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Everything posted by NinjaGriffon

  1. I think they said that there would be a system for changing names, I think when you get banned for offensive names or something it says it. Although it's said that for a long time now... Anyway, if there was a name change, you would have to do it from the account management, not ingame. You might even have to send a request or something.
  2. I doubt it will be a dragon pick, since there is a good chance that it is coming out for real soon, since the axe was just out a couple months ago. It will be interesting to see what they come up with this year though!
  3. It is an interesting idea, but why would a steel mace which normaly has stats of what? Around 20 or so, I'm not too sure, go up to 60 just because you set it on fire? Since you ground off the [bleep]es on it I think it would even decrease in power. And you forgot strength.
  4. Theres several references in the game that make fun of people suggesting horses. The toy horses are one of them, and in the new quest when you summon the fairy dragon, one of the options to ask him for is a horse, I don't know what he says for it though.
  5. I like yogurt... mmmm..................... I just have to go... over here... mmm...
  6. That's a very strange article... I like it. But... enjoying the scenery in Runescape? Mabye if you have a little lsd or something it might be cool... Anyway I think that that's cool, I might show my parents :)
  7. I would be willing to bet that Zezima used some sort of macro in his career, even if just an auto-clicker or something.
  8. It would increase demand for dragon armor, but I think it should be limited to defense. Whacking someone with a shield wouldn't make much sense when you have a sword in your other hand.
  9. It can never actually take the place of fan sites, because jagex isn't going to put quest guides or specific treasure trail answers and other things like that in the database.
  10. I've had a friend that tried it, they didn't get their psp but a whole lot of spam!
  11. You probably could go to that spot before the graphics update and then they closed it off for some reason and he's still there.
  12. greenboy... Your statements don't make sense to me.
  13. One of the npc's in the duel arena says fart, or at least it used to, I haven't been there for a while.
  14. :shock: I thought Runescape was supposed to be child-friendly!
  15. The pic there shows that on f2p theres an invisible wall so you can't get stuck like that.
  16. I have a half pure, and I walk around without anything on but with mystic in my invin and pull out ancient magic on anyone that attacks me. PK'ers deserve it for attacking people with nothing on and are obviously not in the wild to fight.
  17. Actually, the bolt racks are bought with regular gold coins, from the Eastern guy not a ghost
  18. Ok.... I really didn't understand that, at all. Please use something like spelling.... or grammar.... or.... stuff..... So I just have to say... don't be dumb, and go, kill, better... or something.
  19. Nah, that wouldn't work that well, from what I heard Guild Wars gets very minimal updates So you would have the members world but get the updates of f2p pretty much...
  20. I have a really large selection of music for RS It ranges from SoaD and Korn to Jpop and orchestra music.
  21. Where are the pics of the OOC cabbage drops? Those are funny
  22. Actually they seem to come more often when you're training combat, although it is random so you shouldn't train just to get a mime, they're pretty rare.
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