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Everything posted by compfreak847

  1. What a complete fallacy. Run behind a tree with range prayer on, old time PKers were at least a bit of a challenge, not 'head for the nearest tree' type of annoyance.
  2. Your completely misinterpreting my posts. To clarify, I'll reword it this way: Slayer is not the best combat XP, and armored zombies is more efficient. That's all I'm saying, and that's all the meaning behind this 65 page thread. XP is not subjective, and while I did bring this up simply to debate (as well as try to prove slayer XP better via reverse arguments), the current accepted rates favor zombies over slayer. :| It's so much easier arguing with people who have been with this thread from the beginning. Any other debates simply start at my first post, and I have to try and condense 40 pages or so of arguments between the two of us into a few paragraphs to bring them up to speed. People hate reading :wall: I'm not good with names, I'll work on it :-# That's not what this thread is about. Just because someone disagrees with the OPs opinion doesn't mean it should instantly be moved to debate club, then moved back when the debate is settled #-o
  3. You seem to be slightly misinformed about my posts, perhaps you read some other poster's post and mistook it for mine. I shall restate my post for those of you who missed it: I said I didn't like the direction Jagex was taking of giving FTP updates that wouldn't encourage them to upgrade to members, paid for out of paying members pockets. Since that was an opinion, the only thing TIF was against was that PTPers had to pay for FTP, but I conclusively proved, using Jagex financial records, that the advertising revenue associated with FTPers did not nearly cover the server costs, and the only ROI produced was in the form of member subscriptions; thusly any update not moving in that direction was simply donating my cash to free players - a bad business model. It was a single post stated in a mature, non flamey manner and it earned me all sorts of poorly written flaming from the majority of TIF, all of which I countered in an adult manner with the facts, conclusively proving my point and indisputably backing my opinion - hence the win.
  4. There's not much to converse about, if we want RS the way it is we have to stop RWT. Many, many people use credit card payments.
  5. It means that your chance (probability) of receiving (getting, obtaining) loot (monster drops) has improved (increased). The dictionary is your friend :cry:
  6. But it's not, since the so called 'factual argument' was not why this thread was started and is not currently going on; threads arn't moved to the debate forum and back every time someone disagrees with the OP :|
  7. Do you know how many dozens of times this has happened to me? I've lost approx. 84m to disconnects, and another 90m in drops missed due to a bad connection. I've also forgotten about an important job interview and missed out on a great investment. Crap happens to all of us, but we don't all go posting it on a RS related rants forum.
  8. Nope, just supporting my point. But this isn't really an argument, it's just establishing whos numbers are correct - and mine were proven to be.
  9. Glitch to take summons in GE The ice quest glitch, where you could do an emote before stepping out and walk across the ice like normal. I must admit, I used it after I got annoyed with the maze to finish the quest in 5 minutes :oops: Also, shouldn't this be in bugs and suggestions?
  10. This is RS related rants, rants about bad internet connections should probably go in off topic...
  11. Because goldfarmers with very high level accounts that have all quests completed could RWT easily... PM me these before you post :?
  12. Please point out the debate to me. I posted a rant; certain people disagreed, and I provided the evidence to show I was correct. The evidence was simply backing up my original post and proving its point; taking it out would in no way detract from the thread.
  13. I'm complaining that people seem to suffer from the delusion that slayer IS the best way to train combat. Of course it was an issue. I posted, some people disagreed, I proved them wrong. My point stand, I was simply verifying it. You seem to be confused as to what my point actually is. I think you need to read my replies before trying to prove a point, as your point is invalid and does not apply. Unfortunately, this has nothing whatsoever to do with what you 'think' or 'feel' or what your 'opinion' is. It's a fact-based proof, and no matter how much you may think it does, 2 + 2 does not equal 5. Wait. So my rant is bad because it presents a real argument and is well written? Either I'm severely misinterpreting you or I'm about to launch in one of the most interesting debates I've ever had. Respond if this is indeed what you mean, and I'll prepare an argument, or correct what I said so I can argue against that. It's been a while since I've had a debate here :P
  14. compfreak847


    True, but it's still my time. Telling me that my time is as trivial as a dancing pixel is a slap to the face. It's like telling someone with a Ph.D that their diploma "is only paper". What an ego. We're not defining real life vs. RS here, we're simply defining that items in RuneScape were not as simple to accrue as the common idea misleads people. Yes, I play RS in my spare time, but if you were to simply take my achievements away (so-called 'pixels'), I know that I'd be pissed. Achievments? You play Runescape because its fun. If you die, it may be inconvienient but you still had fun, right? Thats what some people cant seem to understand. Runescapes supposed to be fun, not a chore you have to go through so you can buy a Party Hat or whatever. How can you possibly say that you wasted "your" time if you had fun? If dieing was truly as bad as losing a diploma or heaps of money then Jagex would take it out alltogether. What's the point of life? If you die in real life you can't come alive again. Dieing in real live and dieing in runescape is slightly different. What does that have to do with losing items? We're not talking about dying to lose items, we're talking about losing items period. Two totally separate problems.
  15. Yes. You might be better off posting in H&A next time, or trying something out before writing a rant about it. It seems to be a common forum problem these days.
  16. Whip > Godsword for pvp. Yeah...No. It all depends. Whip + GS is better then GS. Obviously it is. You are comparing 2 weapons to 1. :roll: Doesn't matter. I have more PVP experience then any person on TIF. Not bragging, it's just a fact. But I can tell you this: Whip + Defender > GS at PVP Thousand of bandos kills have also proven: Whip + Defender > GS at Bosses Hundreds of hours of combined testing have unquestionably settled this: Whip + Defender > GS for Training So, what's left? Specials. D claws > AGS all the time or BGS virtually all the time, Barrage > ZGS virtually everywhere, Excalibre nearly matches SGS for 1 ten millionth the cost. I can't see a single use. Perhaps someone could point it out for me? Also, this isn't an opinionated or thought-based post. It's simply the facts stated in a (somewhat) unbiased manner. So don't bother trying to argue with the statements or accusing me of being a sad nerd, argue with facts of your own :P
  17. I believe the rate is around 1/450 for elixir and 1/75 or so for SS, you should have gotten one by now. No such thing as luck or randomness in runescape. You need to stop using all my lines -.-
  18. I'm baaaack. Again, read what pureprayer said. This isn't a debate, it's settled, over, and done with. Though I still get the lurking feeling that ydraisel is out somewhere slaying, collecting all the numbers he can, preparing for another assault on my XP rates. But I will never give up the fight, even if I have to get 99 slayer, unless it is CONCLUSIVELY proven worse. And I hope that it is, as I love the skill. And getting 3 demon heads + several dozen whips at 84 is a rather cool distinction 8-)
  19. Name an update that people DON'T say is ruining RS... Yeah, I honestly can't think of any major update that SOMEONE didn't whine about. Lol, like the time you whined about F2P getting RSOF Making a single, accurate post based on solid evidence that maturely discussed the pros and cons of the direction Jagex was moving in doesn't really count as "a feeble, peevish complaint" (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/whine). I'm still allowed to disagree when I think there is reason to, even if it means arguing against the whole of TIF. And winning. You should have seen my inbox the day after that post, here's a sample of the trash thrown my way: "wow ur such a nerd, gtfo tif no one here wants u. idc if u report this cuz i made this acc just to send this so idc if it gets banned. get a life loser grow a pair and stop acting like a little kid". I had to clear out my inbox twice in 3 days, as I kept hitting the message limit. But I still won :twisted: I don't recall either of the two happening on this thread :?
  20. What he said. I went to Diango for a quest today, I happened to check my holiday items and notice I had both a rubber chicken and a Yo-yo. I thought I never did those events, it was a happy surprise :shock:
  21. The onscreen keyboard raises the VK_KeyEvent delegates the same way a keyboard does, so it provides no protection. He is correct. The OSK uses the same event as an actual keystroke for maximum compatibility with programs, and in doing so leaves it wide open to keyloggers. Plus, they could still do the same thing they do for pins with a sceenshot. Plus, that would be a huge pain. Just use an ounce of common sense and you'll never get hacked.
  22. Yes, because it was catering to a lower levels along with tutors and other things. People complained that they didn't have it when they were a level 3. Name an update that people DON'T say is ruining RS... Yeah, I honestly can't think of any major update that SOMEONE didn't whine about. People even complained about the running update... Well I knew people complained about the tutors, but not about home tele. What surprises me even more is that they're still at it. I Every single major update has been met by crowds and riots threatening to quit if Jagex doesn't change it to what they want immediately. Such is the RS community.
  23. Name an update that people DON'T say is ruining RS... Yeah, I honestly can't think of any major update that SOMEONE didn't whine about.
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