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Everything posted by iwatake

  1. I'll come if I can, and I'm bringin' penguins!! Muahaha. :twisted:
  2. Lawl, nice blog. I like the quotes the best. Good luck with your goals!
  3. NINETY-NINE HUNTER! WOOOOOOOOOOT!! The level and cape: =D> pls? :P =D>
  4. Lololol, there are some good ones in here : how about... Congratulations, your hunter level is now 99... You can now hunt (stalk :wink: ) other players! You can now use "A better mousetrap" !
  5. The actual picture for the post above: : Other levels: As well as a new bank pic: And, don't forget to come to my party in FOUR days now \
  6. Look at all those green dots... Anyways, I never thought I'd see so many messages :shock: , you're really popular, gj Sheynara <3 :thumbsup: Have fun with your other 99s! (and you don't have to make up for your lack of a drop party, everyone loves ya anyway :P)
  7. I should be there, buddy : Have fun killing off one hapless cow !!
  8. Well, I think they've been telling us they have been banning, but not making an official number anouncement. Remember when they were asking us players to report any suspicious players for macroing? When they said they were stepping up their actions against them? Well, perhaps that worked then. :thumbsup:
  9. ooooh, nice! If you're going to have a party, I'll come :o ! Thanks :D
  10. I really ought to update this more.... Geez I can't keep up with everything anymore. hopefully, I'll add the pics and things later. for now, NINETY-EIGHT HUNTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!111!!!11ONE!!!1
  11. I'll be sure to come! Don't forgot to remind us all on mIRC! Else I might forgot... you know? I can't miss this :( Anyways, triple (cape) kill! +10 pts : :thumbsup:
  12. It's quite alright, Blinky, set-backs are to be expected. I get set back all the time. rather annoying, but I get over it. Rl, unfortunately, > online :( . I'm sure you'll survive just fine.. until then, I'll miss you for antoher week :? Oooh, right, and don't forget my 99 hunter party next Tuesday (remember, click the sig for thread.)
  13. Update your profile location, silly! Yw for using my house altar, btw. Good luck with those goals... it's so sudden and crazy and great! :D
  14. Wb buddy. Monkfish do look awful now, I agree with you there... remember? Anyway, you were silly saying you were going to try going the entire summer without RS ( :XD: ). (I wouldn't be able to do it >_>)
  15. Lolololololol, that's a good one, Handman :D
  16. Gratz on the 83 strength.. and the magic void helm which you didn't say :P
  17. I will consider it, but now is probably too late to do anything about this. Having already invited most of my friends, and schedule conflicts, etc. But I will consider it, as I said I would.
  18. You've had this since wehn I never told me? Then again, I never really told you about my blog.... go find it if you want to post it lol. Anyhow, gratz and good luck. :
  19. Say it ain't so.. Don't go! I'll miss you :( ... Surely you could make back 20m with a combination of nats, red chins, and barrows? If you don't know what to do, I'll help, ask me! :o
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