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Everything posted by SuziAngel

  1. Man U and Chelsea are both as good as each other. Not much happening.
  2. Try anything once except incest and eating poo.
  3. Have you ever considered making a thong out of skittles? As for me, I have so many fantastic aspects to my life that I couldn't possibly choose a single favourite thing.
  4. Accents are fantastic. My favourite are Australian and South African. I melt when I hear someone speaking with either of those two. Sadly, I don't get to hear them that often. *Sigh*
  5. Oh, hang on....I think I recognise that little red number. If I'm not mistaken it was worn by Sean Connery in Highlander.
  6. SuziAngel

    Short Fuse

    Congratulations, Sebbeberg! So many people use "I have ADHD" as an excuse to behave in an inappropriate manner. Well done to you for managing to take responsibility for your own actions. :D I'm a fairly patient person. I have to be in my line of work. Although, sometimes PMT causes me to turn into monster b*tch from hell. Oh, and I suffer from the occasional bout of road rage. And I guess I'll stand up for anyone (including myself) should they need defending. Apart from that, I'm the epitome of serenity. O:)
  7. Thats not strictly true. Officially if the bank runs out of money then you have to use other things in its place. Yes, you can substitute other items in place of the money, but hawkwing was correct about the houses.
  8. So, if number 2 isn't Snakes on a plane as Indy thought...is it Flightplan?
  9. You have to love Sky Digital. Press the red button and have a sing-a-long. :
  10. Phone, money/cards, keys and vaseline (fantastic stuff - serves a multitude of purposes : )
  11. They visit our village occasionally and are usually very pleasant. They may ask if you have anything unwanted that you'd be willing to give them, but I've never known them to actually steal anything. They tend to leave quite a mess behind them when they move on though. Obviously, I can't guarantee the same of those in your area.
  12. Pretty close to what I'm wearing today. :)
  13. Exactly, Kayla. I love my job and every day I'm proud to do it. The money is crap, but the job satisfaction is immense.
  14. Then we must agree to disagree.
  15. Is it not broadcast in the US any more? I'm pretty sure it used to be.
  16. Me? A kid? Lol...I wish. Au contraire, my little friend. It is you who is missing the point. To say that any human being at all, regardless of what they have done, should be tortured to insanity makes you inhumane.
  17. Hardly. The rest of your post is still there for everyone to see, is it not? I only quoted that part as that was the part I wanted to highlight. Makes sense, no? You said you would see another human being tortured to insanity. Do you not see what kind of person that makes you?
  18. Is it really necessary for me elaborate on what I said earlier when you're doing such a great job of proving my point?
  19. bbalking, the things you say make you almost as bad as the people you so vehemently denigrate. I think it was Mahatma Gandhi who said "An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind."
  20. It has been a good few years since Eurovision was an actual song contest. There are now so many alliances that it has just become ridiculous. Don't get me wrong, I'm not moaning about the lack of a British win. I know Britain don't win any more because our entries are consistently crap. Hell, I could do better....actually Bubsa, I vote Bubsa! Anyway, as I was saying, it's all political nowadays. Doesn't stop me watching it though. It's always good for a giggle. :
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