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Everything posted by Alg

  1. And all I can think is "thank god today's youth know better than to argue about social issues on an MMO forum"
  2. Similarly, I dislike being completely discredited because I happen to care about the kind of people that really only exist as a punchline. In the interest of not causing a shitstorm, can I concede that both sides need better people? :-P
  3. On the other hand, saying that it's grindy makes for a delightful pun.
  4. Nope, that was the series ending
  5. Alg


    This sure is a lot of fuss for a movie that will probably be unfunny at best.
  6. And considering Jagex's track record, the series might be better off without an ending :mrgreen:
  7. Alg

    Whats up

    and i'm just sitting here, having moved on to an mmo with probably worse microtransactions
  8. Alg

    Whats up

    I'm assuming new players would sooner go to Reddit or the Wiki than here, as well.
  9. On one hand, yay now they'll finally be usable! Greatly looking forward to that. On the other... much higher requirements than any other T80 item, degrades to dust, requires a stupid amount of harmonic dust to even enchant, and higher than 1/2500 drop rate... And they didn't think that would need a buff?
  10. Alg

    Whats up

    Alternatively, OT has evolved past the need for gimmicks: it contains threads that speak to universal truths and there simply isn't any need for anything else. Except, y'know, discussions, but still. Minor thing.
  11. I'm actually a bit curious about whether or not it's sustainable to try to break into the industry anymore. If it costs, to use the scientific term, a shitload of money to get a game to the point of just being playable, you can't really settle for moderate popularity... But moderate popularity is probably all you can hope for because there's no way your name is going to carry as much weight as League or Warcraft, and you can't really expect your backers to keep pumping money into it on the one in a million chance that it might in a decade or so. I've really got no basis for any of this, but it seems to be a common enough thing these days rip dawngate
  12. Because precedent shows that if it didn't, nobody would play it.
  13. Alg


    I've never really had crashing issues on Microsoft/Nintendo stuff, and freezing is pretty rare. The PS3 in particular had a bit of a reputation for bad ports.
  14. Alg


    Can you write this? ...Can I write this?
  15. Semantics :-D I just can't see it doing much more than making the game grindier and even more luck-based. That system is in place in just about every RPG that's been released this decade, it really doesn't do much more than fill your inventory with absolutely useless drops. What are you trying to solve with this, anyway? It wouldn't really make equipment less stale - to be honest, I don't really see it doing anything. The thing you're trying to solve has more to do with more than a decade of short-sighted design and half-assed big jobs, with things like this slapped in the cracks. :unsure:
  16. Alg


    You say that like the two are mutually exclusive :-D
  17. As it stands everyone in RS with the same gear is identical. Even a LITTLE RnG would change things a lot. also just as I am, you're entitled to your opinion, even if... can we not
  18. Alg


    It got surprisingly bad up north yesterday. Stay dry.
  19. Alg

    No "e"

    Just don't think too hard about what you want to say or try to say too much. Ambition is usually a trap.
  20. Alg


    Russia I think I could have sworn he was Welsh
  21. Wait a minute. You're more than three times richer than I am. How are you three times richer than I am *ragequits everything*
  22. Tyler wins. Everyone else can keep it in their pants.
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