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A Moral Issue

Guest XplsvBam

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Morals are rules to govern or restrain one for attempting a action that he/she believes is corrupted or bad.












I seriously laugh at people that think being gay is good just because its in nature. Okay, so let me get this right..








People say were highly intelligent beings.. that we really control nature through our knowledge of it.. but because nature has gay frogs, we should be gay too...




















You really need to be in a mental institution if you think incest is in ANY WAY a good thing to do!












So what are your arguments and points against incest? I'm not talking about genetic disorder problems, I'm referring to the idea of simply "liking" a relative. What is your reason for finding this immoral/wrong?








And don't say it's against nature; you already screwed yourself over for that point.








Oh i can't think of any.. maybe you should make love to me now.. just because I don't have any based evidence..








12 o clock.. your place?









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Bold: Point at 5 minutes ago.








Italicized: Current respect level for Defender.




'Cmon dude, that's pathetic. At least say why you believe what you believe. Honestly, have you even convinced yourself yet?

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Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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Bold: Point at 5 minutes ago.








Italicized: Current respect level for Defender.




'Cmon dude, that's pathetic. At least say why you believe what you believe. Honestly, have you even convinced yourself yet?








The thing is, just because 1 doesn't have evidence.. doesn't make it right.








YOU need evidence that incest is wrong???????/








Hello?!??? Am I the only 1 here?








The world has left the building.








You must think incest is right.. because you don't have no evidence that its wrong, right?












So lets see.. dude is saying incest is right.. otherwise he wouldn't ask for evidence.. but doesn't take me out on a date.. OMG, I am a reject! *cries*









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The thing is, just because 1 doesn't have evidence.. doesn't make it right.








YOU need evidence that incest is wrong???????/








Hello?!??? Am I the only 1 here?








The world has left the building.








You must think incest is right.. because you don't have no evidence that its wrong, right?












So lets see.. dude is saying incest is right.. otherwise he wouldn't ask for evidence.. but doesn't take me out on a date.. OMG, I am a reject! *cries*












I do not find anything wrong with incest. I do find it wrong for two closely related people to attempt to create a child, as statistically the chances for a disorder are high, but I really don't see anything morally wrong with incest. So it's weird, we get that, just because our society has taught us to think it's weird doesn't mean it's morally wrong in any way, shape, or form.








And the fact that you don't even have enough evidence to convince yourself shows that you're point is weak beyond comparison.

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by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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The thing is, just because 1 doesn't have evidence.. doesn't make it right.








YOU need evidence that incest is wrong???????/








Hello?!??? Am I the only 1 here?








The world has left the building.








You must think incest is right.. because you don't have no evidence that its wrong, right?












So lets see.. dude is saying incest is right.. otherwise he wouldn't ask for evidence.. but doesn't take me out on a date.. OMG, I am a reject! *cries*












I do not find anything wrong with incest. I do find it wrong for two closely related people to attempt to create a child, as statistically the chances for a disorder are high, but I really don't see anything morally wrong with incest. So it's weird, we get that, just because our society has taught us to think it's weird doesn't mean it's morally wrong in any way, shape, or form.








And the fact that you don't even have enough evidence to convince yourself shows that you're point is weak beyond comparison.








Omg dude, you believe in incest but you won't get it down with me? Is it cuz i'm white? I can change.. !








Okay, here you go, I took the time to fill out a order form to put you in the mental institution program. It helps you cope with reality. Enjoy.









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The thing is, just because 1 doesn't have evidence.. doesn't make it right.








YOU need evidence that incest is wrong???????/








Hello?!??? Am I the only 1 here?








The world has left the building.








You must think incest is right.. because you don't have no evidence that its wrong, right?












So lets see.. dude is saying incest is right.. otherwise he wouldn't ask for evidence.. but doesn't take me out on a date.. OMG, I am a reject! *cries*












I do not find anything wrong with incest. I do find it wrong for two closely related people to attempt to create a child, as statistically the chances for a disorder are high, but I really don't see anything morally wrong with incest. So it's weird, we get that, just because our society has taught us to think it's weird doesn't mean it's morally wrong in any way, shape, or form.








And the fact that you don't even have enough evidence to convince yourself shows that you're point is weak beyond comparison.








Omg dude, you believe in incest but you won't get it down with me? Is it cuz i'm white? I can change.. !








Okay, here you go, I took the time to fill out a order form to put you in the mental institution program. It helps you cope with reality. Enjoy.
















Are you 11 years old? Grow up and learn how to function as a proper human being. Seriously, I am yet to see an argument from you that is strong or based on any logical reasoning in any way. Prove me wrong.

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The thing is, just because 1 doesn't have evidence.. doesn't make it right.








YOU need evidence that incest is wrong???????/








Hello?!??? Am I the only 1 here?








The world has left the building.








You must think incest is right.. because you don't have no evidence that its wrong, right?












So lets see.. dude is saying incest is right.. otherwise he wouldn't ask for evidence.. but doesn't take me out on a date.. OMG, I am a reject! *cries*












I do not find anything wrong with incest. I do find it wrong for two closely related people to attempt to create a child, as statistically the chances for a disorder are high, but I really don't see anything morally wrong with incest. So it's weird, we get that, just because our society has taught us to think it's weird doesn't mean it's morally wrong in any way, shape, or form.








And the fact that you don't even have enough evidence to convince yourself shows that you're point is weak beyond comparison.








Omg dude, you believe in incest but you won't get it down with me? Is it cuz i'm white? I can change.. !








Okay, here you go, I took the time to fill out a order form to put you in the mental institution program. It helps you cope with reality. Enjoy.
















Are you 11 years old? Grow up and learn how to function as a proper human being. Seriously, I am yet to see an argument from you that is strong or based on any logical reasoning in any way. Prove me wrong.








What? You don't know? that a logical reasoning human being has incest 20 times a year?








The number is rising drasticly and we need to stop it.. oh wait, got no proof, continue it! wootz.








Yes I am 11, if that makes you feel better.








sorry I don't got any man made quotes to please your senses in the brain that i'm not a illogical freak. My bad! Maybe i'll use science to change that someday!








Anyone know some fake websites I can find by some kid that proves me right? I need sources people!!!









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yes indeed, a good point which I had considered in relation to peadophillia. If we can hold, as many do now, that people are naturaly homosexual, then can we hold that people are naturaly attracted to underage children, or to thier own mothers (in fact freud's Oedipus complex enforces this idea)? Of course it seems logical that we can. But we cannot accept peadophilia as it consitutes sexual assault - a child simply cannot give conscent, as he or she is too young to do so. So we cannot have peadophiles in society, but can we accept that they have a simple mental disease over which they have little control? There seems to me no argument against incest so long as it produces no offspring - if we are to accept homosexuality, how can we produce a cohegent moral argument against incest?



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Eh, why do people keep calling the Ten Commandments a good scripture which tells us good morals. It has two good practical points that any man not in the state of nature would feel it natural to abide by. Once a state is created it protects the individual and so murder and theft is obviously going to be against the rules. No matter if could be concived to be right under some circumstances every state has been created to protect it's people from each other and it's own citizens.


With so many trees in the city you could see the spring coming each day until a night of warm wind would bring it suddenly in one morning. Sometimes the heavy cold rains would beat it back so that it would seem that it would never come and that you were losing a season out of your life. But you knew that there would always be the spring as you knew the river would flow again after it was frozen. When the cold rains kept on and killed the spring, it was as though a young person had died for no reason. In those days though the spring always came finally but it was frightening that it had nearly failed.

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The thing is, just because 1 doesn't have evidence.. doesn't make it right.








YOU need evidence that incest is wrong???????/








Hello?!??? Am I the only 1 here?








The world has left the building.








You must think incest is right.. because you don't have no evidence that its wrong, right?












So lets see.. dude is saying incest is right.. otherwise he wouldn't ask for evidence.. but doesn't take me out on a date.. OMG, I am a reject! *cries*












I do not find anything wrong with incest. I do find it wrong for two closely related people to attempt to create a child, as statistically the chances for a disorder are high, but I really don't see anything morally wrong with incest. So it's weird, we get that, just because our society has taught us to think it's weird doesn't mean it's morally wrong in any way, shape, or form.








And the fact that you don't even have enough evidence to convince yourself shows that you're point is weak beyond comparison.








Omg dude, you believe in incest but you won't get it down with me? Is it cuz i'm white? I can change.. !








Okay, here you go, I took the time to fill out a order form to put you in the mental institution program. It helps you cope with reality. Enjoy.
















Are you 11 years old? Grow up and learn how to function as a proper human being. Seriously, I am yet to see an argument from you that is strong or based on any logical reasoning in any way. Prove me wrong.








What? You don't know? that a logical reasoning human being has incest 20 times a year?








The number is rising drasticly and we need to stop it.. oh wait, got no proof, continue it! wootz.








Yes I am 11, if that makes you feel better.








sorry I don't got any man made quotes to please your senses in the brain that i'm not a illogical freak. My bad! Maybe i'll use science to change that someday!








Anyone know some fake websites I can find by some kid that proves me right? I need sources people!!!












Defender, what they're saying is if you want to debate, use logical points. You just keep repeatedly saying that he's messed up for having that opinion, diverting from the issue. And when you do talk about the issue, you're not bringing up logical points or countering his points. Just because it spurs your emotions and makes you feel bad inside doesn't make it morally wrong. It could be morally wrong for different reasons, but you need to give those reasons if you want to hold your ground in an argument.

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Homos are homos because they were born with a brain of the wrong gender. A guy with a girl brain would like guys, thats what is natural for him.








Incest is biologically wrong, and psychologically I dont think it's good at all. Ask someone who lived incest if they feel happy about it, you wont get a yes. And incest is usually forced upon, your a victim of it. If someone has incest with a member of their family (like a brother or sister) by their own will and it feels alright for them, then we wont hear about it, and it's alright I guess. But in my option, incest between a parent and a child should not happen, its by all aspects wrong.

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Homos are homos because they were born with a brain of the wrong gender. A guy with a girl brain would like guys, thats what is natural for him.








Incest is biologically wrong, and psychologically I dont think it's good at all. Ask someone who lived incest if they feel happy about it, you wont get a yes. And incest is usually forced upon, your a victim of it. If someone has incest with a member of their family (like a brother or sister) by their own will and it feels alright for them, then we wont hear about it, and it's alright I guess. But in my option, incest between a parent and a child should not happen, its by all aspects wrong.




Are you saying wrong "weird" or wrong "mortal sin"?

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Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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Defender, are you being sarcastic? From your recent posts, either you're using sarcasm, or you're on something. Probably something illegal.








I see it this way: If two gay men, or two lesbian women, want to have sex, want to get married, LET THEM. Don't say "Oh, but the Bible says this is wrong!" Don't say, "Oh, but this offends me. They can't do it, I'm all offended, so that obviously means its bad."








Morals need not come into the issue. The thing about athiests having, or not, having, morals, is TOTALLY BESIDE THE FRIGALICIOUS POINT. What do an athiests morals, or lack of, matter? He's using common sense, and making desicions and forming opinions based on what he experiences and knows.

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This has nothing to do with morals. It has to do with something called "common sense."








Incest causes pedophilia and genetic defect. That is why it is wrong.




Homosexuality is between two consenting adults. That is why it is right.




To play devil's advocate, how about incest in cases where it's consenting protected sex between two adults?

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To play devil's advocate, how about incest in cases where it's consenting protected sex between two adults?




I assume you mean those two adults would be careful enough to not get pregnant. In that case, incest wouldn't be wrong, but I still wouldn't recommend it due to the possible emotional risks.

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To play devil's advocate, how about incest in cases where it's consenting protected sex between two adults?




I assume you mean those two adults would be careful enough to not get pregnant. In that case, incest wouldn't be wrong, but I still wouldn't recommend it due to the possible emotional risks.




My only point is that it's hard to make blanket general statements like "incest is wrong." I mean it feels wrong thinking about it, but logically, in that case, it's hard to argue it. Which is weird.

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Yeah, some things just "feel wrong" even if you have no proof, or "feel right" even if you don't have any proof either. Religions use this as a reason for God. To me, it seems, it's a product of being brought up a certain way - when you're little, if your parents tell you "this is wrong" enough, you don't really question why if they don't tell you and it gets stuck in your head.




Or maybe it's instinctual? Maybe those things that "feel wrong" are things that species shouldn't do, so they evolved a sort of instinct which tells them not to do it? Just random speculation here.

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Wow.. what the hell are you people smoking?








It must be something real good to think "omgz, i can get it on with my sister".








Do you think this body was created to act that way? Do you not think that animals that do it, it is because they only act on instict or have a gentic disorder themselfs?








How can one say a DISORDER is ORDER?








"Its okay if timmy is that way.. its his gentic code". WRONG.








You always have the choice what you do in life, thats what we as human beings have over animals, concience and choice.








People want a serious discussion, but they seriously need to grow up first.. go up to any adult man or woman in REAL LIFE and ask them if they accept it.. and not cower behind the internet, and i'm sure you will get a totally different response.









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People define "morally wrong" in different ways. But society defines it as what is dangerous to the current way of living. This might be because we are afraid of the unknown, therefore change. But anyway, by that definition, incest is "morally wrong." Incest is known to produce more mentally and physically [developmentally delayed]ed offspring that mating with someone with more different genes. Genetic diseases have a greater chance of showing up. If incest would no longer be "wrong" in the eyes of society, our way of life would slowly collapse. First, lonely communities like farmers would start practicing incest. After a few generations of incest, more farmers would go insane, and the job will get a bad reputation. Now, either scientists would declare incest "wrong," or if in our example world that cannot happen, more people would start starving, and the population would slowly start decreasing. After reaching a certaing point, humans will degenerate and probably decrease in number exponentially. This is because as people become more spread out, there is less contact with other families. (It's midnight here... I need sleep... There's a science project due tomorrow I haven't even started on... And I lost the instructions too...)


Are you blind or ignoring me on purpose?

Even though I sometimes side with religious people in some debates, I no longer consider myself religious.

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Incest is wrong by nature, Darwin did alot of research on it. He found out all living things do the best they can to avoid inbreeding since it leads to defects, not passing on genes and infertility. So incest is both technically and morally wrong.








Not entirely true. In ferret families the adult males breeds with all female offspring in the nest while still growing to ensure next generation. Thats the only example I can think of, but I'm sure there is more, so the "Its wrong by nature" view isn't entirely valid.

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