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[Hart|Blog] [93/99 Ranged! 51 Ruby hit, D Boots #28!]

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Urgh. We were doing well, no decent drops but at least we weren't dying or anything. Truth be told we did have to teleport out once or twice, but in thirty odd trips that not bad is it? Well, it was a few trips away from our last. I don't know what happened. I got hit hard, no biggy, ate a couple of sharks. 21 Hp, I fall to the ground?! Thats still not too bad, he can pick up my helm right? He dies too. \'








Time to test out this new Barrows method, I best be careful though, if I lose my Guthans Spear I will actually go mental. :x

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KQ is the suckage.








I hate her. :evil:








Anyways, keeo going with mage. <3:




You'll make it. ::'








PS. Check out my barrows guide. :oops:








Thanks, I'm extremely pissed off. I decided to do KQing for the day because it is fun and I had some extra time on my hands with my idea of getting 90 Magic on Sunday. I am now going to be behind unless I get some really good Barrows luck. :cry:

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That wasn't me that was my evil twin, Sir Fartlar. :uhh:








Bad joke :uhh:

Animum debes mutare, non caelum.


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That wasn't me that was my evil twin, Sir Hitler. :uhh:








Bad joke :uhh:








Sorry, I'll edit it out. Didn't mean to offend anyone. #-o

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I would like to love Robert aswell...




But not really good drops in F2P...








Love him even more! Then you'll get a Spear!








Love him *shakes fist!!*

summersignature.png angel2w.gif

"A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do"

[Currently playing: K1ll L1f3]

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Man, killing green dragon autoers is the best fun a guy can have without... well, you get the picture! :P








I was going to go alone, nervous as heck but then Robert Rdam offered to join me. We both admitted we were novices to the wilderness and 'pee-kaying', but I was much more confident now I was in his presence. First trip, BAM!, I actually got a kill! I forgot to screenshot it in my excitement, but believe me it actually happened.








Then i got another kill:
















Robert died to some massive clan, I managed to get away before a teleblock was placed on me. He lost a dragon dagger and a granite platebody, but he persevered and refused to stop. :uhh:








He got more kills than me, I think. ::'








As we were killing another autoer, a level 69 walked past. No biggy, he was probably off to help kill some scum too. I said to Robert 'Shall we scout another kill?'. He said yes, so we ran a bit further north. Ahhh! About twenty odd 100s - 120s! I didn't see Robert, I clicked my teletab as I forced myself south. Damn, teleblocked. I wasn't getting hit. Everything was splashing, a few lucky dagger hits but I was ok. Level 7 Wilderness! I'm gunna make it!








29-28 dragon dagger special. :-s








Ah well, I didn't lose anything important and it gave the pkers a good laugh. I thoroughly enjoyed killing green dragon autoers, and I will definitely do it again! :D

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:shock: Chain????








oohh grats Sir Hartlar!!! That is awesome!! Sorry I didn't go along with ya, but was on a bit of a schedule to get my levels ready, and blew it big time! :cry:








Anyway good luck with the mage goal too 90 is a great level to aim for. Mebbe you can take me to MTA and teach me how to do it, I've only been there to get my hat and haven't been back, getting bones to peaches is one of the things I want to do once I get my capes, and I have time on my hands.










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:shock: Chain????








oohh grats Sir Hartlar!!! That is awesome!! Sorry I didn't go along with ya, but was on a bit of a schedule to get my levels ready, and blew it big time! :cry:








Anyway good luck with the mage goal too 90 is a great level to aim for. Mebbe you can take me to MTA and teach me how to do it, I've only been there to get my hat and haven't been back, getting bones to peaches is one of the things I want to do once I get my capes, and I have time on my hands.
















Sorry Shey, if I take out the tags then Hart only got a rune chain








Grats on the rune chain from KQ.








Sorry again for misleading.

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:shock: Chain????








oohh grats Sir Hartlar!!! That is awesome!! Sorry I didn't go along with ya, but was on a bit of a schedule to get my levels ready, and blew it big time! :cry:








Anyway good luck with the mage goal too 90 is a great level to aim for. Mebbe you can take me to MTA and teach me how to do it, I've only been there to get my hat and haven't been back, getting bones to peaches is one of the things I want to do once I get my capes, and I have time on my hands.
















Rune chain. Come with me today, I only have 200 sharks left so we need to put together some ownage and get a decent drop. :uhh:








If it all goes to plan I will have 90 Magic before I go on holiday for two weeks. Whne I get back I have decided to runecraft magic levels at a time, so making the cosmics for 91 Magic and then getting it, making cosmics for 92 Magic and then getting it and so on. :)

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Well, I am thinking of changing the plans for 99 Magic a bit. It is going to be a long road if I do it all at once, and I have always said that if you aren't having fun then it is just work not a game. That is why I have been KQing and KBDing with friends over the last few days. Magic is definitely still the 99 I want the most, I just think I should spread it out across my goals so I don't get worn out going for it. I think making all the cosmics at once is a good move, then I can get experience in as little or as large chunks as I feel like. I only have two days before I go on holiday, so I think I might just stick to doing thigns with friends. <3:

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Well, I am thinking of changing the plans for 99 Magic a bit. It is going to be a long road if I do it all at once, and I have always said that if you aren't having fun then it is just work not a game. That is why I have been KQing and KBDing with friends over the last few days. Magic is definitely still the 99 I want the most, I just think I should spread it out across my goals so I don't get worn out going for it. I think making all the cosmics at once is a good move, then I can get experience in as little or as large chunks as I feel like. I only have two days before I go on holiday, so I think I might just stick to doing thigns with friends. <3:


Sounds like a hawt plan, it's what I usually do, try and diverse things a bit so they don't bore me too much ;)


Magic training arena... well I got most of my 98 to 99 magic lvl there, it was quite fun - got myself Mage book - I personally find alchemy grounds boring though it's great xp. Hope you have a good time achieving your cape :D




Runescaper since June 2005


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