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Everything posted by dippymister

  1. Sharks. Well, Great White Sharks mainly. Most other sharks don't really bother me, but great whites scare the [cabbage] out of me. I'm a sailor, and whenever I'm in the water from capsizing or something, or just when I'm in deep water, I get this image of a huge great white shark swimming towards me. :ohnoes:
  2. Somebody needs to lay off the Nintendo. :lol: Hehe, well I was like 6 years old when i saw it... :D Not that I don't still cry when I see it...
  3. dippymister


    Are you talking about me? I said that I hate lyrics that are meaningless crap, like "I love you blah blah blah", which so many songs have. When I say "stupid lyrics about love and all that other meaningless crap", I'm talking about the lyrics in most other music, which are, imo, meaningless crap :)
  4. dippymister


    Too bad that punk is the worst genre of music ever. I'm not even being ignorant. Almost 100% of the time, the musicians don't have a f*cking clue as to what they're doing and the results of this really show up in the music. I really can't stand the scratchiness and disjointedness of punk, bar a few 90s hardcore bands. Plus, I'm not a fan of straightforwardly outspoken political lyrics in music; sure, you can do this, but I really like some kind of intelligent wrapping for them. Punk isn't about being intelligent, though. I guess I don't agree with the music or the mentality. (oh, and the fact that post-hardcore and (early) emo are far better genres) Can't argue with you there, your totally right. Most punk bands had absolutely no idea how to play, (I play guitar, and well... I suck, but I can figure out a punk song in a couple minutes...) and especially to a trained musician, it sounds like [cabbage]. I believe it was Joy Division that formed after they saw the Sex Pistols perform, with the attitude "Hey, they totally suck. If they can do it, we can do it too". But meh, I love it. And I have to disagree with you, I love the political lyrics in punk, and I hate stupid lyrics about love and all that other meaningless (imo) crap. :cry: You make me cry inside. Hardcore or whatever its called is like a sub genre of punk right? I never connect Rage to Hardcore or punk in anyway. Considering that I'M talking about Rage, and that you say it makes you cry inside because hardcore is a sub genre of punk, it certainly makes it seem like your connecting Rage to the fact that I'm implying that it isn't punk, and you're implying that it is hardcore which is a sub genre of punk. ...If you weren't connecting the two then I suppose you were just saying a random sentence that was completely unrelated to anything in your post? :?
  5. I pirated music for a bit until one of my friends got a huge fine from his internet provider for pirating music, and almost got his internet cancelled (like a $5,000 fine)... So, I don't anymore :) I'd rather buy the CD though, I like having the album.
  6. I'm sorry, please explain? There is no rebellion, they just didn't want to follow their policy. Its hardly the little band fighting a big coperation. Sticking it to the man doesn't mean a full on rebellion... in this case, its just not going along with everyone else, and its their way of showing that they're not going to conform to the needs of a big corporation. Also that they're not going to let someone mess with their music, and that they are only going to have it the way they want. A.K.A - "Stickin' it to the man" Edit: On "the man"- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0u9XoS-LoD8 hehe.
  7. dippymister


    Well when you say that Rage is "hardcore which is a sub genre of punk", it makes it sound like you're saying its punk... -.- Every band in your list has been mentioned multiple times. Get off your high horse, being a pretentious [puncture] isn't punk, it is [bleep] annoying. Chill, bro, I said that after reading some of the replies that it wasn't all bad. And I wasn't really flipping out about it, more trying to educate the OP on some good punk, because I hate it when people say they're fans of punk but all they know is the Sex Pistols and the Clash (especially London Calling *shiver*), along with all the Green Day and Blink 182 crap.
  8. I play drums in a band, and I know how to play guitar, although not very well :P We play a lot of different music, we do Audioslave's "Doesn't Remind Me", a jazz song by Herbie Hancock called "Chameleon", and some Galaxie 500 songs (kind of spacy alternative, great band :D), and some other stuff. We have 1 original atm that doesn't have a name or lyrics lol, but its pretty good. We've had a couple "gigs", playing at things for our school and stuff, its fun :)
  9. Ya, I saw Star Trek too and I thought it was really good. The actors were pretty spot-on with the personalities of the old characters (I'M GIVIN IT ALL SHES GOT CAPT'N! :D)
  10. I hate Green Day, but good for them, stickin it to the man! :P AC/DC released their last album ONLY at Wal-Mart, and it kinda sucked not being able to go to Newbury Comics or your local cd store to get it. I guess it didn't have any explicit language in it though, which is surprising... :?
  11. The end of the Pokemon movie where Ash "dies". Only movie that has made me teary/cry :shock:
  12. dippymister


    :cry: You make me cry inside. Hardcore or whatever its called is like a sub genre of punk right? Since when is Rage Against The Machine punk? I haven't listened to them too much, but what I've heard just sounds like alternative rock, somewhat on the lines of hardcore. And don't they do the whole hardcore rapping thing?
  13. dippymister


    Damn. I got really excited when I saw this thread, thinking that I might find someone who knew about REAL punk! But I guess not.. :( Seriously... Fall Out Boy, Green Day, Blink 182?! Dude.... -.- Some GOOD punk bands/albums The Jam If I had to pick my favorite album of all time, The Jam's "This is the Modern World" would DEFINITELY be in the top 3, probably number 1 actually. Every song on it is amazing, really catchy and awesome lyrics (lyrics that are actually about something, not just blah blah blah I like this girl blah blah blah). Also, In the City is a great album. The Jam is very along the lines of The Clash, although they kind of followed in The Clash's footsteps, going downhill after they got somewhat popular (One of their later albums had a brass section in it... A brass section?! In PUNK?!?!) The Clash I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw that you had The Clash on there, but when I saw London Calling in your favorite songs, I practically pissed my pants. The Clash are great, they're phenominal. Their first album, that is. The Clash's self titled album has some great garage-band punk on it, right up there with the rebelliousness (is that a word? O.O) of the Sex Pistols etc, and some really solid punk. Then came London Calling, and... well, anyone who has heard The Clash's first album and then heard London Calling knows what I'm talking about. What the hell happened? It went from awesome, in-your-face punk, to stupid wanna-be classic rock crap. Sure, London Calling is a good song, but not a good example of a great punk song. If all you have of the Clash is London Calling, go buy their first album. Like, seriously, get it ASAP. You will be pleasantly surprised if you like good punk. The Stiff Little Fingers If you like the Sex Pistols, you will LOVE The Stiff Little Fingers. They're from Ireland, and most of their music is about when England controlled Ireland (I don't know the exact details of it all, not much of a history buff myself, but I think thats what it was). All of their lyrics are AWESOME, look up the lyrics to "alternative ulster", or "rough trade", and you'll see what I mean. They're a really really great punk band, and any fan of punk needs to have them. period. The Sex Pistols You already have them, and most people know about them. Of course, a great punk rock band, was in the beginning of it all, and Sid Vicious is one of the best images of punk rock. The Buzz[roosters] The Buzz[roosters]... damn. What a great band, the singer, Pete Shelley, has one of the most unique voices you'll hear, and its AWESOME. I'd strongly suggest getting the album "Singles Going Steady", obviously all of their singles, which is also in the top 3 of the best albums I own. Every song is phenominal, and they're all very catchy, and well... just awesome. Really, if you like punk, you NEED the Buzz[roosters]. The Undertones The Undertones sound a lot like The Buzz[roosters], and the singer, Feargal Sharkey, sounds a lot like The Buzz[roosters]' Pete Shelley. Both of their albums, "The Undertones" and "Hypnotized" don't have a bad song on them. If you like the Buzz[roosters] a lot, you'll like the Undertones. Iggy and the Stooges I think I saw that you had the stooges on there, and good for you :D. I actually don't have much of the Stooges myself, but I need to get some, and Iggy Pop is what I consider to be like the "godfather" of punk. He's so crazy and just embodied what punk is supposed to be. Great stuff. The New York Dolls The New York Dolls are very interesting, (they dressed up like girls, with makeup and wigs and all that... ya. :shock:) but have some really good punk music. In my opinion one of the best punk songs of all time, and hell, one of the best songs of all time, is the New York Dolls' "Personality Crisis". The Ramones I'm assuming you already had The Ramones on there. The Ramones are great, pretty much all you can say. Classic, hard power-chord, no thrills, punk rock. Awesome XD Joy Division Definitely a little different than your average punk rock, but still is great stuff. They have a lot of songs about the Holocaust, (obviously opposed to it...) and the singer has a really deep voice that is quite unique. If you don't have Joy Division you should get some, any punk fan needs to have them. Well, I hope I've educated you on some good punk rock bands. These are just some of my favorite punk bands, and if you don't have any of them, seriously, you should get them. I used to be into classic rock, and then my dad started getting me into punk rock, which he was into in when it was all going on, and still is (along with a ton of other weirdo and different music. Not your average Dad ;) ), and since then, I've never looked back. I love punk! I'll be keeping tabs on this thread, I love talking about music :P Edit: I looked at some of the replies here, and I guess it isn't all bad... Paul00 knows whats up :P . But what the hell? Fall out Boy? Rage Against the Machine? GAH! what has happened to the world?!
  14. Lol, this is true. Basically, it isn't really a reliable source of money, but it isn't bad I suppose.
  15. I got lucky on the dfs, yes, but you get at least 300k each time that you kill your target. I was wondering if the time to get the target is worth the drop. It is a lot of money, but considering it took you an hour and 15 minutes to get a target, if on average you get 300k per target, thats not that great. About 280k per hour? Most people can do much better than that at aviansies or some form of money making. I don't think its really a great source of money, but it definitely helps pkers make some money back. Yes, but it's like woodcuting. You only have to look every few minutes to make sure you're not getting attacked while waiting for a target. Also 300k is the least you can get from a target, i'd say the average is 550k. Errm... I wouldn't say 300k is the "least", ive gotten well under 50k from targets before, and never over 300k. In fact, the most I've ever gotten is about 250k. It really depends on luck.
  16. I got lucky on the dfs, yes, but you get at least 300k each time that you kill your target. I was wondering if the time to get the target is worth the drop. It is a lot of money, but considering it took you an hour and 15 minutes to get a target, if on average you get 300k per target, thats not that great. About 280k per hour? Most people can do much better than that at aviansies or some form of money making. I don't think its really a great source of money, but it definitely helps pkers make some money back.
  17. I'm doing DT on my initiate pure, and I was wondering what the best way to kill Damis is for me. I've been looking at guides, and it looks like you can either melee him or mage him. My stats are: 60 att (d scim) 82 str 20 def 79 mage 60 ranged 44 prayer So would it be better for me to melee him in full initiate with d scim/dds, or mage him in monks robes or something with earth blast? -Thanks
  18. Can you make the pictures bigger? Its almost impossible for me to see any of the clues and the aviansie pics. #-o
  19. Achievement of the month plox? \ Amazing achievement. Hell, 99 rc in p2p is a very good achievement, 99 rc in f2p is an insane achievement, and then max total f2p?! :o 1000/10
  20. Ya, I'm getting really tired of it too. On my initiate pure today, I got my target, and asked him to fight, and he refused to. As soon as I got into another fight, I'm instantly pjed by my target, who is farcasting me with ancients (freezing me), while ranging me with d darts, and with protect from melee on. So, seeing as im in full intiate, I obviously put on mage protect and run out of the wild. Of course, he comes up to me and starts calling me a noob for praying and for running, and then when I say that he did the same exact thing, he just doesn't reply. Anyways, this happened every fight I was in for about the next 3 fights. Finally, he says he'll fight me, and I tell him flat out that if he mages/prays, I'm going to leave instantly. So he says that we need to go to a spot with no pjers, leads me out into high wild, puts on melee protect and starts farcasting me. When I put on mage pray and start running he starts calling me sad. -.- God I hate these kids.
  21. Yes, but like I said, I can't exactly range in initiate... So, bring d'hide chaps or something? I mean, it really doesn't seem worth it, my range bonus wouldn't be nearly enough to do any decent damage, and it's not like im going to bring a whole set of range gear, as that kind of defeats the purpose of being an initiate pure, seeing as the whole point of getting 20 def is to wear the initiate armor for the pray boost/defence. I don't know, I guess personally, it doesn't seem that important to me. And tbh, whenever that happens I just put on mage protect, and tell them that if they do it again I'm gonna tele/run into bank. In the long run I will definitely get range up for the hitpoints xp, but I don't really see it being very functional while pking.
  22. Is 70 range really necessary? I don't see why I would bother ranging when I can just melee. It would be much more effective considering I can wear full initiate, giving a nice prayer boost and good armor. Btw, my stats now are: 60 attack 77 strength 20 defence 55 ranged 44 pray 55 mage I've got full initiate and unholy book now, and plan on getting around 80 str then trying pking :D
  23. I don't see why you have to play in high detail. You can just play in normal detail and put sounds on, since that seems to be the only reason you give for high detail. Playing in high detail wouldn't make a difference, as I'd assume most people play with sounds off. Other than that, good guide. Seems like common sense kind of, but hey, I'm sure it will help some people :o
  24. I'm probably gonna try this. I don't know about max kc, but I might go for 2k kc. I'm gonna try without a RoW first, if anyone wants to give it a go with a RoW post some pics of the aftermath :D
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