3 players...




No wireless ... You've proven to be much more of an idiot that I thought you to be..




Crappy games ... Maybe not your taste, and still not the most intelligent argument..




Games for children ... I don't think you're mature enough to make that decision..




PSP graphics are better ... That's nice, but I'm not going to play a game I hate because it has amazing graphics. Gameplay > Graphics








Now don't make me repeat this a third time.. :roll:

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You obviously didn't even look through the list of games... -.-








Wait, I didn't post the number of PSP games? I'm sorry, maybe you should have actually gone to the site I pointed out and looked for yourself. Whats the point of me posting these links if those who are argueing don't even go to actually look through them, yet argue with them anyways? My point was not in the number of games, it was in the games themselves, otherwise I wouldn't have even bothered giving a list of them.








And I also would like to point out the handful of games that are out now for the PSP maybe only 1, 2 at the most, that actually look any good at all, now what is missing quality again? Sure, in the future it will be a great system, but right now its nowhere near worth the price its going for.








Btw, there are 631 PSP games.








My point: You were willing to post, so it was quickly and readily available to people, the number of Gameboy games to get it into the readers head there are a hueg amount of Gameboy games and leave out PSP making it seem like there were much less.




And yes, I did happen to look. But do you expect all members who have a firm, unwavering opinion will bother? Not likely.








Another quote for both of you: "Another man's trash is another man's treasure".








But like I said in my first post on this thread, in the end it's going to boil down to opinion. It's no use pitting two things, which both have their advantages and disadvantages depending on your taste, together.








That wasn't my point, I actually thought I did post the number of PSP games that are out now and coming out, are you that arrogant that you would start an arguement because I posted the number of games on one system rather than the other?








And if you really believed these points you are making, you would have shut up a long time ago, I believe this makes you a hypocrite.



~^v^~Ex-Leader of the Divine Flames of Redemption~^v^~

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For those who talk about graphics:




























When I got my first computer in 1991, I played Tetris. 16 years later, I still play Tetris, and have consistently over all that time.



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Mario Kart DS Wifi is one of the best games to play online. A game that you cannot master in a few days but will take atleast a year to complete and to be played every day is Animal Crossing Wild World for DS. Those 2 games are really good.








I saw and tried out my friends PSP. It is really nice looking and handy for photos and music. But if I want to view photos I use my camera or laptop. Music I use my laptop, hi-fi or mp3 player. For gaming I use my DS, Wii and PS2. I like the games on the PSP, but I can play most of them on a big screen on a PS2 for most likely a cheaper price.

Retired 8th October 2007 | 99 Fishing | 99 Cooking | Owner of a Red Mask and 2 Santa Hats |

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For those who talk about graphics:




























When I got my first computer in 1991, I played Tetris. 16 years later, I still play Tetris, and have consistently over all that time.








Tetris is probably one of my favorite games of all time. But that just goes to show gameplay is more important than graphics..

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Mario Kart DS Wifi is one of the best games to play online. A game that you cannot master in a few days but will take atleast a year to complete and to be played every day is Animal Crossing Wild World for DS. Those 2 games are really good.








I saw and tried out my friends PSP. It is really nice looking and handy for photos and music. But if I want to view photos I use my camera or laptop. Music I use my laptop, hi-fi or mp3 player. For gaming I use my DS, Wii and PS2. I like the games on the PSP, but I can play most of them on a big screen on a PS2 for most likely a cheaper price.








Potter hits it on the head for me.








The PSP DOES have plenty of fun games, i adore lumines and wipeout, and battlefront is one of my favourite games of all time. But i would prefer to play them on a bigger screen, on my sister's PS2. My favourites on the DS don't appear on the Gamecube unfortunetly, and so i play them on the DS, things like Wild World (i prefer this to the original animal crossing) and Zookeeper can only be played on the DS.








This leads me to believe that the PSP is largely unnecessary, because




a.) The good games it has are avaliable in even better quality on a bigger screen.




b.) Most people already have an mp3 player, and they are usually small enough to slip into a top pocket or something. The psp does have good music capability, but because of its size, its slightly impracticle on the move.




c.) As for the movie playback feature, most people who own a psp, also own an ipod. A large majority of these will be 30gb or 80gb ones, and so can already play far more movies than the psp could hold, and theyre technically free.




d.) The great internet browsing abilty it claims to have (ive never tried it myself) seems to be little more than a gimmick. Nobody i know who owns a psp uses its internet for browsing, either because of loading times, or simply because of how hard it must be. There really is just no real need to use the internet away from home, and if you are the sort of person who does need to, you would most likely have a BlackBerry, or something similar and better than the psp for that purpose.












Also, i have a point to ask Eias. You claim Nintendo really only makes 'crappy games for kids' and yet you never really give any specific examples. This makes me think you are really just jumping on the Fanboy Bandwagon, and making uninformed comments whenever you can. The PSP adverts going on in the UK (with the dustbunnies) annoy me massively, as they themselves are childish and 'crappy' in the wake of well made adverts, and im sure many will agree. Then the PSP has games such as Robo Loco and the like. Absolutely nobody calls the PSP for kids because of that, so why do it in reverse when its blantently not true. I think the distinction you are missing is the one between 'game for kids', and 'family friendly' A game doesnt need to have sex, swearing and death to be mature.








One final point, to everyone who makes ridiculous comments like 'Z0MG L1K3 THE PSP HAS W3LL CR4PZOR GA|\/|ES!!1111' and 'da DS is well for girls innit', i urge you to at least look on one respectable games website, such as Shacknews, or good magazines (thanks Nadril). They are unbiased, and therefore weigh up both consoles fairly. They neither call PSP games crap, nor call the DS for girls or kiddies.








Your situation isnt that great when the only person in the thread who is backing the PSP with any class and know-how on the subject is CE. Good luck to her...

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such as IGN. They are unbiased, and therefore weigh up both consoles fairly








haha. Did you just mention "IGN" and "unbiased" in the same sentance?




Fair enough, but they are at least reliable. Somewhere like gamespot sways so much towards the 360, you would have thought it was run by microsoft themselves. I dont use many gameswebsites, so if you know of an unbiased one, ill gladly replace IGN with it.








Also, for interests sake, who do they sway towards?

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such as IGN. They are unbiased, and therefore weigh up both consoles fairly








haha. Did you just mention "IGN" and "unbiased" in the same sentance?




Fair enough, but they are at least reliable. Somewhere like gamespot sways so much towards the 360, you would have thought it was run by microsoft themselves. I dont use many gameswebsites, so if you know of an unbiased one, ill gladly replace IGN with it.








Also, for interests sake, who do they sway towards?












Pretty much anyone with cash.








I usualy get most of my gaming news out of PC Gamer / CGW so I generaly don't use the internet.








Shacknews is pretty good from what I've seen though.

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IGN is IGNorant












and this fanboyism should die




Theres nothing wrong with a little fanboyism, but when its as uninformed and stupid as it can be, its the most destruvtive force on Earth.*nods back to a certain arguement with a certain member named after a colour which rhymes with 'glue'*








In fact i do believe that was what destroyed Atlantis, when a fanboy was so utterly dense and small minded, that he created a small black hole, sucking the prosperis (sp?) city in with him.

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fanboyism is stupid in the first place.








all you fanboys are doing is shoving what you like in people's face. When they don't like what you like, you start saying what other people likes suck.








then it goes on and on....never dies.

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Yes but to a degree, it is natural and healthy to be passionate about one thing.




For example, football. I love Portsmouth with more passion than pretty much anything i love. I declare them the best team in the world (true to an extent :mrgreen: ) and, as part of my natural instincts, am very untrustworthy of RebelAssualt. This is Football Fanboyism no? And yet millions and millions of people have it and it is a natural part of life.








(BTW hooliganism is completely different to what i described, so please dont bring that up :P )

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yes it is still fanboyism, lots of people do it doesn't make it right.








all fanboyism provke people to think subjectively, then the argument start....












for people who wants to talk about video games, fanboyism is just so annoying.

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fair enough, but you must agree that to at least a small extent, a tiny bit of fanboyism in necessary to make a games discussion more interesting? You would not get any passionate opinions or fierce debates that way. Fanboyism is not 100% a bad thing IMO.

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Ok, did a bit of a price check today, the PSP is going for the same price as the Wii, at this moment in time, I'd rather a Wii, even though Zelda seems to be the only decent game on there at the moment, just because the price should drop faster on the PSP rather than the Wii, seeing as the PSP is only a handheld and the Wii is a regular sized system, though of course, looking at the prices on playstation stuff, I wouldn't be too sure if Sony would be too willing to drop the price.








Plus the Wii is actually something new, the PSP isn't really that impressive when it comes down to things.



~^v^~Ex-Leader of the Divine Flames of Redemption~^v^~

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I love it how all of you people love to mention whats supposed to be wrong with the PSP. All of these things that are supposed to be wrong












You say that the DS has like 300 games coming out soon and then complain that the PSP only has a few games. You still fail to mention that all of theses DS games are Mario and Pokemon remade for the 90th time








I still dont know how you say that you like the PSP, but you would rather play the games on a TV. CAN YOU HONESTLY KEEP A STRAIGHT FACE WHEN SAYING THAT?Why is it that a PSP looks bad on a small screen but a 3 in screen looks amazing?








smbx4ds_051104_004.jpg This, or this-grand-theft-auto-liberty-city-stories-20051024060447414-000.jpg

The world would be a whole lot better if little green men in UFO's came down to earth to abduct rednecks.
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I love it how all of you people love to mention whats supposed to be wrong with the PSP. All of these things that are supposed to be wrong












You say that the DS has like 300 games coming out soon and then complain that the PSP only has a few games. You still fail to mention that all of theses DS games are Mario and Pokemon remade for the 90th time








I still dont know how you say that you like the PSP, but you would rather play the games on a TV. CAN YOU HONESTLY KEEP A STRAIGHT FACE WHEN SAYING THAT?Why is it that a PSP looks bad on a small screen but a 3 in screen looks amazing?








smbx4ds_051104_004.jpg This, or this-grand-theft-auto-liberty-city-stories-20051024060447414-000.jpg








I'll take the DS. My PS2 plays GTA just fine and that's about all it's used for (other than FFXII, and FFIII is on the DS).




I don't think amazing the the correct word for what you see on a 3 inch screen. My Zune has a 3 inch screen and movies look pretty good on it, but put those movies on my computer, or better yet my big screen tv, and it looks MUCH better. Can you honestly say something looks amazing on a 3 inch screen? Now could you please stop basing your posts around the graphics? For the third time..




Gameplay > Graphics












Oh and Mario is an amazing game no matter how many times it's remade.

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LGBR, you're comparing a port of a game made over 10 years ago and comparing it to a new game for the PSP. I mean I could take a picture of tetris playing on the PSP and compare it to a good looking DS game. It's all relative.

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I love it how all of you people love to mention whats supposed to be wrong with the PSP. All of these things that are supposed to be wrong












You say that the DS has like 300 games coming out soon and then complain that the PSP only has a few games. You still fail to mention that all of theses DS games are Mario and Pokemon remade for the 90th time








I still dont know how you say that you like the PSP, but you would rather play the games on a TV. CAN YOU HONESTLY KEEP A STRAIGHT FACE WHEN SAYING THAT?Why is it that a PSP looks bad on a small screen but a 3 in screen looks amazing?








smbx4ds_051104_004.jpg This, or this-grand-theft-auto-liberty-city-stories-20051024060447414-000.jpg








The picture of the DS game you found was meant to look exactly like the Mario64 world, cause it was a very popular game, and still is, IT WAS PURPOSLY AN EXACT REMAKE, the other mario game was made to be a remake as well, only with better graphics than the original, all DS players who have actually played them love them both, I have Mario64 DS and I love it too, I loved Mario 64 when it first came out, it was unmistakably a well made game and still is, no matter how crappy you claim the graphics look.








And if anyone would actually look at the games in the list , you would see, that the only games that are remakes, are remakes on purpose, even Pokemon, who have been creating the same game for years, have now developed new ways of playing, you can not say they are remakes, saying that, would be like saying Super Mario Sunshine was an exact remake of the original Mario, its BS and you know it.








I gave credit where credit is due, I promoted the future PSP games, though as I said before, the games out now look like crap, whereas all you PSP lovers don't even take a look at the list and just say "Oh its all going to be Mario and Pokemon games" when if you would actually look, you would know otherwise, saying that would be like me saying, "The games on PSP will be GTA and Tekken with other games that are basically the same thing, maybe a handful of half assed games alongside them that no one will buy".








I put the lists on here for people to actually look at, rather than just complain about, so, either look at the lists before making stupid statements like that or stop argueing cause its obvious you don't have the ability to put up a realistic arguement.



~^v^~Ex-Leader of the Divine Flames of Redemption~^v^~

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