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Everything posted by wildernessfreelancer

  1. You really can't imagine what non-existence is like. Example: A 2-D stickman can't imagine himself in 3-D. Point: It's out of logic to the observer. Apply that example to our dimension and you get the point. :ohnoes:
  2. 42!!! :x Man, this is boring/stupid. (PS: I don't think.)
  3. I think you're sexy 'cause you have a cat siggy. mmmmm.... cats..... gotta love 'em :
  4. Correct. :) I love you because you like jokes. (jokemaster)
  5. Think of it this way: Well, technically speaking, God isn't real because He did not manifest Himself in our "reality dimension" (aka the dimension we're living in right now). Hope that helped. #-o
  6. Yeah, and you don't get gingerbread-man points for being cynical/sarcastic.
  7. The woman's freed. It was all a misunderstanding. So... can somebody lock this? (Just a suggestion. Don't take it personally.)
  8. This guy who killed 8 people and killed himself wrote in his suicide notes: "Just think tho I'm gonna be (expletive) famous." Isn't this what he wanted? People to be talking about him and his actions? And , no, he's not famous... he's infamous. If you guys knew any better then we wouldn't have given him any attention in the first place.
  9. How can we live without meaning/purpose in life? If you ask a person who believes in God, he/she would say that if you live without purpose or meaning in life, then it's pointless to live in the first place. And that God wouldn't waste His time creating "intelligent life forms" when it will ultimately ridicule His existence based on their "observable evidence". A person who does not believe in God would say that the meaning of life is to do memorable good deeds on Earth so that you'll die proud feeling that you've "accomplished something." When in reality you'll just rot in the soil and people will eventually forget about you, like you've never existed. So what happens after you die? If you think that nothing comes after death, then you would savor every moment living on earth. Now tell me honestly, is this what people want? Live once and die forever? True, God can't be proven by science or logic. When I say "God is eternal" and people scoffed saying that nothing is eternal, because it is out of their logic. Therefore, I don't blame people if they don't believe in God, because it is out of their logic. The only way to believe in God then is with faith. In fact, people who believe in God could clearly brush off any argument about God not existing by saying: "As long as there's a possibility of God's existence, which can neither be proved nor disproved by science, I can continue to believe in Him." If anyone tries to convince God doesn't exist because it is out of logic, then that person will probably win. That is, of course, if he/she can shatter their faith in Him. Not all people want to come to terms that we live and die for nothing, because then life would be a waste of time to them. What if we don't live, don't exist? Does that make a difference? If it doesn't, then people will start killing themselves because living on earth is a waste of time. Why not just die already?
  10. Zero! :uhh: LoL just kidding... :lol: Uhh.... 42? :ohnoes:
  11. You know when you have been [mentally delayed] when you have posted in this thread. :shock: :uhh: :ohnoes: (Yes, that includes me. : )
  12. I like my women like I like stupid ads.. they never seem to go away. (Means my women are loyal.) :) Lawyer.
  13. I hate you because you're filing a lawsuit against my lawyer. :shock:
  14. Here's a lawyer joke: Lawyer: The nerve! I can't believe you collect decayed teeth from all over the world and actually paid for them! Tooth Fairy: But- Lawyer: No! I don't care if you have emotional problems! You deserve to be paid, no matter how absurd your job is! Tooth Fairy:But I- Lawyer: Whoever heard of a job where you pay people instead of getting paid?! You deserve justice! You deserve compensation! Tooth Fairy: Umm... - Lawyer: You know what? I'll be your lawyer for free. You can settle everything in court. And you'll definitely win. Tooth Fairy: HEY! Lawyer: What? Tooth Fairy: I don't exist, remember? *poof!* Lawyer: Oh, [cabbage], why does she have to do that every time I say that? I offered to be her lawyer, free of charge... and she makes up an excuse and vanishes. I mean, come on! It's not like I have a crush on her or something...... I don't! (^ What lawyers do when they're bored.)
  15. I don't see why this is any more significant than the fact that thousands of people die everyday of hunger/poverty. They died silently, and I suggest this news do the same thing. If I was a lawyer, I would see to personally that the poor get equal opportunities to live like everyone else. I want justice to this discrimination against the poor. =;
  16. Who is to say that we have free will in the first place? I'll give an example: Person: Hey I have free will! I can do anything with my life, even live up to a hundred. Actual: The person died (God took away his life) at 70. Now, we can't even say that we own each of our lives. God gives life, God takes it away. That's how life and death exist. You don't create your own life, God gave it to you. But then, what happens when you kill people? Sure, you can literally say that you took their lives, but why is it wrong to do so? God owns all our lives. If you take a person's life, you're in the wrong because you didn't give the person life to begin with. So, yes, God created free will as well. In fact, God created everything.
  17. What kind of question is that? Nothing comes before God, because He is eternal. He is neither created nor destroyed. He's just there for all time, even before time existed, actually. Since he had said (refer to my previous post) that science proves adults have imaginary friends, you could do the logic yourself: That these imaginary friends, carved into statues, will be worshiped as "gods" in future. WRONG. Science does prove that the "Flying Spaghetti Monster" did not exist. How? By saying that it's made up by the human imagination. Really, I would actually believe anyone who said that they can't see God, because it then overrules the "Human Imagination debunker". Yeah, and if they managed to prove what happened before the Big Bang, then they would find God on the other end. The Cyclic model relies on the Big Bang and the Big Crunch. If the Big Bang theory is incorrect, then the Cyclic model will be incorrect as well. Besides, I don't see why God will make and destroy the universe in an infinite loop. You prove something is possible when scientific evidence cannot prove nor disprove that possibility. The FSM has already been scientifically proven against its existence (By using the "Human Imagination debunker"). Other than that, you're just being cynical. You know what I think? I think that you.... just lost. 8-)
  18. That's exactly my POINT. You seem to assume that just because one of the many religions in this world are scientifically proven to be false, you conclude that all religions are false altogether. You seem to also quote my "irrelevant" posts. Your answer can be found below. If you're looking for my real deal here, then it's found below. Please don't use my irrelevant posts that you've managed to squeeze out of me. Now that we have that cleared, listen very carefully. You seem to think that Hindus also have the right to believe in what's scientifically false. (I'm not being offensive here. BlueLancer seems to be saying that Hindus have gods made out of human imagination.) Listen to this: So then isn't it logical to say that Hindus have imaginary friends, and carve them onto statues so that they won't forget their imaginary friends (Humans do forget). Later on they forget that the statues they created are their imaginary friends, and instead worship them as gods. Where else can you find "gods" that look like humans/ animals/ hybrids of both? Why, from the human imagination, of course! In fact, based on BlueLancer's scientific evidence, I can go on to say that any religion that has statues representing "gods"/worship statues as "gods" are false, since there is scientific evidence to prove against their existence. Now, are you (BlueLancer), going to try debunking every religion that has the concept of God, based on scientific evidence? I suggest you try doing that in alphabetical order. But, hey, why not try debunk the easiest religions first? Oh, I forgot, I just did that for you. So, let's try skipping to the hardest to debunk, shall we? Say, the concept of god being a singular, invisible super-entity, which is found in Christianity/Islam. The fact is.... science can't prove nor disprove this concept of god. We could then assume that it's a possibility. The closest as it can get for this type of god to be related with science, is by using Quantum Physics : The Indeterminate State. Since science can't prove or disprove this god concept, we classify it as being indeterminate. Think of the "cat in the box" experiment, you can neither tell if the cat is alive or dead until you observe it. So, let's put it this way: Existent l-----------------------------------------l Non-existent God's existence, Indeterminate. Faith, is what pushes God into the existent zone. Without faith, God won't be in an indeterminate state for long, as it is slowly being pulled into the non-existent zone as time passes by, as there is no evidence of it being existent. I know, I know. You said it before : The thing is, science can't prove what happened before the Big Bang, either. And, surprise, surprise... scientists never will. So, logic tells me that : 1. God can't be proven by science, and it will never be. 2. What happened before the Big Bang can't be proven by science, and it never will be. 3. By using their relation, that both can never be proven with science, then it's possible to say: God created the Big Bang in the first place. So, it's a win-win situation. You saying God can't be proven by science, and I saying there's a possibility God exists (and that can't be proven by science). This post agrees on both sides. Questions and comments on this post are allowed and welcomed. 8-)
  19. I don't see anything wrong with it (because it has good intentions). Even if you don't know the source of the offense, you can still report it and avoid being fined (seeing that you have a valid reason). Then it's up to the CIA to track down the sources. 8-)
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