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[quote name="Death_Dude74


Hmm.. Does this translate to an 'easy' quest for me?




Went to a Red's game today. The seats were pretty nice. Invited by some friends to a suite.




In other news' date=' I haven't been on much today because I'm sick/cold/sinus infection or something. <.< Maybe tonight, right now I'm watching Hotel Rwanda.




Hehe good luck with the questing and its a good film hope you enjoy it :-w

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[quote name="Death_Dude74


Hmm.. Does this translate to an 'easy' quest for me?




Went to a Red's game today. The seats were pretty nice. Invited by some friends to a suite.




In other news' date=' I haven't been on much today because I'm sick/cold/sinus infection or something. <.< Maybe tonight, right now I'm watching Hotel Rwanda.




Hehe good luck with the questing and its a good film hope you enjoy it :-w




I did, thanks. It is sad that so few people helped alleviate the situation in Rwanda.






Decided to end tonight just shy of 76 agility. <10k xp from it, but I figured I should go to bed.

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u must get better soon!!!! i get bored more easily now w/o you >.<




anyway, i havent seen that movie but i saw a documental about rwanda, it was awful to see how they explained how they cutted their victims with machetes :shock:


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Barrows Drops: 3[spear, dh helm, t helm]

Law Crafting guide

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Got it in the early morning. I am over 60% of the way to 81 agility 8-) After I get that 81 agility, I will start my slayer task of 132 jellies. 2k xp from 58 slayer ::' Anyways, agility ftw!




Thanks for Azure for being in the pic.

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W000000000000T!!!!! 76 agility ftw!!!!


just keep running or ill reach you :twisted: , and grab you and.... ehhmmm nvm :oops:




keep it up!!




Lol Beer. Was nice diarying with you. Hopefully I'll be able to finish the medium one eventually. I took a small break from agility to play some c wars. First game was absolutely terrible. C wars is so bad anymore. Jagex sorely needs to update it. My team was like 6 level 35-45's. We had like one level 70, and one level 116, and me. Of course, the other team had 4 level 115+ guys decked in torags and full karils. Needless to say, a noob let one guy hold the flag and it was idiotic to keep playing anymore.




So then I left did the easy achievement diary, and still am yet to finish the hard/medium ones.




So then I went to work on the jellies. I'm safe spotting them with iron knives, and am about 1k xp from 58 slayer and 2k from 64 range.




Low on iron knives, I'll have to start making more or using something else to train. <.<




Got 58 slayer! Now I want a cave horror task so I can get me a mask ::'




Got 64 ranged! Back to agility. Next up: 77 agility. This'll be my first 80.

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W000000000000T!!!!! 76 agility ftw!!!!


just keep running or ill reach you :twisted: , and grab you and.... ehhmmm nvm :oops:




keep it up!!




Ohmuhgawd, let's play catch the Monkey. :o I mean, uh..what? :anxious:




Anyway. :-$




Grats on 76 agil =P~

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W000000000000T!!!!! 76 agility ftw!!!!


just keep running or ill reach you :twisted: , and grab you and.... ehhmmm nvm :oops:




keep it up!!




Ohmuhgawd, let's play catch the Monkey. :o I mean, uh..what? :anxious:




Anyway. :-$




Grats on 76 agil =P~




Thanks! Got 77 agility today, and then I decided to celebrate with Beer who just fished 1k monks. Ant came along, and we recruited two more to play BA. We got to level 9 before I had to go.




Ant: Attacker, and later healer. Quite good at it.


Beer: Defender, great at not letting guys by, though in the end I believe he lacked calls.


Me: Coll, did well as long as Ant was an attacker (Ant can use the horn)


Other guy: Healer. Pretty good imo. Suffered from bad def calls


Nova (also a random guy) : Attacker, never called, always attacked wrong. He was the only guy who caused us to lose points. -.-




I got level 2 coll, am almost level 3 coll.








:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:




Go agility! I love my agileness.

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ur agility is getting insane, u know?


gratz on 77, 4 lvls to go!




Thanks. Beat wave 9 when I got back on, but can't find a good team for wave 10 :wall: . Got level 3 coll though \'




I hope to get 78 on Thursday. I hope to get 79, 80, and 81 this weekend. I'm almost done with school (14 days left). This summer might hold the key to




a)99 agility (This one is for sure.)


b)85 mining (perhaps, I would like to see this)


c)of course, working up slayer and range. Range will hopefully be 70 soon enough.


d)Barrows baby!


e)DK? =)

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The best of Luck mate!


Awesome goals!




Check out and post on my blog? please/




Couldn't find it on the list :XD:




Make a link real quick (perhaps in your sig) so I can find it?




World 2 High Detail: http://ul8.runescape.com/l0,p0,j0

World 6 High Detail: http://sl10.runescape.com/l0,p0,j0




Lol, posted on wrong page




Started a race with Beer after he got 79 fishing. I currently have 77 agility, and the race is to 81.




Starting XP Left 655,361






Starting XP Left 402,541






Beer starts with the lead of 252,820.




Actually he may have started with more like a 300k lead now that I refresh the bars.

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This race is nigh impossible for me to win. I think I could for sure, but I'd have to pull off a lot of not sleeping. Probably could win it if I stayed up an hour or two longer. Depends on Beer's schedule..












Thanks to everyone in the pics!




Probably my new siggy:





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Nice work so far on agility, im sure you make sure it goes all the way to the end. =D>




I'd race you there but I've seen your bank :-w ; there's no way you wouldn't being teleporting to Ape Atoll and blowing through 23 super energies, banking, and teleing back. That'd blow me out of the water :XD:




In other news, I think I can get 81 tonight, and that will officially mean I officially beat Beerrobber. \'




Ohmahgawd (To quote Ant) 80 agility






I'm such a silly monkey I think I'll go right on ahead and taste sweet victory.


Details to come..




I gave Warrior 12 willow branches, and he gave me 6 super energies. Warrior completed enlightened journey, and is getting his construction up. I loaned Babyswifty a D scim and a DDS and he went off staking with them.

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j00 b34t m3 :(


i lost but im glad that it was against you, I just wanna say it was cause agility is way faster to train than fishing


gratz on 81 agility, 1 goal less to go




and gratz on beating me -.-


^Click it to see my BLOG

Barrows Drops: 3[spear, dh helm, t helm]

Law Crafting guide

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j00 b34t m3 :(


i lost but im glad that it was against you, I just wanna say it was cause agility is way faster to train than fishing


gratz on 81 agility, 1 goal less to go




and gratz on beating me -.-




It was a hard race on me Beer, and I'm glad I raced you. It was very kind of you to congratulate me, and yes, agility does go faster than fishing I'd imagine. I mean, yes, it was hard to beat your lead of 290k xp, but at the same time I think we both worked hard in getting the job done. I think I would have won if you didn't have the head start just because fishing is slower xp, but at the same time I think your schedule (I truly can't imagine 6 am to teach English.) also prevented you from winning the race we had.




Alright, so today was mother's day, and I was tending bar at the party. Quite hectic. I think I'm going to take advantage of level 81 agility and go range some jellies.




What's next?


-70 range


-70 attack


-70 defense


-70 strength :?:


-60 slayer :?:




Finished my jellies task, got a hitpoints level, and went off to c wars with some friends.




Had some fun, then got a new slayer task from Chaeldar: 124 blue dragons (I think that's the number.. hmm..)




So here's the plan:




Range in Taverly dungeon (world 2//6), use shortcut, use shortcut to Fally, bank, go back, repeat. I like ranging blues actually, and I'm sure these bones will go far when ectofuncted or whatever (I may have to steal a gilded altar).

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So here's the plan:




Range in Taverly dungeon (world 2//6), use shortcut, use shortcut to Fally, bank, go back, repeat. I like ranging blues actually, and I'm sure these bones will go far when ectofuncted or whatever (I may have to steal a gilded altar).




When I go to Tav dungeon I bring a ring of dueling and an axe/hatchet with me. From cwars cut a regular log, balloon to taverly, then duely to cwars/bank. T'would be fast water-orb charging as well, with your agility level.

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So here's the plan:




Range in Taverly dungeon (world 2//6), use shortcut, use shortcut to Fally, bank, go back, repeat. I like ranging blues actually, and I'm sure these bones will go far when ectofuncted or whatever (I may have to steal a gilded altar).




When I go to Tav dungeon I bring a ring of dueling and an axe/hatchet with me. From cwars cut a regular log, balloon to taverly, then duely to cwars/bank. T'would be fast water-orb charging as well, with your agility level.




Hmm.. That's true, I could do that because my agility is so 1337. I'll try that out Ant. Think it will be faster than just going south and to the Fally bank? Baloon travel, etc. sure has to add a lot of time.




Do the wildy course until 70 peterpan.




Need to clear world 2 of pure n33bs =\

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So here's the plan:




Range in Taverly dungeon (world 2//6), use shortcut, use shortcut to Fally, bank, go back, repeat. I like ranging blues actually, and I'm sure these bones will go far when ectofuncted or whatever (I may have to steal a gilded altar).




When I go to Tav dungeon I bring a ring of dueling and an axe/hatchet with me. From cwars cut a regular log, balloon to taverly, then duely to cwars/bank. T'would be fast water-orb charging as well, with your agility level.




Hmm.. That's true, I could do that because my agility is so 1337. I'll try that out Ant. Think it will be faster than just going south and to the Fally bank? Baloon travel, etc. sure has to add a lot of time.




Do the wildy course until 70 peterpan.




Need to clear world 2 of pure n33bs =\




Balloon Travel takes hardly any time at all (unless your computer tends to lag during the scene where your balloon goes from start to destination and you end up traveling there ten times or so :P)




It's like cosmic crafting. You walk about 3/5ths the length with teleporting (balloons/rings) as opposed to walking to and from the bank.




Of course, if you're only killing a 'few' dragons, it wouldn't make much of a difference either way. and if you had to go out of your way to obtain rings of dueling, it might be best to not bother with balloons. Aside from that; balloons = speed, imo.

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Actually I was concerned that balloons would add time. First of all, you lose slot(s), and you have to walk to the balloon, and then to the dungeon. In my mind I'm seeing Fally as faster if you use the agility shortcut near the west bank.




I checked out the water crafting thing. It could work out well, especially if you can't craft air battles. Think that would be faster than air staving though? My guess is yes, but I dunno.

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