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Everything posted by Alg

  1. Has this contributes to your knee problems, by any chance?
  2. They shouldn't be "immortal", but they should... you know, exist a bit, so that you can get to know them and actually feel something when they die. And when they do die, it should further the plot. Hell, make them seem like they are immortal, that'll make the death more shocking (see: WGS). As long as it's not this meaningless, contrived "because I saw the character and wanted to kill her" garbage. Not only is it just bad writing, it's kind of creepy.
  3. Alg


    Some people demand higher quality shit than others. A polished turd, if you will...
  4. Alg

    Charlie Hebdo

    The phrase I keep seeing tossed around is "satire punches up", which would not have been the case prior to this attack, and still kind of isn't. The whole thing strikes me as being about as "satirical" as a WW2-era Disney cartoon. The argument that they treat every authority figure equally doesn't really hold water when they may as well be comparing apples and oranges. You see the 20% that do, I see the 80% that don't (and of those that do, I'm sure that large percentage in Palestine don't have any social or economic factors that would motivate such a thing). People going against their religion's scripture in the name of peace is, believe it or not, something that religious people have a habit of doing, and I'm not sure why you're painting it negatively. People are people, being religious or not doesn't make them fundamentally and irrevocably different, at least not more than any other upbringing would.
  5. Yes, but in the context of Runescape there just isn't any frame of reference for that kind of god and it wouldn't make sense for anyone ingame to make that argument, because the gods they have are different. While it wouldn't be unusual for someone to doubt the gods' divinity or refuse to worship them, it wouldn't make sense for them to do so on the grounds that the gods are not omnipotent enough. In short, it's meta-knowledge that we the players have because we live in a world where that is the mainstream definition of godhood based on the current dominant religions.
  6. At that point, what's the difference? Because at this point it seems like the definition you're using for godhood isn't one that suits the nature of the setting. :v
  7. I love how you've basically just summarized the entire MMO experience in a single sentence.
  8. Alg

    Charlie Hebdo

    All muslim extremists are muslims, but I'd suppose you'd tell me religion has nothing to do with it either. Anyhow, I'm failing to see a point in what you're arguing, other than your first post where you wrote that you shouldn't poke an angry bear with a stick. I'd imagine that the point is that, while all Muslim extremists are Muslims, not all Muslims are extremists. Sweeping generalizations based on the actions of extremists only hurt those that aren't, and arguing that religion is the sole cause is both massively prejudiced* and insultingly lazy. Do we need a refresher on the cold war, just to bring up one of the most recent examples...? *especially when Gabe was called out for having done just that before this thread started
  9. Cosmetic status symbols are all well and good, but the requirements behind them still have to have a degree of consistency. We can't keep justifying bad design by saying that it's not supposed to be for everyone.
  10. So practice is going to cost as much as instances, I assume? You're almost certainly going to be better off at the real thing.
  11. Alg


    I've seen this movie before.
  12. I'm not sure if this means that all of the non-trimmers are wrong, though, considering the nature of the requirement.
  13. Idea: True trim cape is entirely made of particles, matching the pattern and color of the base cape.
  14. Alg


    There is a healthy part?
  15. Now interested in that site not for the subversive way it treats new media, but for the sake of reading Moby Dick
  16. Alg


    Slowcooker improves most things.
  17. Easy conversion is height in inches * 2.54. My 5'10" (70 in) comes out to 177.8 Also, Italian, for whom it's relevant.
  18. Was there anyone at all who thought the requirement was a good one? I just remember the most positive arguments in favor of it being "you don't have to get it if you don't want to, deal with it" :-P
  19. Alg

    Charlie Hebdo

    Someone with bigger balls than any man alive today.
  20. Alg

    Charlie Hebdo

    In the interest of saving time: nations do bad things during wars, and that's terrible.
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