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In This Land - Animation : Demoris + Nadril


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This is the second part of a colab between ~Nadril and me.








To get the full effect, Full View is a must as it is animated.








~Nadril - World File/Surface Maps




~Demoris - Terrain/Animation




















*Due to file size, it is choppy if it isn't fully loaded. If this happens, let it load and then refresh to watch it in its full glory.








Edit* File size was cut down to help it load faster :?

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Yeah, Demoris u did a great job on the animation :D








I'm just w8ing for all the people to post and say "OMGWDFHOW DID YOU DO THAT ANIMATION?!!!11"








Just w8.... just wait....

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Lol jkz, :lol:








But seriously, it is quite nice, both the animation and the landscape work :P good job to both of you.

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Wow... That is crazy. I wish I could do something like that. That's the first thing I've seen in a long time that is worthy of a 10/10.








Seriously, how did you do that? Amazing...

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I'm just w8ing for all the people to post and say "OMGWDFHOW DID YOU DO THAT ANIMATION?!!!11"








omHfg!111 obviously hax!?!!??! :roll:




any no0b would spot those "OMG Hax v0.1" - becuz they Sux0rz!!1








liek omg!!11




better than i could do...









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already been said but, use flash next time, even more smoother + you retain more quality? \:

I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours."

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I'm just w8ing for all the people to post and say "OMGWDFHOW DID YOU DO THAT ANIMATION?!!!11"















:roll: Don't get too humble there, Nad.
















I'm talking about the animation in whole.








some people don't know terragen can do animations :roll:

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Well...mainly you made this lanscape...set an animation and waited for the (long) render process to do the rest of the thing...




2 Bad i personaly don't like the landscape and athmosphere...they don't fit an animation that much (overall boring output, almost all time in the dark) and the camera routing could have been more "impressive" to give some kind of thrill or surprise.








Overall it's a respectable work for the effort and the lack of such things around...still artistically i personaly don't like it that much.








(Just wondering what's the original quality of the movie? like that?If so have you ever considered asking on devart to those guys who help with big and long renders?)

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I'm just w8ing for all the people to post and say "OMGWDFHOW DID YOU DO THAT ANIMATION?!!!11"















:roll: Don't get too humble there, Nad.
















I'm talking about the animation in whole.








some people don't know terragen can do animations :roll:








It does ? Mind telling me how ?








And great job! 9.5/10

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