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Whats Your Philosophy


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Communism is not fit for humans. We are not good enough for it.


With so many trees in the city you could see the spring coming each day until a night of warm wind would bring it suddenly in one morning. Sometimes the heavy cold rains would beat it back so that it would seem that it would never come and that you were losing a season out of your life. But you knew that there would always be the spring as you knew the river would flow again after it was frozen. When the cold rains kept on and killed the spring, it was as though a young person had died for no reason. In those days though the spring always came finally but it was frightening that it had nearly failed.

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Which is why it is a ideology for the Gods.


With so many trees in the city you could see the spring coming each day until a night of warm wind would bring it suddenly in one morning. Sometimes the heavy cold rains would beat it back so that it would seem that it would never come and that you were losing a season out of your life. But you knew that there would always be the spring as you knew the river would flow again after it was frozen. When the cold rains kept on and killed the spring, it was as though a young person had died for no reason. In those days though the spring always came finally but it was frightening that it had nearly failed.

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HAKUNA MATATTA - Sure it may sound stupid, but if you think about it, you're wishing others well, and if you otherwise live by the Golden Rule, life can be a ball.

Tetris is about using the equal force of the working power to build up the glorious people's republic of Russia....
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HAKUNA MATATTA - Sure it may sound stupid, but if you think about it, you're wishing others well, and if you otherwise live by the Golden Rule, life can be a ball.




It's our problem free philosophy. :)

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mine is:




Job is good, 2 good 2 do it




dont do tomorrow wut others can do 4 u today




dont sit down 2 wait 4 wut u want 2 happen, u will eventually get fat








lol jk :mrgreen:




heres real one:








if u r just there waiting 4 sumthing 2 happen it wont, u gotta make sumthing 2 make it happen.




If u believe in sumthin, keep it lyk that, u wont get anything changing ur mind constantly




lazy people will do things they dont like twice, bcuz they dont want to do it the rite way (well im lazy, i cant change that)








Sounds like msn names :P












So I suppose you could say being content with life is a rarity. Everyone just wants more.








Yes, but the degree of the wanting is based on the individual








lol ya it does sounds like msn names

Why even try with that idiot? Honestly, there is no point whatsoever. I'd get better replies if I argued with a tree stump.
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Everything that can go wrong, will go wrong in the worst way possible.




[cabbage] happens, get used to it.








If karma don't getcha, Chuck will. :ohnoes: :uhh:








Who's Chuck?

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Everything that can go wrong, will go wrong in the worst way possible.




[cabbage] happens, get used to it.








If karma don't getcha, Chuck will. :ohnoes: :uhh:








Who's Chuck?









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- the bible is evil








How can a book be evil? It's just a bunch of words.




It's more than a bunch of words to alot of people. Some people believe it, some people don't.

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I- According to the science you live only one time, according to religion you can either have a endless life or simply have many lifes. For those reasons thou shalt do all you can/want in your life without affecting others just in case.. I mean, why conform to be just a simply dentist if your destiny according to you is to be the glorious emperor of the universe? At least study something to do with politics! Because if the science got the answer, you will never live again and you will become in a void being wich energy had been drained among the trees and other living beings, so you better try to do all the activities you want to try execting the ones that involucres stoping other activities, for example, donnot use drugs because you might become mentally unable to do some activities like playing chess and destroying your dream of becoming the chess' world champion. Thou shalt not do the bad to the others because you live to serve, that fills up the soul, doesn`t matters if you're evil.








II- Never forgot your destiny, some might say the destiny is just the shield that cowards use for reflect the wounds that the life had done to you, but this is a lie, because a destiny is what you forge, not yourself, because when you think you're doing what you think is against your destiny, you're really following it!








III- The faith is the more powerfull weapon, you donnot need to guess if you know it already, but you donnot need to have faith on a deity, you must have faith on yourself, because our minds are very powerfull and you surely are better than the ignorants arround you. Never go down to the level of what you call ignorants just for getting acceptation.








IV- You live together but die alone (Yes, i ripped it from Lost series), so you donnot need the other for accoplish what you want.








V- Donnot fear the death. It is part of the life and you must be curious about it because everybody will go that part.. It might be even more nice than the life, and if you believe in your faith and destiny you will assume the death will only come when it is needed, and if you never call it, you will be inmortal. The suicide is not a form of fighting against the destiny, the suicide was just a form of death that the destiny brought to their beneficiaries ( they ar enot victims, they just had their porpouse done.).








VI- Everybody has a porpouse in the life and have to do with you, in your life you will help people to find their own porpouses and you will find your own.. Even the criminals..the assasains..the terrosist...Everybody, even the loss of friends and family you had.



Behold my blog! Thou shalt visit it and rejoice!

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