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Everything posted by tttia

  1. More practice on water.
  2. More water, corel photopaint. I like the way this one came out.
  3. Argh! Don't think that way! You will never improve thinking that way. You don't have to draw a body of water as such. You could have a dog shaking off water droplets, or the dew on a flower.
  4. Are you overlaying with a. A brush? b. fills with blend modes? c. Colorize feature of levels (if I remember the PS terminology properly, I don't use PS)?
  5. woah thats really good! :thumbsup: Thanks for the compliment. As to why they locked it, I think because it was old and they don't like old posts being bumped constantly. But as long as it stays relatively active there is no problem.
  6. The idea is that a different theme is posted each day or maybe a couple days. These are ideas to get folks drawing/painting. It can be painted or drawn, on the computer or in traditional. Each of us then post the piece here. It is a way to inspire us to do art on a more regular basis. Look over the link to the old thread and it should become more obvious what it is about. You can be as creative as you like. For water you could do anything from a drop of water, to a glass of water, ice, steam, a water gun, A water elemental, whatever. Anything having to do with water works fine.
  7. The old sketch topic is locked, so opening this one: http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?t=172 ... ch&start=0 The concept is simple. We give a topic every once in a while. You draw a little sketch, painting what ever. Then we all post our stuff and have fun comparing. You can do more than one entry if you like. And if you miss one you want to do, you can always post it later. Do it for fun, do it for study, do it for a little self respect. Also, some want to be able to post their other works here. that is fine. :) The more stuff the better. Topics: 1. Water 2. Trees 3. Wings 4. Cyborg--some human (or animal) and mechanical combination.
  8. The colors look really good on this. His left arm looks a little off..I think it is the particular pattern in the fabric that is not working, especially where the bicep attaches to the forearm. I don't know as I have an issue with the opacity. This just has a more rough feel to it. Good work. Incidentally, are there a lot of firearms that small in D&D? Or are you just using the sytem within a different era?
  9. tttia


    Hey Nadril, was checking out your DA account the other day thinking...wow...haven't seen him around in a while :)
  10. tttia


    Corel Photopaint again. Thought I would try something tough to capture. The water certainly proved to be.
  11. Very thorough. A good job. I might look over the dithering part especially at some point. I don't do a lot of pixel and so I haven't tried that aspect much.
  12. I suppose I should put some kind of signature in there. Anyway I liked the trees right at the front of the primary picture so that became the inspiration for the main background. I was originally going to put a deer or something in there, but my son likes dinosaurs.
  13. Hm, yeah, seems they removed it again. The background was taken from a blend of 3 scenes, and the dino was from 3 pictures as well, just blending some elements. It's coloration is likely a bit off, but it is a Compsognathus. There is a micro-raptor too, but I didn't think it would look right.
  14. Corel Photopaint. Been a while since I posted anything. Looks like folks are still doing some good work here.
  15. http://www.download.com/Deep-Paint/3000 ... ag=lst-0-1 That link will take you to the free version of Right Hemisphere's Deep Paint. Good stuff there, including layer support.
  16. Pretty good actually :) Though I have been doing other things lately. I have been engaging more in brushing up on Greek and theological discussion than games or art.
  17. Don't know, this is the second time it has been removed. Religious sigs are now against the rules, though they were not before. Ah well, it had a good run :)
  18. tttia

    Vector Sig

    It looks a bit fuzzy for some reason....blurry, etc. Otherwise it is nice and clean.
  19. xman, yes, I used photo reference. Program was Corel Photopaint 12...basically like Photoshop or Gimp, it is a photo editing program.
  20. The graphire is really pretty good, and a lot cheaper. My wife uses it. The only thing I don't like about it is that it doesn't support tilt, which I got used to with my intuos1. It also has half the levels of pressure, but that part I don't notice at all. The pen is a bit cheaper feeling ,but has never broken really. And as for scratches you can get replacement surfaces. The main thing is to replace your nibs before they get to be so nasty that they scratch. To me the best deal is to look for shops that still have an intuos 2. They are not that much different, still a pro tool, and cheaper. I use an intuos 1 4x5 and love it. Yes, you do get used to drawing in one place and looking in the other. It just happens with practice. As for interactive...Cintiques are very expensive, so you are right, they wouldn't be helpful. But if you are planning on buying a laptop anytime soon a tablet pc might be a good way to go as most of them use wacom digitizers.
  21. http://www.christianforums.com/f219-members-art.html it is not a high traffic forum, though the parent forum is.
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