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[WIP] Serious Pixel Signature


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Thats by experimenting and trying things out.. I've also checked out alot of pixel arts in zoom (8 in MS Paint) to check out how others did it. This is not my very first pixel art work.. I've made more works, but they were not very serious.. So this is a real attempt to create something good with the knowledge I have =)








I also follow a bit of artist education. Multimedia Designing. We have to draw alot with shading and stuf.. It's my first year... so I'm not real good at it yet. There will be things that are not right, I'm sure about that :)








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i think im in love with that ocean, nice job












only thing i see wrong is the tree still looks a bit... unnatural




maybe make the trunk slightly thinner and the roots less predictable and a lot longer












good otherwise (<3 ocean)

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i like it so far... on the fish you might want to smoth out the shading and make it a bit more realistic, as now it really just looks like bricks of color, also its not good to put your WIP in your sig, as that has people assume it is finished.


Sigs made by Runemetsa, Nuzza, Dark_Shadow, Kuroi and Me.

liquid blobs attacking eachother


American Anime... YAY!

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this is just 1 way of making a grass effect i also hated the way the grass and the water met, so i made it more... smooth. also i must say u use sometimes a little To much dithering :? I also have made a line for the tree (see c/c below) that gives it a better look i think :P Overall i think its a great sig and i realy like it this far =D>
















some c/c left:








* the sea never ends that dark from with such light.




* the sky needs some more color sifference, i mean darker on the top of the sig and lighter on the place it *touches* the water.




* the way u shaded the shark looks a bit too.... square




* the robe that holds the shark (i think) needs to be more brown so it realy comes out, now it just look like a part of the shark.




* the tree is small at the bottom and is even bigger on the top :? It normaly is otherwise, and on this way it looks like it is falling down to the bottom of the sig :-s :wall:








i hope u have something about this :wink:








last thing: sry for not having it transparant i hope u don't mind :anxious:

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Good for your first one, few comments, most have been addressed though.




-Your grass is fine, it fits in nicely with the style of the water, which is nicely done.




-Your tree needs some work though. Make it less shaded from light to dark on both sides and change the shape, I suggest looking at some reference pics.




-Shark is good, but I didn't really know what it was, maybe make your light source from one specific side instead of straight up.




-You don't need to use to much dither. It doesn't work so extensively on the tree and the shark.




Other then those nit picky points, good piece so far.

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I think the shark shouldn't be symectrical. Also a question: what is going on in the rest of the sig? maybe a dude fishing in the sea and lots of fish lying all over the beach? just a suggestion


Thanks Terly for the best Avatar in TipIt -winks-

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Thank you guys for your comments and suggestions. I've been working on the shark. It looks much smoother now. The next thing will probably the shading of the tree...








And where will I fill the rest of the sig with.. Well not sure yet, but thank you for your suggestion. Though, I suck at making characters :)

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much better :thumbsup: the first thing u need to fix now is the shark, that makes the sig looks quite dithered, but it isn't that much. Also great work on the grass and good work on the tree that now looks much better ::'








here is a exemple how you could do the shark( i used the same colors as u used):
















Also i couldn't resist to chance the robe colors a bit. U can use this shark if u liked to but if not maybe u can learn a bit of it ;) Also i made some green stripes in the grass where the grass needs to be some darker because its the shade of the tree.








I hope u can do something with this :wink:
















EDIT: i have seen ur new shark and i still have something to say about it: i shade it like the sun is on it tail and not in the background :?

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