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Everything posted by iwatake

  1. Sounds like they might live in some generic neighborhood... That'd be kind of scary living there :shock:
  2. Bludragon124 and Artemis_42, good ones! Also, thanks for the serious names... there's a lot of humorous ones on this thread by now :? Plus darkblob0, Very orignial :XD:
  3. Interesting, I'm going to check it out.
  4. ^My favorites, but on number 2, It's more fun shooting the "Fixed Device" toads at friends and having them eat a deadly nightshade the second you hit them. Then watch the amazed reactions of the people around you :D As for number 14, I do that all the time :P
  5. If the Barrows Brothers were... normal people, not vengeful spirits, what would the rest of their names be? Certainly not negative corruptful names. First off, here are there names as they are now: Verac the Defiled Dharok the Wretched Ahrim the Blighted Torag the Corrupted Karil the Tainted Guthan the Infested I would give them these names, by their set usage: Verac the Glorious - For the many Kalphite Queen battles that have been fought with his set. Dharok the Careful - To avoid dying while using his set effect to its fullest Ahrim the Staffless - Few use his staff, it has even been alchemy fodder! Torag the Common - His set is great defense - with a great price. Karil the Cheap - 600k is the lowest set of them all. Guthan the Conquerer - Mow down the hoards of enemies, and you still won't go down, healing yourself without end with his effect. I would give them these names, by the opposite of their name meanings: Verac the Inquirer/Pure (Defile/Defy had many antonyms, so I picked two) Dharok the Nice Ahrim the Healthy Torag the Honored Karil the Righteous/Cleansed Guthan the Cleansed - Sources: I used http://www.bartleby.com/thesauri/ What would you name them? (Please remember this is if they were not corrupted by dark magic as they are now.) I would also like to point out the Tip.Iter event, The Spoils of War: http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?t=628928 , In which you fight the barrows brothers :wink:
  6. Who was worse? Neither, all tyrant dictators are on the same level, regardless of the numbers killed, tortured, or anything else. They're all on the same level, these cruel leaders.
  7. No, no one is too old for Runescape :
  8. Don't even view the rants forum on official runescape forums. It's a heapof flames and trash. (unless you want to point and laugh at most of them :lol: ) And no, I don't think Jagex is letting us down, not quite yet. But it is heading in that direction in my opinion.
  9. Don't be so rash. It doesn't get turned off, as you can see the prayer symbol over your character's head when using overhead prayers.
  10. Good luck... especially on the herblore. Takes forever to train. Well anyhow... I'll tell ya if I ever stop being lazy and make myself a blog.. I always think I have too little time. But, good luck again! :thumbsup:
  11. What are you talking about? That things hits a lot! and it got changed to be even better again. On topic: Longsword or Scimitar? I still say longsword, you can use the cleave spec multiple times, Scimitar's sever is once then you have to wait for the special energy to recharge... But that's just my opinion.
  12. Drop trader... or Drop party? Lots of people are up there anyway, the picture you get of floors you aren't on are the way you last saw it. You also never see any players on floors you aren't on.
  13. I think you just got a bad lag there.
  14. Earning 6 mil to buy a green mask, losing it, and buying another for 20 mil. Getting rank 700 Hunter (several times, lol) Finishing all quests :thumbsup:
  15. I should try this out... My signature I made myself isn't exactly the best
  16. Is 70 agility really that difficult? I found it a chore only after level 69. It doesn't have to be hard, you can make it fun at the brimhaven agility arena.
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