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Everything posted by NinjaGriffon

  1. Even if Thor's hammer was imperfect, it would still be very powerful.
  2. When it says "Loading 2d graphics" on the load screen, that means all your item icons and stuff. RS2 is 3d. Please leave your moronicness elsewhere.
  3. I don't think its a keylogger, just someone trying to advertise their forum on a much more successful forum.
  4. Isn't the Mjolnir supposed to be the extremely powerful hammer used by Thor? Then it would follow that the Mjolnirs of the gods in RS would be weapons used by the gods themselves. I highly doubt that they would go into battle with an iron spear or whatever the Mjolnirs are equivalent to. So I think that these weapons should have been harder to obtain, untradable and much more powerful. Mabye they would have an effect when paired with the cape of their respective god. I haven't many ideas on them but I just think that they were a little dissappointing.
  5. It probably had to do with lag, you saw the exp for a different skill when putting your mouse over prayer is the most likely explination I think.
  6. How could a pheasant shoot a bow? They don't have fingers, just wings... Just making fun of spelling :lol:
  7. Dragon arrows would be horribly expensive, mabye they would be useful for pk'ing though... Pk'ers suck.
  8. First of all, don't steal ideas from games, but if you do don't tell people you stole it... geez... Anyway, ancient spells are good enough for area spells, what good would one like that be? It might be good for castle wars, but I think it would involve bloods or something and not many people use that high of magic in there.
  9. I'd buy all the rares I could and keep them forever, or destroy them... Muahahahaha....
  10. It doesn't need to be brought back, banning is good enough. Anyway, I always wondered if you could go in the black hole without a disk and get stuck there?
  11. That's a decent idea, the range there is all right training I don't really have anything to say, I don't know why I'm posting at this time... I'm going to bed...
  12. Why would those graphics cause lag? Anyway, it looks tacky to me. The wings on it look pretty good, but the colours don't seem right and what is the S for?
  13. Some of them are good, others are obvious of their fakeness. I thought the Kaonashi and Harry Potter ones were good.
  14. I love DDR but really suck at it. I'm looking forward to mario mix because I don't have a PS2 ( :cry: ) I don't like mario but its still DDR
  15. Shade robes aren't really that good, I don't really care what they look like, its all the same to me. Regular robes are much better in my opinion.
  16. Hrm.... Sheaths and stuff aren't too bad, but the other stuff like MP and Classes would make RS more like other games, I don't agree with that. More armor and stuff isn't really needed, except mabye a little more for mages and rangers, but not with a huge stat difference. Dual weilding would be all right, but NOT with regular weapons. I think we should just have more weapons like Torag's hammers and stuff.
  17. Honestly screally, you are [developmentally delayed]ed, just give up. Everyone here is against you after proving you're one of the biggest noobs to ever walk the earth after just three posts. Muijs makes a good point, you are [developmentally delayed]ed and should shut up now.
  18. Well, it might be comfortable, but I don't know, I just would rather have something more traditional.
  19. SOAD - Mezmerize Blindside - The Great Depression I mostly "borrow" my music from friends though.
  20. That looks... unwieldy, if the Revolution controller actually is like that, I doubt I would buy it, at least right away. I think the DS touch screen was a risk that turned out ok on their part, but this might be pushing it.
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