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Should i smoke?


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This isn't even a decision. If your friends will only be friends with you if you smoke, they aren't really your friends. Don't fall into peer pressure. Smoking can be very bad for you. If I were you, I would just say no, if they don't wanna be friends anymore, get some new friends.


im level 76 and IM NOT A NOOB 30- is a noob
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Why is it so "cool" to inhale toxic fumes from a burning piece of paper?








Just like being stupid is cool and having a waist of 5 inches is cool!! :XD:








My sarcasm recorder picks up 100% sarcasm signals sir.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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Why is it so "cool" to inhale toxic fumes from a burning piece of paper?








Just like being stupid is cool and having a waist of 5 inches is cool!! :XD:








My sarcasm recorder picks up 100% sarcasm signals sir.








Small waists are eww. Thick rumps are much better. Just ask Queen.








*Wonders if anyone will get that reference*


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Do what you want. I'm just giving you advice, ciggarettes arn't any way good, it blows about $10+ a day, and your lungs would want to kill you. My mom had a lung surgery because she's been smoking so long, and guess what? The minute she got out she started to get a smoke out of her purse. -.-

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There was no point in starting this topic, Everyone knows that smoking is bad, Simple as.








Everyone knows that peer pressure to start smoking is bad. I think smoking is a good thing, however. I smoke tobacco out of a bong primarily (filters tar and many other carcinogens out of the smoke), and when I do smoke cigarettes I enjoy organic additive-free American Spirit tobacco. Smoking helps calm my anxiety and is good for my mental health. It is likely that some point down the road I will experience negative physical effects, quite possibly even death, but it's a price I'm more than willing to pay. In fact, living past 50 or 60 doesn't sound to appealing to me anyway. I believe the personal right, of any individual who wishes it, to inhale the burning leaves of a plant, for whatever purpose, is a good thing.








Can't say I agree with your philosophy there mate. Oh well, whatever floats your boat.

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lol all u gotta do is drink one cup of green tea per cig and itll cancel out the effects of that cig








Green tea is awesome, but not that awesome. Now take an energy drink like Sobe on the other hand...One sip is worth at least three pack years.

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Why is it so "cool" to inhale toxic fumes from a burning piece of paper?




Our culture has developed in such a way as to view smoking as "cool". I know it's stupid to smoke and it can kill you and all, we all know that... I still admit to the fact that I find it "cool" the way smoking is done (at least for males, seems weird with females). I'd never do it, but that doesn't change the fact that the world I've grown up in has taught me to view them as "cool".








Yes, I think smoking looks cool, it seems to add both an air of authority and self confidence, and it makes the person seem more layed back.








No, there's no way in hell I'd ever do it. I like breathing.

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lol all u gotta do is drink one cup of green tea per cig and itll cancel out the effects of that cig




I never knew that green tea goes into your lungs! =D>

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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Yes, you should smoke. Being cool is important.




~Improves your mood




~Increases your alterness and reaction time




~Warms you up in the winter




~Let's you get out of lot's of sticky situations by taking a "Smoking break"




~Gives you a "Sexier" voice over time











Non-smokers don't need a mood improvement - the reason a cigarette improves your mood is because you're addicted, and so you're going to be in a bad mood until you fulfill that addiction.








Warms you up in the winter? I always thought most people smoked outdoors, you know, where it's cold? Non-smokers would just walk inside and warm themselves without filling their lungs with crap.








Sticky situation avoidance? Give me a break. If you need to smoke to avoid a sticky situation, then you suck at coming up with excuses, AND you're a problem avoider, which isn't a good thing either.








As for the sexy voice, get real. Smokers voice/cough/smell/breath is just nasty.
















The negative effects of cancer, death, emphysema, etc.. aren't actually that bad, if you consider that your going to die anyway, and that your chances of getting cancer even if you don't smoke are pretty good. Who wants to live past age 60 anyway? For the last few decades of your life do you really want to be perpetual burden on your friends and family, while losing your memory, your dignity, and your bladder control? Better to live life to the fullest while you can.








What the hell? You're going to die eventually, so you may as well spend tons of money on something that will kill you faster? As if smoking lets you "live life to the full". Last time I checked, living life to the full included some sort of physical activity that involves a good cardio system - not sitting on a couch or taking a puffer every 30mins because you can't breathe.

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No, there's no way in hell I'd ever do it. I like breathing.








That's kinda why I don't smoke. :P It's not so much that it has X chemicals with Y side effects, but it denies you something which is essential for life - oxygen, and replaces it with what is known to be complete waste to the human body - carbon dioxide. #-o








Here's a fun fact: smoking actually makes a change in your blood. It has been shown that smokers blood has more haemoglobin, i.e. the stuff that carries orxygen and carbon dioxide on your blood cells, than non smokers. Don't be fooled, this does not make you healthier than a non smoker by a long shot.








I heard this a while ago so feel free to correct me if neccesary.

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Here's a fun fact: smoking actually makes a change in your blood. It has been shown that smokers blood has more haemoglobin, i.e. the stuff that carries orxygen and carbon dioxide on your blood cells, than non smokers. Don't be fooled, this does not make you healthier than a non smoker by a long shot.








I heard this a while ago so feel free to correct me if neccesary.




Personally it sounds like a statistical error, a fluke in the data... that just me though, I'm no expert on smoking.

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Smoking = $$$ = Bad Health = cancer = dead = Sad family












Simple as that












You paying to get un healithy -.- Why dont you lick a a diaper or something if you want to get un healthy

working on it

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Smoking = $$$ = Bad Health = cancer = dead = Sad family












Simple as that












You paying to get un healithy -.- Why dont you lick a a diaper or something if you want to get un healthy




Again, completely disregarding every single factor except for health. There's a reason people choose to smoke over licking a diaper, think about it a little.








If you wanted to say that, you're three pages late from repeating nearly everyone on this thread anyways. At this point there's really no point in just saying it's unhealthy, unless you have statistics or something else new to bring to the thread.

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Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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Yea, pault, your arguments arn't really helping your case... :|








Oh, I'm sorry, did I have a point of view that you didn't agree with? I'm sorry my opinion offended you, but I don't really feel that old age is going to be a big party of my life.








No but lung cancer is a blast! You go for it! :roll:

"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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Why is it so "cool" to inhale toxic fumes from a burning piece of paper?




Our culture has developed in such a way as to view smoking as "cool". I know it's stupid to smoke and it can kill you and all, we all know that... I still admit to the fact that I find it "cool" the way smoking is done (at least for males, seems weird with females). I'd never do it, but that doesn't change the fact that the world I've grown up in has taught me to view them as "cool".








Yes, I think smoking looks cool, it seems to add both an air of authority and self confidence, and it makes the person seem more layed back.








No, there's no way in hell I'd ever do it. I like breathing.








The majority of people don't smoke because they think its cool, neither do they start for that reason. Its an addiction they can't stop, and it gives them something to do (especially at parties and such), its taken up a lot of the time just because people (generally young people) want to try it out to see what it is like. The "cool" factor doesn't really come into it these days.

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You should do it.








Honestly your a [bleep]ing moron.












This is the steriotypical situation. I don't think kids do the "Smoke if your cool" thing. They don't care. So I think your lieing anyways.




And by the way, I have nothing against smokers.








But if you happen to be telling the truth you are retarted, actually if you lied your just as stupid since this is a stupid thing to lie about, but considering your spelling, and the way you setup the question, I believe you could pull through with it.












To Insane:








I think Pault was being sarcastic.

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Bit of a stupid question to ask really, looks like you just want attention.
he got it :P








But at the same time started a smoking discussion, so I see no reason to say it was a bad thing.












But again on the health...we all know smoking is bad...energy drinks dont help, neither does green tea, neither help your lungs in getting rid of the tar, they may help and have other positive benefits, but preventing cancer, weak lungs, etc...and most things that smoking causes...no.








And smoking gives you more hemoglobin (sp? I didn't bother looking it up...you can look this fact up if you want...I'm 100% sure it's true though :) ) because when you smoke, your inhailing carbon monoxide which latches to your blood cells and doesn't let go, basically making that cell useless, the same happens with the exhaust from a car, wood's smoke, marijuana smoke, etc. When your body realizes that not as many of it's cells are carrying the oxygen, it's only choice is to make more, or you'll die of suffocation before you can believe. It's your body's way of keeping you from dying...








Just setting some facts straight.












But again, in my opinion, it's your choice and nobody elses, not your friends, not the people's in this thread, they can give you information that may help you make your decision, but dont let them have the final say, that's your job. :wink:

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