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Everything posted by Ginger_Warrior

  1. Snare? Fire waves? Zamorak Strike? Lunars to assist your team. In fact, there's countless other spells you could use. Why do mages have to be in an offensive role? Rangers are supposed to be used defensively, warriors offensively and mages for ranged support IMO. As for your sarcastic proposal, I do kinda agree with something along those lines. It's not "nerfing" the game, but what it does do is turn it into a more offensive, attacking style of play, and I personally find that style much more fun, quick and exciting than the old ancient flag-holding tactic. Of course, how stupid I am to imply we play this game for fun! I deserve a slap from a wet salmon... #-o
  2. TBH, I'd be in favour of scrapping any mention of it. I read that a while ago, and I remember thinking at the time I'd never heard anything about a "Nature World". I asked my RS mate if he had, he said, "No". Frankly, I think it would be more worth people's time if they looked for double crafters on the RSOF. That's my two Pence's worth...
  3. When you put it like that, perhaps it would make more sense not to create a sticky. As said, it's just not a big enough board. Like I said, this was more inspired by a few comments I saw about the amount of Pok̮̩̉̉mon-related threads spamming up the board that got me thinking. Thanks anyway. Just a suggestion that's all. :)
  4. From my work on Tip.It's Bestiary, I certainly notice this pattern among monsters. For example, in case none of you noticed, the Level 166 monsters from the new update seem to have exactly the same drops as each other.
  5. What do you do to lure fish onto your rod? You put bait onto it, this is luring, and it's completly sad. The person who made the video said "safes and teles, sad", that makes me so angry, he's the sad pathetic fat loser sitting behind his computer, being a coward, not even giving the other people a chance. He doesn't look like a guy I'd like to spend anything more than 5 seconds with, I'll agree, but then again this thread isn't about whether I like him. TBH, I don't much time for most PKers, especially not the self-proclaimed "ownage" ones. But this thread is about whether he's doing anything wrong. Don't compare this example to fishing - one's a prgram generating a load of random numbers to come to a final conclusion, the other is another human's emotions, actions and stupidity. I can't see what the PKer has done wrong. He's not 'lured', at least not in the way that Jagex banned. If people are stupid enough to fall for this trick, it's their own fault. Perhaps more pertinently, in direct reply to the author of this thread, how would removing the ditch solve this? I'm intrigued as to the logic behind your argument there... :-k
  6. why? it's part of the game and has every right to be used. Just because some idiots don't know how to protect themselves against it doesn't mean it should be taken out. You seem to imply there is a way to protect yourself against it. For m̮̻̉̉l̮̩̉̉e, I can simply run away from whoever's attacking me. Same really for range. But Ancient Magicks have the ability not only to attack from afar, but to freeze you so you can't get away. This is what really unbalances Ancient Magicks. Maybe it would be better if you could only attack within a four-tile radius, but you can literally freeze someone ten tiles away with no effort whatsoever, and with no hope of them escaping.
  7. Actually, yes they were entering at their own choice. The 'book' glitch had already been fixed when the ditch was introduced. The reason for the ditch is because people were entering the wild under false pretences of people selling an item at the prayer guild. Therefore, the 'bait' was the good deal. In this case, the 'bait' is an item dropped on the ground, it is still luring the person into wild. If this is a case where someone has offered a trade, and has then said they dropped it in the Wildy, then of course, that's against the rules. It's trading under false pretenses. However, if someone decides to spontaneously drop an item at the edge of the Wilderness, and then someone sees this item having had no contact with the item dropper to go and get that item, then that's not the kind of luring that's banned. It's a form of baiting, but as said before, the person that enters the Wilderness does so in full knowledge that there's nothing stopping them from getting killed in the action of retrieving the dropped item. They agree when they click the confirmation box that they are doing so at their own risk, and that at any point, someone could kill them, and that there is no rule set by Jagex to protect their items. Maybe people should actually look at the potential solutions to this problem of Trade scamming on the edge of the Wilderness. i see two solutions: A) Jagex decides to protect everyone that goes into the Wilderness, and at this point, the difference between PKing and luring becomes smaller and smaller, and reports involving such incidents become harder and harder to deal with. Some PKer accounts wrongly punished, some lurers slip through the net (so it doesn't solve the problem entirely either), not to mention a PKing community completely up in arms over how anyone who enters the Wilderness has a case to say "They scammed me", and potentially falsely report them. B) The RS community eventually comes to the realisation that if victims didn't go trades at the end of the Wilderness didn't go wearing Guthix Full Helms (etc.), or if people were sensible enough to not trade near the Wilderness in the first place, this problem wouldn't actually exist in the first place, or if it did, the luring 'market' (for lack of a better word) couldn't sustain itself. Therefore, Jagex releases a public announcement clearly warning people of the dangers of the Wilderness, and the inevitable scams that are due to these dangers, and any other case after is labelled as the victim's fault for entering the Wilderness on their own. Of course, I don't think luring like this is a particularly good thing. In fact, I think it's pretty lame people do this. But I'm not going to blame them for what is frankly other people's stupidity. I supported action being taken on luring, because there were cases where people were entering the Wilderness without giving consent to do so. However, that has been removed thanks to the ditch, and now you have to give consent enter the Wilderness, and in doing so, you accept the dangers of the Wilderness. So, in short, this is wrong if the victim and lurer had an agreement prior to the PK, however, if the PKer drops a high value item, and the victim accepts the danger of losing their items in fetching that item, I really see no crime there. Noone has been deceived...
  8. Atheism isn't a religion, just a set of common values to a group of people. I am one however.
  9. It's like in CW when you set cades up, and people flame you because it stops their easy route to the flag, or when you pray when you have about seven people on you. They're just immature people who need to grow up fast, and can't get over the fact there's no easy way to victory, and they can't 'own' everything. :x
  10. How is it? They're clearly warned of the dangers of the Wilderness, and that no-one else apart from them takes responsability if their tiems are lost? The know the dangers when they go into the Wilderness, so how is the PKer in the wrong? Just because he set the bait doesn't mean he's a lurer.
  11. So far as I notice, the 'lurer' placed a note on the floor, and an unsuspecting person went to grab that note, where he got PKed? That's not luring. The issue with luring is that people weren't entering the Wilderness at their own choice. Here, people are manually crossing the ditch at their own accord. Therefore, if they get attacked, it's fair game. It's not the PKer's fault he was stupid enough to fall for it in the first place. This doesn't prove the ditch is ineffective at all. This is a pathetic, half-drawn attempt by a RCer to get the ditch removed, and it doesn't prove anything.
  12. There's been a few odd comments in the Video Games & Consoles board (in OT) about the amount of Pok̮̩̉̉mon threads on there. As we all know, Pok̮̩̉̉mon has actually formed a community within itself, and due to the large nature of the game, there's quite a lot to talk about, so perhaps it's inevitable threads are being put up there much more than about any other game. Anyways, I propose that a kind of "General Pok̮̩̉̉mon Sticky" be placed on that board, as well as any other game that has its own kind of mini-group, such as the WoW "What server are you are on?" thread, set up by Nadril, which has proved to be really popular. On the General Sticky, Pok̮̩̉̉mon trades, battles and friend codes can be exchanged, as well as any general talk, such as Battle Discussion, or someone asking for assistance. This is mostly to provide a place for Pok̮̩̉̉mon trainers to come together, and to reduce the amount of Pok̮̩̉̉mon-related topics on that board. Comments?
  13. Just when you thought there could be no more Pok̮̩̉̉mon threads. : My Pok̮̩̉̉mon are already in my siggy. I actually used that site for the images. a_local_guy, a Confuse Ray team I see... :P
  14. Would have done it sooner if I didn't live in GMT. :roll: All done. You'll find its entry here! Locked ~Ginger Warrior
  15. If we can't even keep a sticky updated with the correct info, how on Earth would we be able to keep a whole database updated with the correct info, especially when there's only a dozen or so crewbies, who all have tasks of their own to get on with? So, unfortunetely, it doesn't look like Tip.It will be hosting a price guide in the near future. Other fansites already do it, such as Zybez, so to do a guide would be to just copy them, and we pride ourselves on not copying other fansites, and providing our own knowledge and research. Also, looking on the RSOF will give you a rough price guide in about 30secs. So, all in all, I reject the idea of a price guide. Sorry. :( As for the Price List on the Forum, I have no control over that, nor do I particularly use it. As I said though, looking on the RSOF (you don't even need to be a member to do this) would give you an accurate price in seconds, so perhaps the Price List on here shouldn't really be your first place to go anyway.
  16. Well the thing with that is that no matter what you change it to, it still won't be the same for everybody unless we all redid our avatars to coincide with the change. Not everyone's avatar is 100 pixels wide (mine's 80, for example, and I like it that way). I'm not sure who has the original staff image files, but unless we still have access to them, the avatars would have to be remade entirely, which is just a lot more unnecessary work :( Agreed. It's a lot easier to crop or scale your own avatar to a width of 80 using any basic image program than it is to have all the staff's avatars redone, especially when you'll just create a problem where those who currently have avatars of 80 width will start looking funny.
  17. All monsters' profiles have been uploaded to the Bestiary, where further corrections can be submitted using the "Submit Correction" form. Since that's actually easier for us to deal with, this thread will now be locked. If you have any other info you feel should be added to the monsters' profiles that can't be entered using the "Submit Correction" (images, for example), feel free to PM me. :) Thanks for all of your help on this update, we simply couldn't have done this without you! Locked ~Ginger Warrior
  18. This information is useful, however, someone had already submitted it before you had, and thus we can't credit it you for it, even if it's correct and would have been otherwise useful. Thanks for the effort though. :)
  19. You think you've got troubles 'coz you can't set off a few fireworks? It's so rainy here, Wimbledon's five days behind schedule, and it's only been running for a week and a half...
  20. O... Kay... :-s is there a joke in there somewhere or was that just an insult? If it is an insult, it shows how lame it is if I can't even tell... Don't worry about it. I've GIMPed them and they're on the database now. I'll also get working on those extra drops now. Thanks. :D
  21. Artemis_42, I've already GIMPed the fist two images and they're uploaded to the database. I'll work on the other two, and any others you may post, when I'm less tired. sniper, my apologies. I had seen it, but that info needed confirming. It has been, and I forgot to credit you. Again, I'll do so in the morning. Same message really for MidnightHarvester and teamdark2... I'm shattered. -.-
  22. Sounds good to me. It's getting late for me now anyway, so I probably won't see this post again until about 12hrs time. That should give you all the time you need, so don't worry about time. It's not really important - I got other stuff to be doing.
  23. Kinda obvious why, but I do :) When I was officially announced as a Tip.It crewbie, I got a few HYTs when I went to take a break at CW, which kinda made me feel cool, yet weird at the same time. :P
  24. Turn your volume up and that's runescape for ya. :lol: Liking that siggy too :wink: Depends which kind of club you to really. I mean, not all of them are full of hypnotised raving drunks with dance music and the bass cranked to the max. You get all sorts of clubs... some don't even serve alcohol, just coke and Red Bull and that, and actually only allow under 18s (over 14s) in.
  25. It certainly seems that way. Hence why everyone's saying Mithril Dragons are the only way to get the Dragon Full Helm.
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