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Everything posted by iwatake

  1. Gratz on the levels, Celt! Btw on that summoning level earlier... you got the timing like perfect, you don't see the summoning symbol, you got the pic when it was flashing off. Thought that was interesting.
  2. Lmao @ the death section. Good job restoring your blog :) (now you should put my dumb death in there :P, KBD, much?)
  3. I think I'll try to come to the Halo 3 custom games. Tag: (ignore the privacy settings thing, doesn't matter)
  4. Tracked down my friend code: 4381-8811-6854 In other news... 414 pokemon obtained. Once I get some more of the easy ones down, I'll be posting on here for pokemon I need, hopefully people have them :
  5. Alright Handman. Quite a lot of stuff to look at here... Wall of pictures, not text :thumbsup: Careful.... [hide=Wall of pictures] [/hide] Leave you off with a happy note (and another image) great dialogue from rocking out XD: NOW POST!! Thanks. :P
  6. All that information isn't only from quests and books - talk to everyone and everything. The summoning guy near Rimmington, don't quite remember his name, speaks some about the history of the wizards tower and explains some runecrafting details in that. Also, a barbarian on the 3rd floor of one of the barbarian village buildings explains some history of how they got there, and the freminik - with some more runecrafting history.
  7. Lol, nice. Maybe they did make the dust devils based off of that toy...
  8. Final Fantasy Tactics A2, that's coming out on the 24rth and is a very good turn based class strategy game :thumbsup: I've played the first for the GBA, and it's one of the best games I've played on a portable.
  9. You can only get those files during the quest, after you can only steal and won't get any files from the cabinets, just items. They're all the same item anyway, I grabbed a few random ones and they looked the same with the same examine.
  10. Oh, nice. I knew I probably had the reqs, and I always wanted to know where I could find my system specs, so yay :D
  11. Gamertag: Pacific Penguin Usually randomly play halo 3. Team swat is great on that :D I also play team fortress 2, or other random games I've borrowed from my friends, heh. I have a mic :!: You know, I would, but I'm not so great at that, and besides I played it about 50 times the first double exp weekend, and am still a bit sick of it, lol. :|
  12. Because rioting on a game is completely pointless. It's not like real life where someone might actually notice. There's no washington DC (or the like) to have a riot rally at. It doesn't work. It's a complete waste of time, and in the example of rs, it doesn't work at all. Complaining directly to Jagex or posting in the rants forum might be better, but I guess people want to blow steam.
  13. Fix your blog, or change the title? Or else, what is the experiment? 3 month dead one? :shock: I'll fix my own blog later >_>
  14. Possibly... flippable hoods judging from the sketches on the bottom? that would be a sweet update, downed hoods on the NPCs already look nice, and the monk's robes has a hood down on the back of it. I hope so. :D
  15. As I was saying the few days before the forum crash, I may try to complete (or get far along on) my pokedex. I'm already at 387 caught, and 400 seen, and I've tried using the GTS to help me, but as any of you who have used the thing, 90% of the trades are complete BS. So maybe I can get help from this thread :D But yeah, in about 4 days, when I'll have time.
  16. ... As I was saying, you guys should definitely watch the Halo 3 community mishap montage that Bungie recently posted on thier website, Here Honestly, best halo video since Halo Music Video hell :D
  17. ^posts above not recent obviously. Read my topic title. In other news, where has the hide option gone? no longer exists? :\
  18. At last the tif forums are back :) Albeit with a few kinks and things to work out, but the important thing is that it is back, where it belongs ^_^
  19. iwatake

    d boots

    I'm thinking you just called them marshmellows because of the inventory picture. That's the only thing that's broken about them. The inv picture looks silly :?
  20. I want more... it can't be so difficult to make them, except for any new places or items they have to add to the game... :|
  21. No, no, and well. This is just the standard RSOF ridiculousness... or someone went off the deep end and took things too seriously.
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