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Everything posted by compfreak847

  1. It's not that, it's a grinding down of the thick protective layer above the actual data medium. Thin scratches that don't go all the way down to the data reflect and refract the light from the reading laser, confusing it and bringing the CD read to a halt. If you grind out the scratches, your left with a thinner, more vulnerable CD but one that's readable long enough to copy it. You can see what I mean by looking at it sideways - you have the silkscreened top, a thin data layer, and a thick plastic coating that protects it. If you grind far enough, all but the deepest scratches will be cleared up. If it's all the way down to the data layer, there's no hope for it. Toothpaste is used as a mild abrasive. I've used it before with limited success. It's hard to grind deep enough for some scratches, but they sell machines designed to do it.
  2. SS + Void = 108 crimsons per hour @ 0 cost SS + Bandos = 117 crimsons per hour @ 200k\h cost Your two best options. Piety, protection prayer, and pony.
  3. [hide=][/hide] Brawlers still going strong after 390k XP and over an hours worth of training :shock: :shock: :shock:
  4. The problem isn't that you get hit, the problem is that your KC is slower :
  5. If it were faster damage, it would still be king. It isn't.
  6. Ever tried getting KC? If you don't wear a bandos item, the bandos spawns will target you instead of the zammy monsters, and the zammy monsters are much less aggressive. Since you don't 1 hit the monsters 100% of the time, your taking a big (20-30% with a GS) hit to your KC time - by far the longest part of the trip, knocking down your profits and slowing kills.
  7. Tiers really don't matter. Requirements are not the end all be all of damage rates.
  8. It doesn't matter how you try to balance it. It either deals less damage per minute then the 'best' weapon, and is never used, or it deals more and is always used in place of the 'best'. There's only room for one at the top\best, by definition.
  9. Yes. He needs to have a bandos item. Since he's praying melee, the only attack he's getting hit with is range and mage; torags legs and bandos tassets both have -4 mage defence but tassets have 1 higher range and +1 prayer. And the +2 strength doesn't hurt either. Like I said I misread the OP's first post, but you don't need to have a bandos item. Just pray mage and run; oftentimes you'll take 0 damage. It makes KC a much bigger pain as the gorak and bloodvields\hellhounds won't help out much.
  10. Not necessarily. The big advantage of LSP is that you get market price, not minimum - millions per drop, it adds up very quickly.
  11. 1920X1200 on my laptop, dual 1920X1200 on my gaming desktop (Don't play RS on it, but I did once.. the double widespread gives an unbelievably wide view. Think viewing almost all the way from side to side in GWD when standing in the center.)
  12. I know that, I remember it clearly. My question is "why has Jagex made short bows *almost* completely obsolete?" Why has Jagex made the dragon scimitar 'almost' completely obsolete? There can only be one best weapon, and one must be replaced to make room at the top. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Power_creep
  13. They might not be worth saving to you, but I'm afraid that doesn't make the feeling universal. Oh, so 3 examples disprove statistics from billions of people? Read the Wikipedia article I sourced again :roll: "Not Found The requested URL /Overview/rights.htm was not found on this server." Which article is that? Argument fail. Your smarter then apes? Good, you understand my point. Too bad we don't have any romans to compare ourselves too =D> The Nazis never tried anything resembling this, it's not even remotely similar. An evil dictator who mass-murders a specific race of people with no scientific evidence of inferiority whatsoever doesn't even remotely resemble a parallel. Exactly my point. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natural_selection Read up on it. Do you have proof that more intelligent people are more likely to go on mass murdering sprees, or did you simply make that 'fact' up? Ah yes, making you save childrens lives is an obvious violation of freedom. Kill the babies! :roll:
  14. IMO my biggest achievement on that post. I've tried several times, and not having max strength bonus was killing me.
  15. [hide=][/hide] http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?f=78&t=789671 Post please
  16. Yeah, probably. My 2 weeks of hardcore bandos came close with 140m profit, but this was a lot less playing time, a lot less luck, and a lot more accomplishments :P
  17. Only a small percentage, and since your LSP is relative to the other teammates, it'll even itself out and you will never lose cash. Much better then CSing. Highly recommended unless you go 2+ weeks between GWD trips (then the LSP drop starts to matter)
  18. Note: All images were converted to low-quality JPEG, to cut the size from 6 mb each to 200-400k. So yes, the quality sucks, but loading a 200mb page wouldn't be fun either. My first post in a while. Please leave comment of some sort if you bothered reading \ So, as some of you know, I died in dangerous clan wars FFA a few weeks ago. Lost bandos, arma, claws, fury, berserker, ahrims, veracs, and some other cheap junk, and knocked my bank value back to a few million. So I decided to earn back some money, and get something done instead of having fun in PVP. I started off by heading to bandos: [hide=Bandos][/hide] Total Loot: 20m Now that I had a bit of cash, I was free to try some other stuff, so I went to Abyssal Demons: [hide=Abyssal Demons (Lots of pics)]Got 3 heads in addition to the whips (all at 84 summoning 8-) ): 20 whips, plus a few dragon drops (Thumbnails for loading speed) and 3 dragon heads: And last but not least, 1 whip that I missed both the screenshot and drop because I got a maze random when I clicked to pick it up -.-[/hide] Total loot: 47m Well, that was going well, so I decided to try my luck at Armadyl: [hide=Armadyl]1st trip, not bad: Second trip: Pay dirt!: [/hide] Total loot: 19m Well, since my luck seemed to have taken a turn for the better, I decided I'd try a DKS trip: [hide=DKS] I died halfway through the trip thanks to a stuipd crasher, so no more drops, but I got my stuff back without too much hassle: [/hide] Total loot: 6m I also did some slaying, with a few rare drops, for a total profit of 2m. Then, I decided to try redeeming the potential earned at Demons in PVP: [hide=Pee Kaying]Notable drops: Also got a considerable amount from non-ubier-rare drops that weren't worth screenshotting.[/hide] Total loot: 26m After that, I noticed I had a considerable amount of charms laying around, so I used them up and went from 92-96 summoning: [hide=96 Summoning][/hide] Additionally, I did some merchanting\MTKing\Battlestaffing for another 10m And last but not least, I decided to try for my first fire cape: [hide=Fire Cape] Success![/hide] Then I noticed the new prayer update, so I took advantage of it to buy as many d bones as I could cheap and get 88 prayer (missed screenshot :oops: ) I also soloed 74 bandos kills, but didn't get anything great besides a few shards, so I didn't include them. So, total profit: 128m + 3x Abyssal Demon head + 88 prayer + Fire Cape + 92-96 Summoning. Not a bad 2 weeks : Rate\hate\flame me\argue with me\insult me\I don't care.
  19. Really. Perhaps you have a different color scheme where the font you choose is visible, but it certainly not on mine. Not being able to distinguish between the same color is typical for sighted people, and has nothing to do with intelliigence ;) Don't blame me for making you leave, it's your choice :| Doesn't bother me, it really doesn't matter if you see it again or not. Ignoring something doesn't make it go away.
  20. compfreak847


    How so? There's ALWAYS going to be one specifically 'best' weapon. That's how it is by definition. Any attempt to re balance things simply leads to a new clear champion.
  21. Qe... You know, that's actually pretty relevant :o I'll give that some thought, it's a good point...
  22. By costing the lives of millions of other children? I don't think so. Yeah, perhaps one that's actually relevant to the discussion. This proves what about hereditary? :roll: I'm talking about the physical task of taking out the garbage -.- "404 error - page not found". Brilliant source. I didn't notice a 1 letter typo, I saw a completely unreadable sentence. Grammar was invented for a reason, learn it :roll: Not bigger, stronger, being able to do a lot of stuff which the protozoa can't do? Last I checked, we were moving away from big, strong apes into slender, intelligent human beings. Are you stronger then an ape, or smarter? =D> Nope, but adopting millions of otherwise dying children will. Then why did you bring it up? So the Nazis deemed some people 'unfit to live'? This has precisely what to do with your argument? Sorry, but disagreeing with you (and having the facts to back it up) isn't immaturity. Come up with a new insult and stop parroting that endlessly every time your argument fails. =D>
  23. To see how long it was :
  24. Bad first post = quick switch to off topicness
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