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Everything posted by compfreak847

  1. Doesn't matter. Range bonus isn't the whole story. Ammo type plays the biggest role. How does ammo play a role in accuracy if it only gives ranged strength? Shoot 1000 bronze bolts then 1000 rune bolts and come back to me with the results -.-
  2. Close enough. Miasmic barrage then run -> ice barrage = they both hit at the same second. I know I said that earlier, though ;)
  3. Members doesn't even have a close bank...
  4. You should be able to squeeze out 2 runs, but it'll get annoying with it wearing off in the middle. Tassets are the best stat bonus anyway, I don't get why there's a debate #-o That further explains the slow kills...
  5. This belongs in suggestions. http://forum.tip.it/viewforum.php?f=37 Reporting so it can be moved.
  6. I'll repost when I'm done reading. Ok, it should be well over an hour as it is several dozen pages of information. Don't come back in 20 minutes and say you read it but I didn't cover your points. Take my word for it, every word of your post was responded to in great depth.
  7. It doesn't. You have to spend a few dozen hours recording each hit of the weapon, then log it and graph it to see the frequency of each hit and calculate the average. Doesn't matter. Range bonus isn't the whole story. Ammo type plays the biggest role.
  8. It aint just experience, the facts are on my side. Like the fact that thus far everyone I've argued against doesn't even have the magic level to TRY what we're arguing about #-o
  9. What? Your basing your argument completely off maxes? Have you completely forgotten about hit spreads and accuracy? You can't magically add maxes and come up with DPM, especially when they contradict my actual RW results. And crossbow is 11 GP per shot, but 6k XP less. Crystal bow is 98k per hour more for 6k XP, given that 180k range XP can be obtained per hour for free at chins + avansies, it would require 2,940,000 GP per hour to make crystal bow better. Not only is that rate impossible, chinchompas would be laughably cheap compared to it. Meh I got lazy that calculation. You can neglect accuracy difference with a zamorak prayer book. And even you take the average damage of the crystal bow and broad bolts, their respective adpc comes out to be 75 and 70, respectively. But that purely assumes money is no object but not using red chins (completely contradictory) and there are multiple crystal bows for the bow switcheroo. Basically, it's a completely unrealistic situation. #-o After doing some math, broad bolts are about 100% stronger than bronze opal bolts (something I didn't think of). Basically, that means killing monsters in half the time for ~6x the price or a ratio of 1:3. So, you blew me out of the water on that. Now that I see my error in cost per gp, the whole argument that the crystal bow is better has fallen apart completely and not just partially (as I thought before). Meh, now my dream of owning a crystal bow seems stupid :( What? Your basing your argument completely off maxes? Have you completely forgotten about hit spreads and accuracy? You can't magically add maxes and come up with DPM, especially when they contradict my actual RW results. And crossbow is 11 GP per shot, but 6k XP less. Crystal bow is 98k per hour more for 6k XP, given that 180k range XP can be obtained per hour for free at chins + avansies, it would require 2,940,000 GP per hour to make crystal bow better. Not only is that rate impossible, chinchompas would be laughably cheap compared to it. Meh I got lazy that calculation. You can neglect accuracy difference with a zamorak prayer book. And even you take the average damage of the crystal bow and broad bolts, their respective adpc comes out to be 75 and 70, respectively. But that purely assumes money is no object but not using red chins (completely contradictory) and there are multiple crystal bows for the bow switcheroo. Basically, it's a completely unrealistic situation. #-o After doing some math, broad bolts are about 100% stronger than bronze opal bolts (something I didn't think of). Basically, that means killing monsters in half the time for ~6x the price or a ratio of 1:3. So, you blew me out of the water on that. Now that I see my error in cost per gp, the whole argument that the crystal bow is better has fallen apart completely and not just partially (as I thought before). Meh, now my dream of owning a crystal bow seems stupid :( Your still basing your arguments completely off of max hits. Average hits arn't half of the max, you need to do a detailed hit spread for each weapon before you can determine the average hit. Also, rune crossbow is more accurate then crystal bow, and the slow speed means it hits more often then crystal bows rapid 0s. That being said, you came to the right conclusion dispute incorrect data, so I'll let it rest. Also, sorry if I came across as a jerk, I always sound that way when arguing (or so I'm told) :lol: Thanks for handling it in a mature manner :)
  10. I wasn't aware that that was FTP. New update? (yes, that was sarcasm) Oh duh #-o Didn't realize/read that he was f2p. Honest mistake on my part. Ok, thanks for admitting it :
  11. Also, since you seem to loath actually read the replies before responding, I suggest you read my replies at http://forum.tip.it/search.php?keywords=Re%3A+jagex+favors+melee&terms=all&author=compfreak847&sc=1&sf=all&sr=posts&sk=t&sd=a&st=0&ch=-1&t=0&submit=Search Go through all 160 of them, and you'll find that every single one of your arguments has been debunked in great detail by me. I don't see the point in repeating them simply because you are too lazy to read.
  12. Thank you for admitting that. Then look harder. Thanks :P Could you show where you compiled your data on miasmic barrage? I'd like to see it. That's odd, it's in complete agreement with me. Perhaps you should re read my posts more carefully. Trolling? I've posted the facts in an unbiased manner; you've tried to use your opinions instead of facts, without even being able to try what your arguing about =D>
  13. It aint just experience, the facts are on my side. Like the fact that thus far everyone I've argued against doesn't even have the magic level to TRY what I'm talking about #-o
  14. And because having a bandos item means 20-30% faster KC #-o
  15. I wasn't aware that that was FTP. New update? (yes, that was sarcasm)
  16. What? Your basing your argument completely off maxes? Have you completely forgotten about hit spreads and accuracy? You can't magically add maxes and come up with DPM, especially when they contradict my actual RW results. And crossbow is 11 GP per shot, but 6k XP less. Crystal bow is 98k per hour more for 6k XP, given that 180k range XP can be obtained per hour for free at chins + avansies, it would require 2,940,000 GP per hour to make crystal bow better. Not only is that rate impossible, chinchompas would be laughably cheap compared to it.
  17. Or else you don't have a clue about anything related to PKing. Gee, thanks for the info. Fortunately, I never said a word about void magic. I suggest you try reading the replies. You'll miraculously find all of your questions answered :roll: Damage is the little red splat, right? What's your magic level again? How many times have you casted Miasmic barrage? I have well over 1,5000 hours PKing experience and am, to my knowledge, the most skilled and practiced mage on TIF. I've gotten more magic XP in PVP then you have in your entire rs career =D>
  18. All of those KC areas are slowed down without a bandos item. You will be getting hit by the monsters instead of them fighting the zammy monsters, and the zammy monsters will not be damaging them nearly as often. If your wondering why I always beat you in KC, this is probably it :-# A major pain. When your doing 14 minute trips with 20 second banking runs, you don't want to have to waste 2 minutes getting to pools every time.
  19. And that helps what with MSB vs. crossbow? All of you seem to forget a handy little fact: MSB is MORE expensive then rune crossbow. Also, my damage calculations are putting rune crossbow ahead of MSB in terms of cost, specifically that the 6k XP difference doesn't make up for the cost unless you earn over 1.45m per hour, in which case you should be using chinchompas to train anyway. Let's see the numbers you used, and I'll point out where you messed up.
  20. Magic is expensive because it massively overpowers every other type of combat. See above. Every single magic spell has a special, and it doesn't take 5 minutes to charge :roll: Leve 70 magic maxes 41, with insanely high accuracy. And halve their attack speed. And poison them. And reduce their defence by 35%. And heal off of their HP. And freeze them. What can melee and range do without special attacks? Magic maxes 62 non special. Melee maxes 58 non special. Range maxes 48 non special without void. And magic is far, FAR more accurate then the two. Oh, and did I mention that that 62 hit with magic will freeze your opponent and halve his attack speed? Given that magic already completely owns both other combat styles, that's a horrible idea. Welcome to the world of Ancient Magicks, designed for PKing. I suggest you give them a try =D> Ranges max: Once every 3 minutes, requires void which takes over 10 hours to obtain and is easily lost. 46 max normally without void. Mages max: 62, once every 6 seconds, can be done with very high accuracy Melee max with the only good weapon: 46 with an outfit worth over 50,000,000 GP And what is melee or ranges alternative to all these? They are a bonus, not the only option. What on earth are you talking about? I already demonstrated, many times over, how magic completely decimates any other form of combat. Perhaps you should try before you bash. lolwat? Magic makes the fastest possible damage rate for almost any monster, though bosses divide into combat styles. Again, you get what you pay for. No, magic is the atomic bomb that nukes them and the entire world. /end stuipd post. It might be a good idea to read replies before you make such an obviously uninformed post. Every single one of your "points" was completely debunked in the first few pages of the thread.
  21. Call your cable company and complain, but before doing so check what plan your paying for. If it's the 1.5 down plan, your getting your rated speed, pay more or deal with it :?
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