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Everything posted by Holy_Monk

  1. I think the highest you can hit with dharoks is 99 >.< isnt it?
  2. I suggest 2 things. Moss giants (but they can be too crowded at times) And #1 best suggestion is ice giants and ice warriors in the ice cave where you obtain blurite ore.
  3. it's well worth getting up trust me, if i had the money i would raise it to 85
  4. For sure, where do you think most the people get there God armour and party hats, and halloween mask's if they've by most of them never been a member. you most certainly get over 10mill in F2p
  5. First Clue 3: level 80 when i decided to try them out. Dragon drop: between level 90 - 100 i got a d med from KBD Million GP: when i first became member D left half: None yet Still waiting
  6. i think your skills are fine, try raising your thieving abit so you don't mess up at the part where you waste like thousands of lock picks i wasted like 20 #-o Other than that good stats, i think your good to go.
  7. I once saw a guy called "God of pubes" last i saw he was in dueling arena and was level 100..i thought his name was Helarious!! :lol:
  8. ...this is why i LOVE being older (i am 16) i Work and make my own money so i pay my own membership and my dad can't complain if its from my own pockets... Job that pays FTW! :XD:
  9. Runescape itself has made me smarter and more mature, May sound lame but i always encounter alot of immature people in rs and learning to be polite to them (some times rude :-w ) helps me deal with immature people in rl alot easier. its also become an addiction to me...beats drugs anyday! \
  10. I think they are Merchanters...they try to increase the prices of items just for the sake of increasing the price. Since the whip fell in price Soo much alot of slayer people were upset by this and i guess they are just trying to increase the prices back up
  11. Theres been a thread about this not sure what it was called..i think it was locked since it turned into a spamming thread.. to me the #1 useless item is the ring of stone (its equiptable but it's still worth mentioning cause it's lame) :XD:
  12. Yeah but the egg ring is bad azz, you can turn into an egg thats uber hawtness...Better than a measly Stone! :XD:
  13. erm i've always wondered whats the point to the ring of stone :-k
  14. Welcome back, and best wishes to your father.
  15. yes... This "Legend" all began in the great Runescape Classic... RSN: Not saying for privacy.. but he is level 23..in rs2 level 104 :XD:
  16. Gj Riping it from Silkroad Online :thumbsup: Hmm...exact same consept, exact same way to add a person :-k if you did get it from that game at least give credit to it. if not then gj =D>
  17. I say the emote should be like this: Person lowers both arms.. Drops weapons..falls on knee's...then falls face first and you see them dissapear like a ghost into thin air...kinda dissolve and dissapear
  18. The main Reason is, Lack of interest There is Sooo much more you can do in membership and the games room is on the bottom of the "to do" list, sry my friend :XD:
  19. I dont like the obby cape Period. I dont see the point in spending 200k - 250k+ on a Cape Only..i'd rather wear my god cape or Legends cape..it has more meaning and appeal than a obby cape.
  20. I Personally Congradulate and admire Both types of Skillers since it isnt always easy to raise a skill. but with time,dedication and patients it makes raising skills worth while so i give my respects to any type of skiller.
  21. Worst: Dagannoths (Waste so much food!) Best: Jellies or Cave Horrors
  22. keep going man, if there boting they deserve to be pk'd.. we need :-$ to clear the green dragons of nooby boters!
  23. Dude, if i Remember the statistics right. Runescape has 9million Active Members and 850,000 paying Members.. I think that runescape is "Big" enough this game is on the top 10 most played MMORPG (did i spell that wrong?)
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