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Everything posted by PhaperPlane

  1. I would LOL if EW3 was the next grandmaster quest. :lol: You never know though Carl, EW3 may bring something useful to the table. :wink:
  2. I would be happy if it was Elemental Workshop 3, I remember when I did the first Elemental Workshop when I was new to members. Good times. :)
  3. I live in a small village in Milton Keynes. :) It's very quiet, everyone's very friendly and I live opposite a lake so I get to see lots of wildlife. I'm only a 10 minute walk from the train station and I can walk to the city centre from there. I plan on living here for quite a while. ;) What I don't like about where I live however is we have roundabouts, lots of roundabouts. <_<
  4. I've joined Judges ;) This looks quite interesting! :)
  5. Hey Lady, great videos! I was looking at your video editing tutorial and I'm using wax. Whenever I import a new file to a track, the preview is really slow. Is this normal? And how do I save the file to .AVI? All it will let me do is save it as .wxp file. Thanks for the help :D
  6. My response to David Cameron being the new Prime Minister. _██_ (ಠ_ృ) oh and; http://www.nooooooooooooooo.com/ I had a nasty feeling that Cameron was going to somehow become PM but now we have to wait another 4 years, or unless the coalition breaks down.
  7. A bit disappointed with the Liberal Democrats that they didn't get over 100 seats. But, despite the fact they have the least amount of seats, they are quite powerful for the position they are in to decide who becomes the next Prime minister. In my view, the coalition between Lib Dems with whoever won't work or it will be agreed but then it will fall apart. Which is why a re-election could be an outcome of this.
  8. Since I have 99 Thieving and I may go and get 100 Mill exp at some point, how much exp would I get an hour? Since the experience gained is dependent on your level.
  9. There's certainly none tomorrow due to being a bank holiday but I wouldn't count out later this week. This. It's Bank Holiday Monday tomorrow here in the UK and majority of offices are closed (I feel sorry for those who work in retail), but an update could happen during the rest of the week. ;)
  10. I've been trying out this skill today and I like it. :) I would like to see in the future more areas to train this skill. Oh and, Tears of Guthix is an easy way to gain so many levels, I started at Level 1 and I jumped 10 levels after a 1 run at ToG. :razz:
  11. So if someone buys a shirt from the store and gets a code, they get it in game? You confuse me. No, they buy in game items from the online store.
  12. I could see the "Redeem code" feature being used later in the future. If Jagex starts selling items in their online store, all the player needs to do is simply activate the code from Diango in Draynor and the player receives the item. It could be a possibility in my opinion.
  13. After reading today's update, I kinda want to go. I am pleased that there will be Runescape themed food and drinks, it would make the event more memorable. Pick up lines anyone? I thought of some last night. :P
  14. £75?! :shock: I went to the Gadget Show Live and I believe it was £25 (It could have been £30). I got to see tons of stuff, buy gadgets for a cheaper price, see a 2 hour live performance and win prizes. If they moved it from London to Birmingham NEC then the tickets would be cheaper and the train station is right next to the centre! So basically this would cost the following: £16.90 for the train ticket to London (Anytime Single Ticket) £75 for the event itself. £15 for food, drinks, snacks. (Due to it being in London, all the food will be expensive.) In total that's £106.90 for one day! It would be far cheaper at the Birmingham NEC, plus the food will be cheaper there too.
  15. The Thieves guild huh? Does my 99 Thieving have a purpose? :shock:
  16. Anyone else thinking that Stellar Dawn/Mechscape could be shown off at this event?
  17. 45 minutes - 1 hour train journey for me. I think I may come. :D MASS MEET UP PLEASE. EDIT: Mod Mark H just confirmed you MUST be 16 to attend the event and 18 to buy alcohol. (See page 35 on the RSOF)
  18. Anyone have any thoughts on the subtitle, "Dungeons of Daemonheim"? I like the idea but I think in the future that the subtitle will change when an important quest is released or activity etc.
  19. To be honest, I don't see how this could affect the majority of the users who browse Tip.It. As far as I'm aware, no content will be taken down and we will continue to function. At the end of the day, Tip.It is still the same site we use for guides, discussions, events etc even if it isn't Platinum or Gold or Silver or Bronze. I may not be active as I once was, but these are my thoughts on the entire situation.
  20. Any new pictures of the Fishing Guild? Quite Intrigued on how it looks. I remember the Fishing Guild wasn't really that significant in terms of looks.
  21. New skill eh? I have no idea what it could be. Combat or not, it will be interesting to see what they could do with all the upgrading they have done this year.
  22. I did this quest today. I thought it was great personally! :mrgreen: I haven't had the chance to try out those new Curses yet, I've been busy catching up on all the quests I've missed.
  23. Please be Runescape miniatures. PLEASE. :thumbsup:
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