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Everything posted by compfreak847

  1. Point being? Keep thinking you know more about a game then the massive company who created it. Makes you look real smart.
  2. Could you point out the word 'drastically' in my post? I don't remember seeing it, either I'm forgetting what I wrote or your making crap up. If it's my fault, quote me and I'll rectify it. Now, what I did say is that taking money from members and giving it to FTP will result in fewer updates for members. I'm afraid we're playing two different games. In my game, FTP got a large number of updates in the past year, like duel arena, BH, FOG, corrupted items, GE, forums, RS HD, and other various updates. I play Runescape, at http://www.runescape.com. What game do you play? Could you again point out where I used the word 'most', or must I be again forced to assume your simply making up things and pretending that I said them for your argument? I'll repeat my statement for you again, as you seem to have been having some trouble remembering it: Taking money from members and giving it to FTP will result in fewer updates for members.
  3. I'm hoping thinking he's doing it on purpose to be ironic.
  4. Gear: a hatchet. Time to get back from Lumbridge bank: Under one minute. Glory to edge, withdraw a hatchet, house tele, and an energy pot. Run through abyss and pick up stuff nearby. It's very simple. If your connection is so glitchy that it takes 5 times as long to do anything, you shouldn't be slaying dangerous monsters. Also, have you ever been to bloodvields? You don't see someone who will repair your grave every 5 minutes, or even every hour. It's essentially deserted, and it should be if your cannoning anyway. But a server awareness bug carries much more potential for a serious bug, and is very difficult to test - requiring many man hours and time.
  5. All of my rates are mentioned earlier in the threads - I combined both Qeltar's and mine, and the demon testing came later when the rates were called into question. However, you ended up agreeing with them, so I scrapped the demon project. See above. I'm referring to threw it out there meaning you didn't provide enough details - I mentioned all of them earlier. No, I asked for the drop profits without any rare drops. I highly doubt all of those numbers don't include any rares, and you still have made no mention of banking time - a 150 vs. 200 task has the same banking time but considerably different killing times, skewing the rates if they are not separated. Unfortunately, the kill rate certainly isn't 300, and the drop rate isn't 1/125. I covered this long ago. Price drops were another reason for seperation. 45k is the standard for my laid-back slaying. It's my personal rate. How do you plain to "interpret" it differently? All of it was referring to questions that you didn't look into carefully enough. Like separation of drop rates, it's required for debate, and was not mentioned. If you have the info give it, if you don't, say so. It's quite obvious that it was already read, and the information was not in any of the questions. Stop playing dumb. We didn't argue for 40 pages over non existent rates. I also got my signature removed for being oversized when it wasn't. It took 2 weeks and a dozen PMs to various admins to get it restored and the moderator punished. Mods aren't perfect, and the argument that "a mod said you were wrong once, so your obviously wrong now" doesn't really hold water.
  6. Hating too. Do you like credit card payments, and 90% of the updates? Can you imagine the massive number of subscribers Jagex would lose if they dropped credit card payments - and even that would only delay the problem a few months? It's the inevitable end of RS.
  7. Or there aren't, and Jagex has done a good job with workarounds. Of course, that would mean that Jagex, a company with hundreds of the brightest minds in Europe, who has programed and coded a game from the ground up to make millions of dollars for nearly a decade, actually knows MORE about their game then a random 17 year old (profile) making snotty forum posts without a hint of a suggestion. How absurd.
  8. A completely ignorant assumption? Are you really that clueless? How do you think they pay for the servers and bandwidth, magical fairies and pixie dust? Do I recall saying it makes me special? No. What I DO recall saying is that, because I pay for updates, I should get them. It's like buying a toothpaste tube from walmart, then having them distribute 1 capful of toothpaste to everyone in the store, including you, for your $2.79. I'm paying to get updates, not to have my money donated to several million people. If I want to do that, I'll donate to a charity where it will go to real needy people. (Which I do, I tithe 10% of my income through my church. So don't bother trying to argue that line of reasoning).
  9. compfreak847


    Working was an euphorism. The game is specifically designed to be fum. So your argument is "because Jagex didn't make it impossible, it's obviously not bad at all". Sorry, but Jagxe doesn't dictate what items we lose, how long we take to obtain them, and how we feel about them. What on earth does that have to do with losing specific items? We're not comparing the whole of RS to RL, we're comparing item LOSS. Again, how does that even remotely relate? We're talking about the difference between losing items in real life and losing items in RS. For that matter, you can't compare money in RL to money in RS. Not that it has anything to do with the argument #-o No, the reason we play RS is because private servers are complete crap. Horribly outdated gameplay, graphics that look like RSC, abandoned with nothing to do on them. If a person on the real RS was given the choice to replace the items he just lost PKing for free, every person I've ever met on RS would take it.
  10. Do you have difficulty reading? I specifically said that my first post was opinionated, but I switched over to factual for the sake of debate. Yes, because everyone knows that mods are perfect divine beings, and having a post deleted by them signifies the ultimate in ignorance. I wasn't aware that you had simply pulled numbers out of your behind to come up with your rates. Mine WERE based on testing, and are extensively detailed for each task (along with profit rates) earlier in this thread. OK, we can do it that way. My numbers 75k. What's yours? If it's anything else, it's wrong. Go retest all your data a few months and get back to me. You need numbers to argue, not something you threw out with no information whatsoever :roll: All I see is a number spit out with total drops. I'm not talking simply about whips, I'm talking about all rare drops. Dragon boots are an example, along witih the 'standard' rares like crystal keys - something that is very important when dealing with razor thin profit margins; a few lucky or unlucky drops over a few tasks can completely throw up your total numbers. I hate to break it to you, but you apparently failed to realize we're still talking about my first post. Is it necessary to justify my opinion to you? No. Is it necessary to justify my facts to you in order to have an argument? No, duh. Go back and read my posts.
  11. compfreak847


    Since the whole 'hating' thing seems to be an issue, I'll just set the record straight: I can think of only one TIF user I strongly dislike, and he hasn't been seen around here for months. Other then that, I couldn't give a rats tush if people like me or not. I'm going to continue to state my opinion, and do my utmost to back it up. If you don't like that, please leave these forums and go somewhere more suitable for you like http://www.planetcarebears.com/
  12. You can get to all of those in under 2 minutes. There's no problem. An example of a bug that could come from a glitch in the server updates. Don't go spouting that a bug is better then a tiny update that would virtually never be used - a bug is a quick way to trash a game (See: Fally Massacre)
  13. Calculations were based off of testing - you had tested (or at least claimed) you did for your rates, I used mine and qeltar together to some up with something we agree upon. I don't need to. That data is required for an argument; we can whine about how far off each others total rates are, but until we drill into the details, we arn't getting anywhere with the differences. Get specifics, I'll compare, and we can argue and test the differences. I'm not about to redo every single number I've ever tested or seen from slayer just to see if my results differ from yours this time, and I doubt your about to do the same. May I ask where I "admitted" I was lying? My rates can be found earlier in this thread, although I haven't found my original spreadsheets on my computer for the desire details. Sorry, but I don't need to justify my personal rates. I really couldn't care less who agrees or doesn't agree with them. Like I said, I changed them to the maxes in order to have a factual debate which was much funner and easier to resolve then an opinionated debate.
  14. How many slayer monsters do you know that will demolish you in 30 or so seconds from lag that are more then 5 minutes from a bank and are commonly traveled by players who would repair? As mentioned earlier, changing the servers to maintain awareness of players across worlds took a considerable amount of work (Andrew's post). Little bugs like locking you out of your account are so much better then an absurdly small chance of having a grave repaired? I agree it should be changed, but bugs certainly can make it MUCH worse.
  15. I'm honestly not sure what your talking about, as there was extensive testing on (I thought) both of our parts in the beginning, continuing on for dozens of page. You still have not answered nearly all of my questions. You have not given me a listing of rates from each task, nor drop profits and banking times used, or profit rates with rare drops separated out. Those are essential - you can't just throw out a "total" XP number and expect to debate that. Once you give me those we can begin debating various tasks. Those were posted eons ago dozens of pages back in this thread, your welcome to go back and look for them. Unfortunately, I lost most of the spreadsheet files from the debates when I reformatted and forgot to back them up, but there are screenshots and listings of XP rates. That's exactly my point - if they are going to debate numbers, they cannot simply read the first post to argue. It's easy to weed out the ones who do. And no, my 45k\h XP rate is still standard for not paying attention. I stand behind that post, in which I used my personal rates instead of the max obtainable. For the sake of converting this into a logic instead of opinionated debate, we went with the "max possible" numbers.
  16. Uhh... What does it matter if they dissapear? Because they look pretty? Virtually the only time it's going to be blessed is if your at a clan event\with a friend, in which case it would be blessed long before the log out timer. It's very unlikely it would have been blessed in the last 3 minutes but not the first 2. If you're at a training spot, usually (unless the guy hates you for whatever reason) they'll repair it, but not bless it. Point is, it should've been this way from the beginning, so I think of it as a bug fix more than anything else. Very few dangerous spots that you'll die from lag at involve "training with someone else". Yes, it is something that would be nice to have changed, but requires a lot of effort and certainly isn't something to get upset over.
  17. compfreak847


    So are you just going to spam because you can't think of any real argument? Sorry, but logic is here to stay. I'm sarcastic and abrasive when debating, but I do my best to stay on topic. If you don't like my posting style, please add me to your ignore list or send me a PM to work out personal issues instead of continuing to clog this thread with spam. He's not getting depressed because of it, he's simply saying that it's a stuipd "insult" lacking any sort of real backing.
  18. It wasn't used long enough for any real effect (look at the cost of rare PVP items), and it didn't bring GP into the game. So no.
  19. Of course. [developmentally delayed]ed and idiotic, but I've seen it.
  20. compfreak847


    What's the point of life? We're comparing RS to treasure RL items, not your job. Both have no as-yet identified purpose aside from enjoyment and fulfillment.
  21. Yeah, but the wrong forum art took precedence this time, what with all the mod talk about making things on topic and in the correct forum.
  22. Uhh... What does it matter if they dissapear? Because they look pretty? Virtually the only time it's going to be blessed is if your at a clan event\with a friend, in which case it would be blessed long before the log out timer. It's very unlikely it would have been blessed in the last 3 minutes but not the first 2.
  23. Back when I was on dial up. Graves still stand up, I never really got the complaints about disconnecting. If someones gonna bless, it'll be a teammate be in the first few minutes after you die. And updating server awareness of players isn't an easy or bug-free task.
  24. Cool :shock: I'll probably stick with RS, though. I like it.
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