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Everything posted by Jabuli

  1. Is this some kind of joke? Of course saving an already .JPG'd (for lack of better word) as a .PNG won't make the .PNG better quality. Just read the post above. No, it's not a joke. If you fail to realize that you do NOT want to fill your website with hundreds of large size images then you are a moron. My point here was that Size > Quality in this case. The reason I told you about irfanview was that most people here seem to use paint to save their images, which uses always the same options for .jpg saving making the quality loss easily noticeable. However it's possible to reduce the .jpg quality loss so much that it isn't even noticeable with bare eye. Your post made you sound like one of those .png fanatics who always use .png no matter what and end up with large 2mb size pictures that cause teeth grinding for many. I admit that the size comprasion was unfair because the lowered quality caused by .jpg also caused the .png size to skyrocket. when you are showcasing a (for the most part) graphical update, you should save the image in a high quality format. optionally, they could have left the thumbnails as jpegs, and made the larger images png. But it's not even a graphical update. They just changed the splashes a bit. Changing the graphics of the splashes, AKA, graphical update. Even if it's just a bit of a change. They changed the look of dragons a bit a while ago, by your logic, since it was just a bit of a change, it wasn't a graphical update, even though it was changing how things looked. They replaced a splash background with a square background. Calling it a graphical update is just silly.
  2. Is this some kind of joke? Of course saving an already .JPG'd (for lack of better word) as a .PNG won't make the .PNG better quality. Just read the post above. No, it's not a joke. If you fail to realize that you do NOT want to fill your website with hundreds of large size images then you are a moron. My point here was that Size > Quality in this case. The reason I told you about irfanview was that most people here seem to use paint to save their images, which uses always the same options for .jpg saving making the quality loss easily noticeable. However it's possible to reduce the .jpg quality loss so much that it isn't even noticeable with bare eye. Your post made you sound like one of those .png fanatics who always use .png no matter what and end up with large 2mb size pictures that cause teeth grinding for many. I admit that the size comprasion was unfair because the lowered quality caused by .jpg also caused the .png size to skyrocket. when you are showcasing a (for the most part) graphical update, you should save the image in a high quality format. optionally, they could have left the thumbnails as jpegs, and made the larger images png. But it's not even a graphical update. They just changed the splashes a bit.
  3. Is this some kind of joke? Of course saving an already .JPG'd (for lack of better word) as a .PNG won't make the .PNG better quality. Just read the post above. No, it's not a joke. If you fail to realize that you do NOT want to fill your website with hundreds of large size images then you are a moron. My point here was that Size > Quality in this case. The reason I told you about irfanview was that most people here seem to use paint to save their images, which uses always the same options for .jpg saving making the quality loss easily noticeable. However it's possible to reduce the .jpg quality loss so much that it isn't even noticeable with bare eye. Your post made you sound like one of those .png fanatics who always use .png no matter what and end up with large 2mb size pictures that cause teeth grinding for many. I admit that the size comprasion was unfair because the lowered quality caused by .jpg also caused the .png size to skyrocket.
  4. What's wrong with .jpg? In this case it was obiviously the superior choice :thumbup: Besides the fact that .JPG makes the image lower quality? So you don't know how to save images properly? Not everyone uses paint to save their images you silly boy. If you have problems with .JPG you might want to try irfanview for saving your images instead. It's a nice freeware software with great image saving options! Not saying that .png is always the worse choice. http://sam.ihku.fi/uploads/hit_types.jpg http://sam.ihku.fi/uploads/hit_types.png Exactly the same quality, compare the sizes ;)
  5. What's wrong with .jpg? In this case it was obiviously the superior choice :thumbup:
  6. Nope. On the other hand, the ability to assist effigies should be removed.
  7. Mind= Blown haha Looks like another fairly pointless mid-level quest to me, any good rewards? Having fun. Gosh Danz, way to troll. Some people do quests for story, others for the rewards, yet others for the cape, whilst still others do them only for fun. THE WHOLE DAMN POINT OF RS IS FUN. Just some have fun getting rewards off quests so they don't have to train that particular skill. Not everyone has fun doing quests designed for noobs. After being told this numerous times in numerous topics, I'd have thought this would have sunk through even your skull. If I wanted fun, I'd be solo graador, or TDS, or doing something with SoDB, not be stuck doing a quest designed for the average level 90. That being said, I expect to do this quest, not because I expect it to be the "most fun" thing I could be doing in RS, but because I normally do quests on release day, to keep cape current. Yeah! I only enjoy hard quests made for hardcore players like myself!
  8. Told truth, didn't kill any humans, killed the pest
  9. Mind= Blown haha Looks like another fairly pointless mid-level quest to me, any good rewards? Having fun. Pretty good exp reward and 50 pestle points
  10. There's so much ranting going on about the stats of those books so I wouldn't be surprised if they'll tweak the stats a little :wink:
  11. What I expected from this thread: Pictures of new TT rewardss and fun discussion What I got: Over hundred pictures of "my MtK glitch loot xD" Seriously, why not make a thread for the MTK glitch.
  12. Please do, I'm really interested to see them.
  13. Looks like now the update is finally ready to be released the servers are giving them heck. Anyone else crashed? I wasn't able to log in for a while and got rolled back ~30 minutes because of the crash. My friend got 99 runecrafting earlier today and they rolled him back to 98 :mrgreen: He hates runecrafting and now he has to get those 39k exp again :shades:
  14. Signed. I've been programming for 80 years and damn is it hard. Jagex is breaking the barrier between impossible and reality by even releasing any working updates at all so we shouldn't really whine when there is a slight delay. DEAL WITH IT
  15. It's been half a month since the last update... It'd better come out tomorrow.
  16. Still waiting for elite diaries. :rolleyes:
  17. 93 for 47. e: oops, too late :thumbdown:
  18. I hope they would remove the ability to assist them.
  19. You can find black nails from the picklockable ogre coffins too ;)
  20. derpderp Doesn't really sound like it's supposed to be an item :rolleyes:
  21. I thought they were warped/occult. :unsure: Warped and Chaotic. Didn't they change chaotic to occult?
  22. A few days ago they said it will come out well before the end of 2010. So I'm guessing late august-early october. I wouldn't hold my breath though
  23. Haha, oh wow. first dungeoneering batch 1.5 and now this. I guess it can't be helped
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