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Everything posted by iwatake

  1. First and foremost, don't be a first letter capital abuser. This just makes you look like an idiot, ingame or out. :shame:
  2. That's really quite crazy... :shock:
  3. A lot of random stuff?!? Anything you can wield has the operate option, and the majority of them have nothing that you can "operate"
  4. Of course I rely on teleportation... I'd hoard my super energy potions and use them selectively if teleportation did not exist! I feel sorry for those level 3 skillers who cannot use magic teleportation.
  5. Ummmm, tell us? Yes please tell us i must know! :wall: I added that interesting bit of the conversation from the ring of charos. Look at the two blocks of dialogue I added.
  6. I'll look into that... as soon as I finish the homework I should be doing
  7. You should have items you have multiples of first. That way you don't have to constantly move your melee/magic/range gear back up... It's better if they're on the bottom (If you don't have multiples of them.)
  8. Updated, 3-21-07! However, I still need pictures of Rubber chicken, Flares, Pantaloons, Sleeping Cap, and Wig (Send me them) .
  9. Jagex would have to fix the various lag with rsc. That means they would have to go back and spend time to fix it, time they could be making updates for rs2. That would anger some people :|
  10. Look, without third-party software being outright supported by Jagex, they just can't always be trusted. This is a major blow to the majority of them, most of them having the purpose of switching worlds. One thing though: Worlds 1-10 are still FULL!
  11. Modern, but is this using it in combat or just using spells?(e.g. high alchemy?)
  12. Unfortunately, that's not a dwarf. But an epic quest would always be good!
  13. Lmao, did you get out yet? If not, good luck, or do the home teleport as suggested :lol:
  14. I believe so, the grapple shortcuts probably require 70 agility.
  15. They are located through the large staircase at the southern end of the city, where the agility course is located.
  16. Aw, but killing cataclysmic demons is so much fun! :o
  17. I was exploring the mines outside of the dorgeshuun city, where the agility course is. (That's the southern end of the city up the large staircase. You will also need a grapling hook to get to the plateau they stand on.) And I found these two talking to eachother: What I strongly suspect is that this great "power" is actually tears of Guthix. Either that or the goblin's lava power generator. Now if these Zarosians got ahold of either... Also, pickpocketing the mage gives you an amulet of lucien, which opens up one more dialogue option when speaking to them. You can find out that they were sent by Lucien. Using the ring of charos (u), I was able to crack this much more out of them: Also, here is where they are located in the agiltiy course: What's next?
  18. Something like the magic/range tutors giving out arrows, but better ones, and making them untradable, would probably work better without killing runecrafting/fletching (arrows of course). 10 gp arrows/runes... as you said would just utterly kill runecrafting.
  19. I have to say I'm very jealous of your very nicely and neatly organized blog... (I'd probably never spend the time to do that, on my non-existant blog.) Good luck with everything! :thumbsup:
  20. Get those stats up you noob :P It's still good though. I should make you post on my non-existant blog. As of now, I'm too lazy/time consumed to make one. Good luck with anything! :
  21. 8/10 bank snippet, 6/10 stats. (you should work on some of those :P ) Still nice though. :thumbsup:
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