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would you feel save if......


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yeah only problem is that those progralmy prolly cost probley over 100000$ us dollars. Insteed you could buy 50 blue phats forr 2000$ ea and know ur gunna get something for sure












even though like i said before there has to be a database that is linked to the login screen that checks your sn with you pass. If you find it then you can login as anybody. There also has to be a data base of bank pins.








But i wouldnt worry if someone knew how to hack that good they would prolly go hack a bank not some online game

I dont have a sig anymore =[

But I did manage to get every skill in the highscores

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dood plz lern 2 spel gud n do gramer or i mite jus kil mesefl








... Please. :|








I hope you were joking because what kinda of grammar is dood plz lern 2 spel gud n do gramer jus kil mesfl.








I don't know, because without a question mark, it isn't really a question, is it. :P








It was a joke; but what I meant was serious.

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You truely would be surprised at the number of people who are REALLY and TRUELY hacked...although its not a high number its only a game and in that sence any number is 100% too high...








But really very very few people are actually hacked out of sheer amazing hackor skills...usually its just do to personal stupidity.








I honestly believe it to be impossible to be hacked if you have half of a brain

CLICK - 770th to 99 SLAYER 2/4/08 - 204th to 99 Summoning 7/1/08 CLICK



[Hide=List of Drops That I haven't updated in Years but want to keep in my Sig anyways...]VISAGE DROP - 12/06/07

3 Duo Sara Hilts, 3 Duo Arma Hilts, 2 Trio Arma Hilts.

Dark Bows: (11) Dragon Boots: (50!)

Whip Drops: (42!!!) Dragon Drops: (90+!!!!!) 2 D CHAINS!, 3 D Axe, 8 D meds, 7 left halfs, 7 D legs, 6 skirts, 8 Spears[/hide]

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i use a randomly generated password, which i have a program to create not only is it extremly hard to brute force, but its easily changeable as i generate a new one each week.








p.s if your that concerned for your pass pm me and il sned you the pass generator








So if you can't remember the password you keep it on a file on your computer? What then, someone hacks your computer and can read it?








ever heard of encryption?

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There are no real hacks in RuneScape, the only way they can get your password is either breaking it softly which might contain at least 5,000,000 possible answers. With random numbers might be 2,100,000. The only real hacks that work are trojans or spyware which need you to click a link then find your IP which isn't that hard. If someone asks for your Ip say either "back off" or "block them". No one should no your IP, ever. There are no hacks to increase stats or to get items. Party hats have a possible counter number on them so if they rise that means someone is duplicating them, don't ask how I know this. It is impossible to force hack your way. The best illogical way that doesn't take 2 life times is to put cameras focusing on their screen and keyboard, which is bravely dumb which you might face years in prison.








Either wya, just play the game! I agree Zezima and other party hat owners are more subjected to force hacking because of the money worth. No need to think of scams and ways to hack your way into an account. I'm taking C++ programming next year. Something I look forward to since then I can better understand RuneScape and possible ways of doing something. Other then that and I said it before, just play the game!

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You truely would be surprised at the number of people who are REALLY and TRUELY hacked...although its not a high number its only a game and in that sence any number is 100% too high...








But really very very few people are actually hacked out of sheer amazing hackor skills...usually its just do to personal stupidity.








I honestly believe it to be impossible to be hacked if you have half of a brain

Nobody is truley "hacked" over runescape.








Let's hypothetically say that you could, and theyre was someone who has as good abilities as you say. Then why hasn't everyone on the highscores been hacked by now?

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As wacka points out it is impossible to just be 'hacked'. The runescape community tends to asociate the word 'hack' with account theft, if anything this is phishing.








Despite what Hollywood tells you it is impossible to just hack someones account or computer. If you want to hack someones account the only way to do it is to either guess their password, or keylog their computer and monitor what they type and steal the password that way. You cant just type something in the command box and have some ones account. The only other way to 'hack' someone i guess would be to crack Jagex's website, which would involve somehow reverse engenerining the applet and get your way into the runescape database. Even if you did that all the passwords would have to be decrypted which could be imposible depending on what encryption us used, and Im guessing with a high profile company like Jagex it wouldnt be a rubbish encryption.








So to some it up the only way to hack some one is either to brute force there password which could be imposisble, for instance say i have a password of ahd12 there is 45435424 different possible combinations to that password, so even if you were brute forcing you would be detected before you got the password correct.








The other way is to key log the targets computer and get the password that way.








I think we know which way is easier, so to avoid being hacked simply dont download any suspicious programs and use anti virus software.








So please dont people start posting here that "hackers" can get your passwords- they cant.








p.s the correct term for the runescaper's so called 'hacker' is cracker.

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dood plz lern 2 spel gud n do gramer or i mite jus kil mesefl








... Please. :|








Only bad grammar i saw was "save" so stop picking holes.








I wouldn't fell as safe as i do now, but i wouldn't feel really threatened or anything.

Currently not active on RuneScape.



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yes i would feel "safe". If i didn't, then what would i do? stay on 24/7 so no one else can ever get on? change your password every other day? go to sleep, scared that i might lose my account at any second?








yea. your question is pretty stupid

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You have to be a complete *mentally challenged person* to get hacked, it's as simple as that. I am not (shut up Zaq :P ) so I feel save, yes.


2146 overall - 136 combat - 6 skillcapes


Plus I think the whole teenage girl thing will end soon (hopefully), because my girlfriend is absolutely in love with him(she is 18), and im beginning to feel threatened by his [Justin Bieber] dashing looks.

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Judging by all the faults in window's text and other things, I would feel very unsafe. Might get some noname operating system and have a closed connection with all ports down except the ones needed for runescape.




Or just sell the account for 5000$ =)

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It's impossible to hack someone who has a hard-to-guess password




Let's say your password is 20 characters long, there are 36 characters, that's 36^20 different combinations for a password.




If my calculator isn't broken, that's 13367494538843734067838 billion possible combinations, it would take over 20 years to hack somebody like that guessing his password.And, yes, i have alot of free time.

Lamest attempt at a lure ever.
No, Ive seen "selling easter egg 5m must be level 78 77 or 76 and meet at varrock bar unarmed.
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It's impossible to hack someone who has a hard-to-guess password




Let's say your password is 20 characters long, there are 36 characters, that's 36^20 different combinations for a password.




If my calculator isn't broken, that's 13367494538843734067838 billion possible combinations, it would take over 20 years to hack somebody like that guessing his password.And, yes, i have alot of free time.




Umm... I actually calculated the number of passwords currently possible (I don't have the number now since windows is stupid and my computer crashed (I've got to get Linux...)), and it would take about 31 trillion years (again, don't have number but it's over 30 trillion) to guess someone's password this way if it's around the end of the alphabet using only one computer. There's probably a billion or so computers in the world, so 31000 years if you manage to hack all the comps in the world. If you also manage to get past the 30 sec wait, it'd be about 1000 years... It's a lot easier to just hack Jagex...


Are you blind or ignoring me on purpose?

Even though I sometimes side with religious people in some debates, I no longer consider myself religious.

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Meh, at least I'd have justification for my paranoia.

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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I don't know how you can be 'hacked'. I only go on 3 sites to do with RS, tip.It, RuneScape and my clan site. If I had a Phat, I would NEVER log out with it outside of my bank..








it depends, if the hacker really really wanted to get into your acount then you really can't be 100% safe, but still... for them to try that hard you would really have to have some serious stuff, then when it's in your bank, it's unreachable... plus your recovery questions... it just wouldn't be worth their while

-= weasel =- rsname: moosewalker ~ top 10000 player :D

newscape300x50qz7.giffull qp - always willing to chat add me...

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I don't know how you can be 'hacked'. I only go on 3 sites to do with RS, tip.It, RuneScape and my clan site. If I had a Phat, I would NEVER log out with it outside of my bank..








it depends, if the hacker really really wanted to get into your acount then you really can't be 100% safe, but still... for them to try that hard you would really have to have some serious stuff, then when it's in your bank, it's unreachable... plus your recovery questions... it just wouldn't be worth their while








you realy can be safe, people forget you cant just mgaicaly guess someones password you have to brute force it which is just impractical

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