...That might actually explain why so many recent comp requirements have felt like they were tacked on at the last minute :v Still, I think what she's trying to get at is that there are features that are pretty clearly aimed at the prestige crowd; but she's missing the fact that a lot of that same group hates it because it's usually pretty pointless and grindy, and a lot of the time there's other stuff to make up for it for everyone that can access it. That's mostly the problem in this update, for example: there's really not much reason for fish eggs to be so rare, and it's a problem because the core of the update is collecting fish eggs. Compare it to something like Elder Chronicles, which aren't a requirement for people that want to make use of elder energy products. Still, a lot of them feel kind of pointless. I get that the point of the cape is to show that you've done everything, but there is quite a lot of content that the average player is really only going to touch because it's a comp requirement, rather than out of any merit of its own. Which kind of suggests that it's less about comp requirements and more about padding and life support as a major part of the current update system.