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Everything posted by iwatake

  1. Seriously, just open up whatever word processing program you have and type stuff on there.
  2. Yes. Several years ago, when I was new to members, I always tried to finish slayer tasks after I had run out of food, too lazy to fetch more. Unsurprisingly, I died many times on slayer tasks then :P
  3. I type in the number I need, to practice my numpad skills.
  4. They're supposed to be there. Jagex decided to leave them there, for some, well, persona. They aren't for a quest. They aren't for a skill. They're, more or less, for decoration.
  5. That's a good idea, it's rather strange and bland using the cape's emotes and not hearing anything. It would make more sense with a sound effect for them.
  6. It did indeed die? I tried to go to the stie, you get some strange "Account Temporarily Disabled" error? Whatever that means. I suppose I'll just delete my 99 hunt goal bar then... already gotten that level anyway :
  7. It looks very good! (albeit a bit squashed... but I can deal with that) The current skill pics are.. well a bit dated. Looks good, though! :thumbsup:
  8. Rawr? I r posting, saw you on channel Blogscape (yay Shey) Good luck with your new blog. :thumbsup:
  9. Looks good! :thumbsup: Keep up the good work and... get 70 rcing already :P (narb? jking!)
  10. After ten days of neglect, recent level ups galore. I have also re-organized the first post, which will be organized further on Monday. So, here are the pics: Here are all agility levels: Keep posted.
  11. Good luck guru! Is this also part of a get-rich-quick sceme? :P Anyway... have fun with the slaying! keep us posted in #runescape, heh
  12. Hyt channel tipitchat 'er Good luck with the fishing... don't get bored :P
  13. Blogscape channel... thanks to whoever set it up, sounds better then tipitchat atm (kinda spammy, no?)
  14. You know... that's the first time I've really looked at a metal dragon in awhile... Anyway, very good, keep up the good luck :P Btw, remind me to stop abusing my blog, dunno where it even is atm.. lol :XD:
  15. The size of the runescape chat bar is simply too small for large amount of people to talk at once. As of now, most messages get flooded out within 30 seconds or so. I expect it might cool down though. It's still a very nice chat for doing something boring, like fishing or woodcutting and the like. I'm glad it was set up.
  16. I know this really wouldn't help at all, but maybe they will lift the level 99 limit on stats, thus letting you have more hp and the like. But that doesn't really help if people are getting higher attack and strength. It's an idea, though.
  17. It's to be a great month I hope! It looks like it to me! After the past few months of... well.. meh updates, this month looks swell indeed. Plus, since they recently updated the game engine, I think these updates will make use of that. :thumbsup:
  18. Well then, it'll be the same way the chaos elemental is now: Wait a few weeks, and treasure-hunter pkers will go away. At least I hope. But I do have a feeling that the dungeon itself will not be wilderness. Pking in there, with the monsters as well, would make the dungeon seemingly impossible, I'd think.
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