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Everything posted by dsavi

  1. Cool idea! *SUPPORTS* Exessive bbcode user! =P~ 25th July '07: W00t 5th on the supporters list!
  2. Thispost has got to be the best and most popular I've ever seen, it's got 2,307 posts and 44,100 veiws... But all I see in response is '0MG this is the best!!!11 send to Jagex now or ill do somthing!' What you don't understand is how difficult it is to get them to listen. Jagex has only (as far as I know) listened to one player idea, POH. (player-owned-housing) And that took about a year and a half or more and a lot of pesuasion. So my suggedtion is that you members (If I were one this would have happened majorly) post about a zillion topics on the rs forums. Spam is the only known way of getting Jagex to listen. DO THIS, MEMBERS!
  3. It would have to be a lot more expensive. A lot. Like, for example, 7 laws, 4 nats, 5 fire 15 air, 10 water.
  4. Good idea. it's annoyed me too. Woohoo! i made first post! (big deal)
  5. They have the xp, listed, but they don't have an option to rate people by it. Support.
  6. PLEASE READ THIS POST THROUGH CARFULLY! THE NOOBY SUBJECT WAS TO ATTRACT ATTENTION!! You know the problem: You respawn after losing a deathmatch (grr...) and, assuming that you havn't done the quest to respawn in falador, 5 newbies, after seeing you level 50+ combat, instantly trade. If you are stupid enough to trade with them, they'll offer stuff like 5 cash, 3 ashes, a wooden shield and an onion. And in some cases, offer to be your GF/BF. Ohh... I hate when that happens. :wall: My only suggestion is: When a new account starts on tutorial island, they should DRILL IT INTO 'EM that begging is extremely nooby. So instead of it being optional, (the newcomer's guide in Lumbridge tells people this) it would be told to them from the very beginning. Another suggestion is to have a level 1 following the new account, begging the whole time to show how nooby and extremely annoying begging is. When you get to the part where you practice magic, the mage teleports him away, saying how nooby and annoying begging is. Thanks to jemathonical for this idea Any opinions / other ideas?
  7. Good idea, just it should be f2p. To stop some people, they could have some high lvl monstas there. P2P wouldn't be good. f2P need some good (and interesting) updates sometime!!
  8. I agree, it would definitely stop thousanbds of scams a day... scamming would be very uncomomon if it happened.
  9. if that happens... I'll eat my rune full.
  10. Thats not such a bad idea, they would be stackable and reusable, say, for 10 or 20 times. Unlimited times would produce lvl 50s with 99 range.
  11. I have used my main (dsavi x4) since january 2002, and I have never gotten a mime. But even though ive been playing for 4 years and 9 months, I still am not good at all. (64 combat, 584 total) random events are pure luck. I don't seem to have much of that...
  12. The skill you made up, tech, will NEVER be made. Runescape is a medival game (with a few pushing of medival limits) but there will never be handguns/whatever it is that you are suggesting.
  13. Good idea- except there are so many timezones that it would not work.
  14. We've seen 2,300 posts, lets see 3,500! Dsavi x4 EDIT Not just Varrock, Falador, Draynor Village, and EVERYTHING!
  15. Your parents/guardians actually pay for you?
  16. Runescapers get lazier every day
  17. We need a smithing guild. it would lower the prices of armour, and it would be a more challenging skill to get on the hiscores.
  18. This reminds me of someone who thot that ess should be stackable... Good ideas, except not all people know about curse runes and such
  19. my friend has a bad name, and really regrets it. he would change it if he could.
  20. bad idea, the wilderness would be even worse than it is now.
  21. Jagex IS NOT going to listen to you, 1. Rs is based in medival times 2. They wont even listen to Thagern and Viktorkrum77, who both had the best ideas i have ever seen 3. Firearms would ruin the game. 4. they do too much damage... no one would dare go into the wilderness. :shame: :shame: :wall: :x
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