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how to let go of friends


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Well I am in this one school that goes all the way until 9th grade and i have been with my friends for 4 years and now I have to transfer to another school after all the years with my friends. I got even a crush on this one girl and now I have to let it all go and I am having trouble with it...every night I vent and I never seem to get over it.








any ideas on what I should do?

"I am free of all prejudices. I hate every one equally." -W. C. Fields

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If the school is close to you, keep your friends...I have many friends who live 30min away, but I see them every week, sometimes every other day...if your moving far away, talk on AIM, MSN, what you will, and then get together sometime in the summer, just do what you can to retain what you have while still trying to move foreward :P

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Just stay in touch with them.








I've had to live pretty much my entire life moving every 2-5 years. The only time I stayed somewhere for 5 was when I lived in missisippi, which was from like 4th grade to 8th grade.








It does suck to leave friends but you will meet new people. I still stay in a touch with a friend of mine I met when I lived in germany back in 9th grade. Hell, I still consider him one of my really good friends (hang out over ventrillo all the time, playing MMO's and stuff).

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Make sure you get a lot of numbers and/or screen names before you go. Then try to make some kind of plans with some people every so often. Like go to the movies or sleep over one of their houses.

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Dont worry too mcuh about it. Just keep in touch with your friends.




You will also probably make just as many at your new school too.




I moved last year and thought it would be terrible but, it turned out okay.


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Well I am in this one school that goes all the way until 9th grade and i have been with my friends for 4 years and now I have to transfer to another school after all the years with my friends. I got even a crush on this one girl and now I have to let it all go and I am having trouble with it...every night I vent and I never seem to get over it.








any ideas on what I should do?








first, tell the girl about how you're feelign before you go so you don't end up like me :wall: , and as for the rest, you can probably keep in touch with them for a while, but friends will come and go throughout all life, so I wouldn't worry about it too much, you will find new people just like them.

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My suggestion is to drink before heading off to class, to take the edge off.
















Anyway, in the past I have lost three of my best friends through moving and other things. Best way is to move forward, spend time with outher people. Keep in contact if you like but it dies away eventually.


With so many trees in the city you could see the spring coming each day until a night of warm wind would bring it suddenly in one morning. Sometimes the heavy cold rains would beat it back so that it would seem that it would never come and that you were losing a season out of your life. But you knew that there would always be the spring as you knew the river would flow again after it was frozen. When the cold rains kept on and killed the spring, it was as though a young person had died for no reason. In those days though the spring always came finally but it was frightening that it had nearly failed.

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My suggestion is to drink before heading off to class, to take the edge off.
















Anyway, in the past I have lost three of my best friends through moving and other things. Best way is to move forward, spend time with outher people. Keep in contact if you like but it dies away eventually.




Ya, I've transferred to a lot of different schools and had friends move away, so unless you're friends live really close to you you'll probably lose touch anyways :? . You're going to make new friends and lose old friends as you go through life, so this is isn't going to be a one time thing- wait til you go to college :-$ .








About the crush, I professed my love to a crush in 8th grade before I switched schools. Didn't work out too well. Turns out her friend liked me though -.- . So, if you really want to know before you leave, talk to her/him, but there are no guarentees :? .

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keep em








i used to live in Seattle, and got lotsa friends there








i moved back to finland like 5 years ago, and i still talk to them, and ive visited them a few times :)

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The best thing to do is get this girls phone number. Spend some last times with her. Maybe let her know you like her? The best thing is (i guess), if she says no, you wont have to see her again... But its crippling inside to say goodbye knowing she didn't like you? :-k








Get all your good mates together and go on one big [garden tool] shopping spree. Get drunk (or tipsy) and joke about past times :D Thats what im planning to do with my best mate before she starts her 7 years and uni, and i do my 6 <3:








That will make you feel much better ::'

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