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Everything posted by Alg

  1. Then again, they kind of picked stupid setups to show what the losses are going to look like for different 'classes'. No mid-level is running around in barrows and steadfasts, or a dragon chain/full helm combo. Regardless of that hiccup, it does seem like it'll have more of an effect on mid-levels fighting quest bosses than on wealthy boss hunters.
  2. What's stupid about them? What's wrong with giving people goals to work towards? It's not like it's required for comp cape or anything.I actually like your little suggestions and would support them in runelabs! :shades: Mostly that Egoscape is getting tiring, and at some point you just have to say "okay Jagex, that's actually a bit much, calm down" :twss:
  3. Not in the slightest. How were dragon pickaxes and hatchets added to the game?
  4. "Tetsu" does mean iron though, I believe. I would give them the benefit of the doubt if not for this. It's very much a decaying-cloth-sort of brown though :v
  5. To ensure that the Global Warming quest was slightly less than an absolute waste of time? Except for the whole part about how it totally is~ Also, adamantite and runite are hyped up as being crazy strong metals, and yet are considerably worse than both the ancient, visibly moldy armor the barrows brothers wore and steel armor from the east.
  6. Alg


    So the message I'm getting out of this is that Saq actually has it better than the rest of us?
  7. It's been done numerous times, and I'd assume we have more than a few people on the forum who have had several platebodies worth of shards. They're not that hard to kill once you know what you're doing :v
  8. Consistency? Crazy, I know, but still. Really, it's the F2P endgame. Makes sense with that in mind, just that they should probably work all three styles into it.
  9. If you take a look at the hiscores you can see over 15k people at max total level. Simply being maxed does not separate you from the casuals crowd any more(as opposed to what some people on this thread believe)Okay, but the loudest "complainers" on this thread include people that I know for a fact hunt endgame bosses. Yomi in particular has the Final Boss title, and his more recent posts include some fairly sizable killcounts. If that's casual, I'm not really sure what game I'm even playing anymore.
  10. Hold on now, that's supposed to be my thing, who are these other casuals and how dare they steal my job? Are they hiding behind those boss hunters and completionists? Ah, whatever, too much work to find them.
  11. Just as long as they don't price them so that you won't be able to buy it until the point where you have no business fighting rockslugs/desert lizards... Which is, what, 30 something slayer?
  12. Nah, this is great. Addy and rune dragons are the only updates on that list that remotely approach being a medium-sized update. The rest could jolly well be patch note/ninja fixes.In which case it doesn't make sense to poll them against one another~"Hey, do you guys want to know when you can train start training farming again, orrrrr do you want to fight [bleep]awesome dragons for mad loot?" On an unrelated note, that slayer thing bugs me solely because they're not removing kill items, and in fact seem to think it's worth making people pay slayer points for a nonconsumable ice box.
  13. http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/VideoGame/GoldenSun this thing
  14. I'm not dreaming? The trimmed quest cape is an option? Oh my god finally
  15. Alg


    And here I thought my six-hour class schedule was unpleasant.
  16. The partyhat rips as you try to put it on. Oops! "you have unlocked a new title: The Papertorn" But only if you wear it while standing on top of Seren with three pieces of papyrus in your inventory.
  17. Well we can't download cars yet, so we'll have to settle for underpaying for an MMO
  18. Muh turn-based-strategy-scape that will never be :cry:
  19. Hold on now, didn't they spend a few years vetoing everything related to account age on the grounds that it's a recovery question?
  20. Would it still be inappropriate to say she has a nice rack? <_< I would have assumed that she was the one who kept wondering whether or not she ordered wine.
  21. It's well-known that Kimberly retired due to chronic back pain: a direct result of carrying the mod team for so long.
  22. There's also the small matter of a lot of active users not reading OT
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