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Everything posted by SuziAngel

  1. 3. The prestige. And don't I have 10 points already?
  2. Can I play my "I'm female and can get away with it" card? :D
  3. 10. Big trouble in little china.
  4. A friend of mine was suspended from school for weighing his genitals on the kitchen scales in one of the cookery rooms. I was a good girl, of course. O:) If you believe that, you'll believe anything.
  5. Oops, I put the wrong number. I meant 4. True lies
  6. 5. Charlie and the chocolate factory (2005)
  7. Have you considered reading the rules of the game?
  8. I've recently changed the brand of lenses I use. I was using Focus daily disposable Torics, but they were really uncomfortable so now I'm trying Johnson and Johnson 1Day Acuvue for astigmatism. The good thing about the dailies is that you don't have to worry about farting around with little pots and cleaning solutions. My eyes tend to become dry and itchy whenever I wear lenses, so I don't wear them all that often. I don't like driving in them either. My vision is far better when I wear my glasses. I woke up one morning thinking that I had been blessed with the miracle of sight, until I realised that I'd been too pissed up to remember to take my lenses out before I went to bed. I wouldn't recommend that to anyone though as my eyes were incredibly itchy that day.
  9. Ah yes, you're playing the short temper card. I know a lot of children who use this as an excuse to behave like moronic thugs. Control yourself and in future, take responsibility for your own actions. No-one's buying the short temper crap any more.
  10. Is 6. Team America: World Police?
  11. I couldn't agree more. Children misbehave and what happens? They get shouted at or have a privilege taken away for a while out of their ridiculously over-privileged lives, or something equally pathetic.
  12. Barbers Adagio For Strings (William Orbit)
  13. Best: *Johnny Depp - He always takes unusual roles, interesting characters, and plays them so well. *Kevin Spacey - Just fantastic. Worst: *Mark Wahlberg - The man has about as much charisma as a mouldy banana.
  14. You went to Italy and all you can tell us about it is how you threw up on the plane? Am I missing something? :uhh:
  15. 2. There's something about Mary
  16. Looking forward to Beltane? Not necessarily "black"...just an old Celtic spring holiday. Also celebrated by followers of Wicca. I beg to differ.
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