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Everything posted by dippymister

  1. Thats why I don't do any quests, unless I absolutely need to :D
  2. dippymister


    Pssh, NASCAR... As far as I'm concerned, if you want to watch some REAL auto racing, turn to Formula 1. I don't see the appeal of watching cars go around in an oval 500 times. It doesn't really seem to take much skill, mainly just drafting and then passing at the right moment, the stamina of the driver, and just not getting in a crash. Not to mention, compared to Formula 1, the cars look like toys. In Formula 1 theres sooo many things that the driver can do to the car to get it exactly how he wants. I was watching something the other day about the Ferrari team tweaking the front wing by millimeters to get it to perform the way they wanted it too. The amount of technology that goes into the cars is just amazing, I think. Not to mention, the sound is INSANE! I went to Montreal to see the GP 2 years ago (I think it was 2 years ago... -.-) I remember, the first day when we were on our way to the practice, we were walking to the subway and you could hear the sounds of the cars echoing off the buildings and everything, when they were probably 2+ miles away, on a kind of "island" on the body of water near Montreal. The sound was one of the best parts imo, especially because they had traction control then, and when they would shift you heard this sound like a shotgun being shot, and you could totally feel it in your gut. I also got to witness this: We were sitting in the grandstand that is to the left of the camera here. I just happened to look over right when it happened, and just saw an enormous cloud of dust and debris from when he hit the wall, then saw him sliding over across the track. Honestly, I thought he broke his neck seeing how much his head was being jerked around, and it looked like his head was totally limp, but I'm pretty sure all he got was a broken wrist.
  3. Sleeping bags were used to restore your fatigue. In rsc, you would gain fatigue (from 1 to 100%), by doing skills (and fighting too). When it got to 100%, you wouldn't gain any experience from any skills. By clicking on the sleeping bag, it brought up a screen where you had to type in a random word, like the things they have to register for forums, etc. where the letters are all weird. Anyways, this was to stop autoers, but they soon found ways around it, hence why it was never implemented into rs2. Hope that answered your question :D On to the kills! The classic kills were great! brings back loads of memories of all those prayer beasts with r2h and ruby ammies :P
  4. Except it's not the banner, it's the picture for the log in buttons. And the fact that rune essence isn't crimson, nor is it circular (the one you mine the ess from). Ok whatever, banner, login button, same thing. And I don't think the stone is crimson. Looks a lot more like there's a fiery background, which just makes the stone glow orange/red.
  5. I think you're taking this way too far. Looks like just a rune essence stone to me, which would go with the whole RUNEscape banner thing...
  6. There actually was a time when there was no rune in classic... Can't remember exactly when it was, but the first rune item they introduced was the rune longsword and there was about 2 or 3 people that had smithing high enough to make it, so it was very rare and extremely expensive. :)
  7. I'm pretty sure thats armor that you can create and use in the game. Unfortunately, those aren't rewards. :(
  8. I had my hopes up for this minigame, but I'm not too interested anymore after taking a look at the rewards. Melee clay armor = same stats as rune armor Mage clay armor = same stats as mystic Range clay armor = same stats as green d'hide :wall: Really not worth it especially considering that you have to recharge it after changing it 10 times. Much easier to just switch to a different type of armor imo. Don't really see too much use in those volatile/morphic tools either -.-
  9. I've never even gotten a dragon drop :wall: That's probably the most impressive drop list I've ever seen. Keep up the good work! 10/10
  10. And a P-hat set ;) And some mitres, i think :? he has all the mitres... :oops:
  11. Very interesting collection, now just get a dfh :thumbsup:
  12. This was my first account. I've made many other pkers mainly, such as diggymister (rune pure in classic, he OWNED! :twisted: ), dopeymister, pookymister (range pure in rsc, like 60 or so range, 10 hp :XD:) and some others. Also, just made a skiller named "epicphailboat" :D
  13. 8/10. Nice job, how'd you do it? :-s You really need to cut down on your usage of the :twss: smilie...
  14. Yes, you could easily range them. If your def is 75+, tanking might be a good option too.
  15. I always do 10 on flax and 5 on fishing (raw). I read somewhere in a guide that this was the most profitable way, and it seems to be working out fine :) I also check on it every week. I can't remember what you originally put in, but it works out so that you put in 1.25m every week when you go to collect resources. Also, you don't need to go every day or whatever to gain favor, if you get it back to 100% before you collect your resources that day, then I think its the same as if you had 100% the whole time. (I'm not totally sure about this part though) Anyways, I'll try to find the guide for you, it explains everything very nicely. Edit: It seems that that guide I was talking about disappeared with the rollback thing that happened a while ago. However this one is decent and says pretty much the same things. Good luck!
  16. Would you mind telling me how to make 20m in a day? Because that would really make my life easier...
  17. What exactly does it do that the calculators here at Tip.it can't do?
  18. Umm... 2/10. Most of this stuff is very well-known and theres many other guides that do it better. Think of some more original ideas, add some pics, and add more details.
  19. [hide=big image][/hide] Is it just me or is that a 62?... :^o yes, but if you wield a devine shield it gets reduced (as shown above) to 43! - really can't you read? Still 42 is a lot: I think it's safe to say that with the current weaponry: even the shields it's impossible to solo! - We need some more damage reducing armour and some other ways of healing/hitting a lot! Also karambwans might be usefull to use as healing here? - since they heal 18 and can be eaten without delaying your weapn! Oh sorry, I haven't played rs in a while and honestly dont know anything about this update. Didn't know that those shields had anything to do with it, I thought he was just saying that because of the def bonuses it wouldn't hit as high or something...
  20. The first 2 are decent, last one is nice : Did you make it out with the whip?
  21. Sounds like a great idea, except for the flashing bar when it gets to 20% hp. I could see that being a pain, because if you get hit right when its all red in the flash it would be hard to see how much hp you have left. Other than that though, I like the idea of the colors and all. It would definitely be a great addition, considering the graphics update.
  22. Maybe they're just being nice and trying to help out some people? -.-
  23. So you're fine with spending a day making back 12m but you won't spend 30 seconds to change back your hair? :-k
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