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Experiments Over-Rated!!


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I never tried Experiments or Rock Crabs..ever!




I think they are for combat pures, and I don't really like those. Well I don't mind a combat pure, but I don't want to train next to them.




I always tried werewolves, for range that is. :boohoo:




^I's :o


Credits to Skully Sc for the signature.24picns.png

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Expirements are terrible. Always so many people there and there's only a few monsters. Plus they take forever to respawn.








I think the shadow warriors under the legend's guild are alot better.








agreed. Shadow warriors OWN! I'm positive you dont find any pures there.



Proud owner of a Quest cape!

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Technically, its not against the rules...








You are using the games mechanism to your advantage. And AFK doesn't mean leave completely, it means browsing the forums and playing the game at the same time.








AFK = Away From Keyboard








That means you're away from your computer. No it doesn't mean you're just looking at another window or something, that means completely left the computer.








Yes it is against the rules, even says in the Code of Conduct.

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