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Everything posted by iwatake

  1. That's awesome, I never knew about that until now, lol. I hope they work on my computer.
  2. Wow, those are uuuugly As for the price, lol @ Zybez' price for it:
  3. I would be very impressed indeed, if you did that. It just takes so long. Don't get me wrong though, I'm one of those people who likes to refuse to buy anything at all to level :P Self-reliance ftw :
  4. I'd say definitely runecrafting. Runecrafting just takes forever to train. :|
  5. Free bumpzor is ftw, buddy! Good luck, and keep up the good work and leveling :thumbsup:
  6. That's nice! Now if it worked with penguin suits (and I ought to try) I'd be set :thumbsup: But I bet you could get almost anywhere doing that.... *thinks of apes in Lletya* :-k Some people are a little jumpy with the "Omg, bug abuse, ban ban ban!"
  7. hmmm.... A clockwork penguin, or... *thinks a bit..* ooooh, I know, a dark bow... or... a dragonfire shield? Ugh, idk lol -.-
  8. Ninety-Four Hunter achieved. Now, tomorrow I shall be gone on vacation for the next to weeks, so free bumps pls? Anyhow, I will compare how many ranks I will have lost during my absence, so here is a before pciture:
  9. Don't you dare let your blog die, or I'll stalk you on #runescape, muahahaha. :twisted:
  10. That sounds like a good theory, or the testing server thing. Either thing seems plausible to me.
  11. Of course I use 'em. Shortcuts especially help in many more ways then one. And emotes, well I use those too. Emotes are fun, you know? :
  12. They are utterly and completely pointless, and have horrible stats. Throw it away and hope never to come across one again :P Definitely a waste of bank space.
  13. yeh, definitely world 99 edgeville. It just pwns, hands down. :twisted: Another then that.. well... I like the general Seers/Camelot/Catherby area.
  14. This year, Jagex put their foot down hard on autoers. That is a major thing no? I mean, shark prices fell dramatically, and here they are, nearly back at the price they once were. If that isn't something major, I don't what is. Kudos to Jagex, in any case. :
  15. Ya rly, penguins FTW! :thumbsup: : :thumbsup: Anyway, Ninety-three Hunter! Various other levels: I should get 94 hunter by the end of the week, and then I will be on vacation for about two weeks, starting Friday. :| I'll finish off 99 hunter once I get back though :thumbsup:
  16. Gosh.. still so much junk for a level 72 slayer monster that is a pain to kill... :( At least they drop the visage.
  17. Possibly in an another month, they said they will be having more updates like this week's.
  18. Not like they will make an RS3, but if they did I would probably quit RS2. Would depend on the quality of RS3
  19. Lucky neeb, saw you at edgy yesterday with that new sceptre. Enjoy it :P And congratulations on 94 fishing. :
  20. Gratz on making a blog :D Good luck with your goals, and thanks for supporting me as well. I don't like your nickname you give though, -.- , but whatever lol. Always be on #runescape ! You know it's the place to be :
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