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Overdrive special attacks


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i think with some MAJOR tweaks this could be viable, but ill likely make my own topic for that.this isnt that good of an idea, although there was some thought put into it.sorry, its just not that good!

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i am starting to realize this wont make it, it was just buzzing around in my head and i needed to write it down.... :XD:



[hide=Siggy credits]The Awesome, Epic, Amazing, S3xah A-10 Sig By Unolexi! I wub u Uno!

InsanityV2 Did the Franz Ferdinand Sig.

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  • 2 weeks later...

just cuz it looked fun i'm going to redo everysingle one of the ODs :ohnoes:
















Dragon items:








Name: skin shreadding (sp?)




Description: Your character spins around the target slashing as he goes.












Name: Decimating Smash




Description: you jump up grabbing the mace with both hands enlarging it to a massive proportion and rotating it like a pendulum below you smash the oponite




(sp? sp? sp?)












Name: flameing extention




Description: you raise the sword above your head and after setting it and you self on fire it goes extra long and slices down




(this could give you +15%str/attack and negate there armor)




(sp? sp? sp?)












Name: buzerkurs fury




Description: you give give up some of your sanity for an extremley powerfull attack. simple you hit them really hard and fast with minamum attack accurecy




(sp? sp? sp?)












Name: peircing slash




Description: you charge the weapon behind your back, and slash the enemy to oblivion. prayer is turned off on your opponent for 20 seconds and is negated from the attack it's self.




(sp? sp? sp?)












Name: Mighty thrust (thanks bem!)




Description:smashes into your opponent, stunning them for 25 seconds and moving them back 5 spaces. if they run into something, they take damage. if poisoned, it takes effect.




Number of hits:1




Minimum damage per hit: 25




Stats bonus: +10% Str & Att








you can stay to ^^
















Name: star grinder








jumping above there head and inverting your self you twirl the hally around you are blinding speed and slam down onto them creating a star like formation below you and them




(sp? sp? sp?)












2 Handed Sword:




Name: Meteor stab




Description: once more jumping (i like jumping k :-k ) you go above them and straghtening your body out like a arrow with the sword at it's tip you slame down face first into the ground makeing a small dust cloud after a small explosion




(stunning and damage to your self, with damage for everyong in the 9x9 area)




(sp? sp? sp?)








Wcing axe:




name: tree of the forsaken




tree appears you cut it it falls on persons head :D i think i spelt that right.




















Magic Short Bow:




Name: Rain of Arrows




Description: you shoot many arrows up from your bow at once, they then rain down around your target for damage




(sp? sp? sp?)








Magic Long Bow:




Name: sure shot




Description: you go down on 1 knee and shoot the arrow through them and anything between them and you for massive damage




(sp? sp? sp?)












Name: Soul steal




Description: Your bow glows as you carfully aim at your target and fire 2 shots as the arrow hit the target it continues past it and brings a shadow of the player with it :-k




(sp? sp? sp?)








crystal bow




name: shards of death




description: you shoot a arrow at the target but before it reches them it breaks into many smaller peices of arrow and sarrounds then decimates them :ohnoes:




(sp? sp? sp?)
















Mystic staffs only. (i know there rather genaric, if you got a better idea post it!) in fact i did post ideas...i'm not sure if there better tho ^^








Air staff




Name: wind blades of supream dystruction




Description: Summons a huge tornado to pummel your opponents with massive blades made of wind




(sp? sp? sp?)








Water staff




Name: watter bubble




Description: you trap someone inside of a bubble of water and squeeze them




(sp? sp? sp?)








Earth staff




Name: thousand spears of earth




Description: the ground around the target erupts into manny small pointy [bleep]es impailing them....ALOT




(sp? sp? sp?)








Fire staff




Name: hellfire




Description: a flameing pentigrame appears around you and burns things (wow burns things who saw that comeing?)




(sp? sp? sp?)








Lava staff




Name: (this can allso be the combination attack for earth/fire combination)claws of indefinent flames




Description: fissure opens up in the ground below you/target/area around you and target and spews (yay i got to say spews) red hot claws to attack your apponent




(come on thats slightly cool...or hot...or claws...)




(sp? sp? sp?)












Mud staff




Name: hell swamp (i stole this from nothing :-w )




Description: (water/earth combination) a red swamp sarrounds you and your enimie it drags them down into it's self but not yours




(sp? sp? sp?)
















Abyssal whip:




Name: coils of death




Description: (bet you didn't see this comeing) it "coils" around them to cuase "death" :roll:




(sp? sp? sp?)








Granite maul:




Name: shatering dystruction (god i need to learn to spell :oops: )




Description:smashing the ground you throw manny granite maul head shaped rocks at them




(sp? sp? sp?)












Name: Cripple




works for me
















mud/lava staff




name: dystruction of the hell swamp?




Description: the hell swamp sarounds them but the claws drag them down




(sp? sp? sp?)












name: dance of endless suffering




description: basicly 2 pepole dance and cut the pepole to hi heck :wall:




(i just like the name ^_^ )




(sp? sp? sp?)








dragon hally(or mace)/D2H




name: shatering spear




description: the hally/mace throw the D2H player from there whep into the other targets




(sp? sp? sp?)








this was fun \:D/ you should try it and post it to lol




some day..i'll learn to spell and when that day comes...i'll spell things right



"such a Beautiful tank" -chia cha

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Weapon overdrives:














Dragon items:












Name: Hyperstabpolyctal punctures




Description: Your character stabs the target very rapidly in a circluar motion. if poisoned, poison will be inflicted.




Number of hits: 12.




Minimum damage per hit: 0




Stats bonus: -15% Att, +15% str.












Name: Decimating Smash




Description:You grab the mace with both hands, hold it over your head to charge it, wind up, and hit your enemy with an incredible blow.




Number of hits: 1




Minimum damage per hit: 20




Stats bonus: +45% Str and Att.












Name: Knights strike (thanks buckeyemange!)




Description: You charge the sword over your head, then slice the enemy in a pattern like this: -,l,\,/.




Number of hits: 4




Minimum damage per hit: 5




Stats bonus: +30% Str and Att












Name: Furious rampage raging wrath




Description: you give give up some of your sanity for an extremley powerfull attack. charge over your head and swing at enemy. 2 handed.




Number of hits: 2




Minimum damage per hit: 10




Stats bonus: -35% Att, Def, Magic, Ranged, +50% Str. Stunned for 20 seconds.












Name: Mutilation




Description: you charge the weapon behind your back, and slash the enemy to oblivion. prayer is turned off on your opponent for 20 seconds. 2 handed.




Number of hits:6




Minimum damage per hit: 0




Stats bonus: +15%












Name: Mighty thrust (thanks bem!)




Description:smashes into your opponent, stunning them for 25 seconds and moving them back 5 spaces. if they run into something, they take damage. if poisoned, it takes effect.




Number of hits:1




Minimum damage per hit: 25




Stats bonus: +10% Str & Att












Name:(needed) Pinwheel ^




Description: simalar to the d long, you slash in this order: <-,\,l,/. you finish off with your weapon catching on fire, and you delivering a hard stab to enemy. all the slashes stay on screen and are connected by a circle. you twist the hally, and the damage hits them all at once. if a large enemy, another line of slashes comes down to line up with the 1st and hits with it aswell (hard to describe.) can hit multiple targets in multi zone.








here, maby this will explain it better.












Number of hits: 5 (10)




Minimum damage per hit: 5




Stats bonus: +35 Str & Att












2 Handed Sword:




Name: Meteor stab that is almost like a skill cape emo -.-




Description: A flight of stairs appears that takes you up a tall tower. you run up it, charge the sword over your head, and jump off the tower. you point the sword downwards, catching on fire as you plummet back to earth. when you land, you stab the earth creating a large, firey crater that hits all nearby creatures in a 9X9 radius. (up to 28) you are stunned for 10 seconds, and take 10% damage.




Number of hits: 14 in rapid sucsession




Minimum damage per hit: 2




Stats bonus: +40% Str








Wcing axe does not have an overdrive as it is not intended as a weapon.



























Magic Short Bow:




Name: Rain of Arrowsarrow hail or barrage




Description: You aim at your foe, then unleash a hail of arrows with amazing speed. poisoned arrows have better chance of poisoning target. bow glows as you do the attack.




Number of hits: 10




Minimum damage per hit: 0




Stats bonus: -20% ranged accuracy, +20% max damage.












Magic Long Bow:




Name: Ultimate Shotsmark shots




Description: your bow glows as you carefully aim at your target, hitting its weak points. allways does damage, and poisons if arrows are poisoned.




Number of hits: 3




Minimum damage per hit: 10




Stats bonus: +30% max damage












Name: Soul Stealer




Description: Your bow glows as you carfully aim at your target and fire 2 shots. Drains the magic, defence lvl of the damage X2. will poison if arrows are poisoned.




Number of hits:2




Minimum damage per hit: 5




Stats bonus: +20% max damage
























Mystic staffs only. (i know there rather genaric, if you got a better idea post it!)








Air staff




Name: Cyclone Great Gale or Temptest




Description: Summons a huge tornado to pummel your opponents. muti comabt ability.




Number of hits: 15




Minimum damage per hit: 0




Stats bonus: +15% magic damage.








Water staff




Name: Greatest flood or this one is the whirlpool?




Description: Summon a tsunami to flood your opponents. multi ablility.




Number of hits:1




Minimum damage per hit: 25




Stats bonus: +100% accuracy








Earth staff




Name: Shatter Earth Fissuring Fury




Description: Summon a earthquake to shake your opponents and swallow them in a deep chasim. muti ability




Number of hits: 16




Minimum damage per hit: 1, last hit 15.




Stats bonus: none.








Fire staff




Name: cyclone inferno




Description: Summon a wildfire to consume your opponents, and finish by shooting fire at them from your staff. multi ability.




Number of hits: 14




Minimum damage per hit: 3, last hit 20.




Stats bonus: none








Lava staff




Name: Mount saint helens (lol jk!) Lavafiy earth (need a better 1)molten meteor magma?




Description: turns the ground beneth your opponents feet to lava, summons a volcano and shoots them high into the sky.




Number of hits: 20




Minimum damage per hit: 1




Stats bonus: +10% mage damage








Mud staff




Name: mud slidehow bout a mud whirl pool?




Description: genaric mud slide (you got a better idea!?!? tell me!)




Number of hits: 25




Minimum damage per hit: 3




Stats bonus:
















Abyssal whip:




Name: March of The AbyssAbyssal Whirl or Dance or Beat maybe Whiping Whirl




Description: You dance around your opponent in time to a warlike march, hitting them at key beats. full energy drain, opponent cannont move for 10 seconds. you are not stunned.




Number of hits: 10




Minimum damage per hit: 5




Stats bonus: +20% Att & Str








Granite maul:




Name: Fury of the rockshow bout Ding Dong Clobber? hehe




Description: You pummel the enemy with your maul, going at a speed thought impossible.




Number of hits: 7




Minimum damage per hit: 0




Stats bonus: +5% Str & Att












Name: Cripple




Description: Halves the opponents Attack, Strength & Defence. Instanly kills demons. Quest demons immune.




Number of hits: 1




Minimum damage per hit: 20




Stats bonus: 0




i bolded my ideas

Mojo477 has had to quit members so i need friends to talk to on my pure Lived4devil so please add her

"The elves having helped create the crystal saw is like Greenpeace having helped create a nuclear seal skinner"

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god! did linkzelda die he isnt even responding to my names idea he should really stay more active to his suggestion :?

Mojo477 has had to quit members so i need friends to talk to on my pure Lived4devil so please add her

"The elves having helped create the crystal saw is like Greenpeace having helped create a nuclear seal skinner"

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The level 99 skill capes should have the "overdrive ability" as well :shock: it could look way awesome...




like for the mage one: you cast all of the spells at once :XD: they freeze, all stats downed like 20%, he gets piosoned, you get half the damage infliced to heal you, the guy becomes inchanted, strung, baked, fertilized (lol luners). lol any of those could be taken away tho so its not too powerful...





Whats your average lv? viewtopic.php?t=615571&start=0&pos

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its a good idea but some of the amounts of hits is insane mud staff 25*3=75= ko for most players
















some things need fine tuning








good idea


click my sig for my blog!!!

Thanks everyone for the sigs they pwn!

No. Why should i give presents for someone in rs?

Most selfish thing I've ever heard

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You need to make up one for barrelchest anchor now since that has a spec,




Maybe a name like falling smash.

Quest cape got at 25th july 2007! Did grim tales and mouring end 2 to get same day!

99/99 strength got at 30th september 2007

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I had an idea to update the overdrive on the dragon battleaxe. You do what you said but since you are charging madly at them and slamming your axe into them they are knocked back 2 steps and stunned 5-10 seconds. Just a suggestion.

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  • 1 month later...

what about swift stab for d scimmy specail?



refresh to see another sig =P

also click on the sig to go to The Art Bazaar

thanks to everyone who made me a sig

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this wouuld certainly make combat more interesting :) however for numerous reasons they can't be f2p.




suggestion for halberd name: phoenix fury :wink:




Anyone who likes tacos is incapable of logic.

Anyone who likes logic is incapable of tacos.


PSA: SaqPrets is an Estonian Dude

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