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Everything posted by compfreak847

  1. Virtually everything in the universe is changing; to even know what's happening at the current time is impossible, as there is a finite amount of information that is updating at infinite speed. I'm looking at it more from the physical perspective then scientific, as that's generally the only place where infinity can be found :P
  2. compfreak847


    Not really, considering Money is RL and pixels are computer. Unless you can't tell the differnce between Real Life and Pixels. That's the only reason I see this "argument" actually working. -.- I have to question if you even know what paper money is or what it represents. Paper money takes time to accumulate. You don't just walk into the world and have $1 billion dollars thrown on your lap (unless you inherit, but that's rare). Paper money represents the amount of time you have spent working. Pixels on the computer take time to accumulate. You don't just walk into the RuneScape and have 5 partyhat sets and 10 of every godsword thrown on your lap (unless you go to the Party Room, but that's rare). Pixels represent the amount of time you have spent working. ROFL. My point is that you guys are comparing runescape to real life. Unless you can't tell the differnce to the point where runescape IS your life, suck it up and move on. Both occupy time, and therefore both represent real time. One (rl) is worth a lot more and is a lot more important than the other (rs), but both are different worths of the same thing. It's like you saying, oh look, I spent 1 hour working and I got 5 euros, and the next hour a different guy only gave me 3 dollars. The dollars are worth so much less, so I don't care about them at all. Time is the bridging factor, unless you would like to say that time is not real. But then that's a whole different debate. I get the feeling that curling is one of those immature flamers who will try to endlessly insult us with 'wow u m ust be a nerd if u cant tell the difference'. Truth is, the only quantifiable measure besides profit (end outcome) is time invested and enjoyment obtained - both factors influencing RS. Unless we're playing in a black hole, we can assume time is one dimensional and can be measured, even if it's only through our interpretation. Therefore, they are really very similar. And I get the feeling that your one of those immature kids that thinks everything is directed at you. Note the UNLESS, kid, before you post read the whole post not just what you want to read okay? Ah, so THIS is what you PMed me about. For those who missed out, it's "ROFL how much of a idiot do you have to be? Reading just what you want to see kid? Incredibly, rediciously sad. Read the whole posts next time kid." In response: Please respond to my post instead of trying to flame me with a en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ad_hominem argument. In response to that separate topic, I'm 32, and my son is probably older then you. So "kid" probably isn't an accurate term
  3. Take a look at this video: It details the hallying method, it looks pretty good. Void really seems to help speed up kills, and with no food required (and prayer only half the time), trips would go on for eons, especially with a pack yak on top of the unicorn. I should finish up the last of the quests today (finally! hardcore questing for 5 days -.- ) and I'll give both methods a try.
  4. compfreak847


    This thread has stayed almost entirely on topic #-o The threads that wander off topic are the stuipd, poorly written ones with no point or logic behind them that are disproved and thrown out in the first page. Mods need to lock them, after that they just end up becoming discussion threads. My "slayer sucks" has stayed remarkably on topic for over 66 pages \
  5. May I ask what they've done to "deserve" it? What makes then so special that it's worth withholding updates from us and giving them our money for no good reason? Look, if I want to help the needy, I'll donate to a charity. I'm paying Jagex to give me updates, not split the money up among 1 million customers and 5 million freeloaders.
  6. Not a chance. I don't know about you, but I did a considerable amount of testing for those rates; there has been nothing to challange them since. All you've done since then is randomly thrown total XP numbers into the thread every now and then with no explanation or details. Then I guess we'll start over from page 1 \ Post your details for each task, and I'll start comparing to mine. I still have tables with the XP rates I used, so we can compare them closely. But they still will; any time they disagree with the numbers, they spit out a semi-gibberish post that shows they haven't even read the first post. If ANYONE is going to argue the numbers, they HAVE to go back and read the entire history - I'm not explaining reasoning behind a cannon again. If they just want to discuss fun vs. XP, the current post suits that purpose. Debate time :thumbsup:
  7. Doesn't work. All code is run server sided and clients simply send the commands and stream the responses from the server. It's why it runs so well on low end PCs (all the client has to do is render the objects in the defined parameters), but the server load is significant. It's the only way to handle disconnects and lag [bleep]es, which keeps RS running on dial up or very poor connections. So no, it wouldn't offer any sort of advantage - it'd be a huge disadvantage, in fact.
  8. Rates are being used from http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?f=66&t=765267&hilit=re%3A+slayer+sucks&start=800 and previously. I quite you: Look, if you want to start changing the rates we used to come to that conclusion, you can't just throw in numbers and use them. If you want to, I'll gladly start this debate over and begin calculating and testing numbers from scratch, but unless there's something drastically different between when we agreed earlier on and now, I don't really see anything productive coming out of it. That's possible, but without knowing all the details people tend to barge in and try and renew the obvious points of the debate that have already been covered. At least this way when people come in blathering about zombie monkies I know they haven't bothered to read the replies, and it's easier to weed out. You do have a point, though - 65 pages is too much for a casual debate. I just don't think a 'casual debate' is going to do anything, however - we've debate these numbers far more in depth then I can ever hope to cover in a single post, and arguing with them is going to take a deep understanding of all the underlying posts. So if they want to argue about "fun" or another of my points (I still firmly believe in every part of my original post), they don't have to wade through hundreds of pages of numbers, but if they DO plan to argue the numbers, they better read carefully before posting. Gah, I thought I had it that time. Sorry about that, it's my dislexia kicking in - I swap the "s" and "i" to get ydraisl, and sometimes throw in an "e" simply because it looks bad. Guess I've gotta copy and paste it from above your avatar :lol: :wall:
  9. As even ydraisel has stated, we have reached an agreement on XP rates around page 50 through extensive testing. You have obviously not even scratched the surface of the debate, as all testing was recorded in detail and carefully documented. Look, if your too lazy to read my argument before responding, I see no reason why I should read yours. Your more then welcome to argue on this thread, but please don't post again until you read more carefully.
  10. As even ydraisel has stated, we have reached an agreement on XP rates around page 50 through extensive testing. You have obviously not even scratched the surface of the debate, as all testing was recorded in detail and carefully documented. Look, if your too lazy to read my argument before responding, I see no reason why I should read yours. Your more then welcome to argue on this thread, but please don't post again until you read more carefully.
  11. I was level 117 when I started testing whip, but I didn't get a chance to test it as completely as I would like. Still, I see no reason why it would be inferior at any level.
  12. Pages of text, not forum pages. Many of the posts are far, far longer then a page - several of mine exceeded 20 pages when quotes are included. I took the time and effort to stick with this thread over thousands of pages, hundreds of posts, and months of time. Why should I have to restate my entire argument just because your too lazy to read it? You obviously haven't, as your "argument" has been completely debunked. I'll even provide a link for you to read my posts, you won't get as much in-depth detail from Ydraisel's responses, but you'll at least get an overview: http://forum.tip.it/search.php?keywords=Re%3A+Slayer+Sucks&terms=all&author=compfreak847&fid=66&sc=1&sf=all&sr=posts&sk=t&sd=a&st=0&ch=-1&t=0&submit=Search Get back to me when you've read it, and I mean ALL of it. If you can't take the time to read my argument, then don't try to respond against it by repeating what was argued months ago :roll:
  13. No need to spam to try and get yourself banned, come up with something more creative. Find a funny way to piss off the mods or something. Make it into a contest. Just do something classier then spamming :-# arn't u spamming to? Nope, because I'm trying to prevent his spam. You, on the other hand, are simply flaming. For the rest of you who don't get it: Ping isn't an idiot, he's done GWD\CB a lot and he knows how LS works. He's just spamming for as-yet unknown reasons. the reason acording to u is that he wants to get banned Assumed, given his in game comments and current attitudes towards mods, but I'm waiting for him to sign on or come in the CC to confirm. In the mean time, I'm using this thread to contact him.
  14. No need to spam to try and get yourself banned, come up with something more creative. Find a funny way to piss off the mods or something. Make it into a contest. Just do something classier then spamming :-# arn't u spamming to? Nope, because I'm trying to prevent his spam. You, on the other hand, are simply flaming. For the rest of you who don't get it: Ping isn't an idiot, he's done GWD\CB a lot and he knows how LS works. He's just spamming for as-yet unknown reasons.
  15. Whip + defender. 'nuff said. If you want details on my testing methodology, drop me a PM, but take it from my reputation - whip + defender is best. Also, look at my sig to see if I have any bandos experience.
  16. Take a look at the replies, from pages (text) 50-1,800 Gee, that's exciting. Now go back and actually read my thread before responding, just like it says in the first post that you so conveniently read. See you in a few weeks.
  17. compfreak847


    Wait, so your argument is that having people make you lose items is fun, and makes RS not boring?
  18. Already adressed in the replies. Casual slaying yields slower XP, but for the purpose of debate, 75k\h (the average for constant attention) was used and also proven inferior. But you could have obtained 160k XP\h elsewhere, and you were wasting your time. Read the replies. Armored zombies give a considerable amount of charms, and summoning is accounted for in XP rates. There's over 2,000 pages dealing with all of the points you brought up. Please read the replies to this thread before posting next time.
  19. And i am too, see previous threads where I spent 17 pages arguing over the definition of a single word. Prepare for a long, drawn-out discussion of the exact parallels and definitions of every word used in any of my or your posts. I like to set things straight, so I'll restate my point and you can tell me exactly what your arguing against so I know where to attack first. Here it is again: This thread should not be moved into debate club, as the original post contained no debate, and indeed, the only 'debate' was clarifying what the experience rates were based on testing. Now that that is settled, there is really no justification for calling this anything other then a rant. Don't apologize, it's been a while since I've had a good difference of personal opinion on this thread. I was getting out of practice \
  20. So the player themself admiting it isn't good enough? How is Jagex supposed to differentiate between a friends joking around (most reports) and an actual trade? Most traders aren't dumb enough to admit it to anyone who would report them, they need more evidence then saying it for serious punishments.
  21. No need to spam to try and get yourself banned, come up with something more creative. Find a funny way to piss off the mods or something. Make it into a contest. Just do something classier then spamming :-#
  22. We were discussing if it should be moved to debate club, and you jumped in saying this thread was a debate - it was not, the thread was a rant that spawned a debate in some of the replies that had already ended. Then read more carefully. I created the thread to counteract slayer, knowing some people would disagree with my XP rates and that I might be called upon to back them up. This I accomplished. Sorry, but the title of this forum isn't "only post if you agree with the OP", as so many have tried to tell me it is #-o
  23. [hide=OT quote] While I'm not 100% on the details, the fact is that the channel advertising deal with Jagex *is* a substantial one, and in these hard economic times when fewer might be likely to find the money for an online game in increasingly tight budgets, the F2P side of RuneScape could become an even bigger earner for Jagex. Sadly, there are Members on the forums who don't read the MMO Industry News, and aren't aware of just how valuable the F2P player is to Jagex, and that's more than likely why Jagex has added forum access given Jagex wants to promote and improve it's free game. Please don't let the short-sightedness of a few disgruntled members, stunt the game, and as a result potentially harm both the growth of F2P and Member games. [/hide] For the record, I'm P2P. Way to completely fail to read the thread before posting. Take a look at these figures: 'Nuff said. Had you read the thread, you would have seen these long ago -.-
  24. There's just no good way to detect account sharing. Saying your selling an account is generally enough to get a blackmark or two and a 3 day mute (been there, seen that), but nothing more.
  25. OK, stop with the spam. Now. Why spam dude?? I really need those answers... :roll: If your really that desperate to get yourself banned again, there's much less obstructive and more creative ways..
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