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Everything posted by Half_Baked

  1. glorys and ceptars cant tele outta wild past lvl20
  2. try pest control, and save ur tickets till u got 100
  3. over a million :shock:
  4. Addy Kite, unless ur fighting cockatrices
  5. either buy from other players or make with herblore (if ur talking about the poison that doesnt do anything (the one in the green bottle) theres some in the draynor mansion
  6. nats, or seed stall, then after u get it around 45-50, guards
  7. its alright, shoulda stayed at 40 def though, and get both range and mage 60+, if ur p2p 70+
  8. im not sure, but i know u dont have to complete the desert treasure to get it
  9. there monster drops, some of the monsters that drop are: Ice Queen -lvl 111 Earth Warrior -lvl 51 Hobgoblin -lvl 42 Hobgoblin -lvl 28 Zombie -lvl 24 hope that helps
  10. its a club looking thing u knock people out with u get it from a quest (The Feud)
  11. either black knight fortress, or the hobgoblins by the crafting guild, go in cow pen and range across the water
  12. it will take a while, but fish lobs all the way to 76, then start makin money
  13. everytime u hit a rock with a rune pickaxe, u hit it like 21 times until u have to click the rock again, that is if u dont get the ore sooner, addy is like 15 or so, not sure though cuz it dont take me that many swings to get the ore
  14. if u go to red spiders, take a lobby cage, hatchet, and tinderbox, so u can fight then make food, then fight again then make food.....
  15. yeah its still better, but its way better when charged water waves max is 18 and u can hit around 20 with sara strike when its not charged
  16. boots are from f2p/p2p update and camo is a random
  17. yeah, to bad they werent tradeable, sum guy traded then put up 5mill and said, ill buy your easter boots (whos that stupid?).... i told him how to get though.... but ever scince then whenever i see the boots it really does remind me of easter
  18. yeah, but ne1 like lvl 20 can train mage enuff to get varrock tele without gaining a lvl n e ways
  19. yeah thats why im not a member, i got a lvl 91 member but i gets tired of him... thats why im skillin on my lvl 3 char, i know a lotta ppl think its dumb, but i think its pretty cool to have a skills noob, plus i dont really like combat anyhow........
  20. i got the ears on my main, and a [Caution: Jagex Rule Violation] on my old pker ( messed his stats up though :( ) i got the yo yo too, but i think its the stupidist holiday item there was....
  21. the boots are easy to get, the fancy ones remind me of easter....
  22. a farmer in lumbrige, i lost everything i got from tuturial island :(
  23. No offense but for some reason I don't believe that. I mean, who brings full saradomin and a santa hat when they're going to pk... and alone at that! plus, im pretty sure the other guy woulda made room for the santa at least... best i ever got was rune large, glory ammy and ring, air battle staff, runes and a dragon long a little while ago i got rune boots and obby cape from someone fishing sharks then died to troll
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