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Everything posted by SuziAngel

  1. Aww Bubsa, I was only teasing. I know phobias aren't fun. I have like a mini hand-held hoover to get rid of spiders in my house. I recommend everyone invests in one of those. :D
  2. Goodness me, listen to all you big strong boys scared of a little creepy-crawly. :shock: I'm not bothered by them in the slightest so I would've moved him myself. However, had it been a spider you wouldn't have seen my arse for dust.
  3. I play the piano. Mainly classical pieces. It's so relaxing, I just let myself get totally absorbed. I guess the piece I play most often would be FÃÆÃâÃâür Elise as that seems to be the one people want to hear.
  4. The worst nightmares I have are those in which people I love die. I wake up feeling awful and have to check that everyone's okay. Then I feel guilty because there are people for whom that nightmare is a reality.
  5. God yes, there's no way in hell I'd have noticed that myself. :) After watching it I Googled Hoffs Drawlar to see what it came up with.
  6. And the clue was.... ...an anagram of flash forward.
  7. Wholesale for drug dealers :thumbsup: Oh my, there's always one. And it's always you. :P Anyway, read this
  8. No need. It's all stored on your medical records. (Oops, as Ryan has already said)
  9. The correct option for question 3 seems to have been omitted. You should give all unused medicines back to the pharmacist. (Unless they're those fantastically strong pain killers, in which case I suggest saving them for a rainy day.)
  10. I'm a realist in that I try to see things as they actually are. I can be either optimistic or pessimistic if the situation warrants it. To some I may appear to have an purely optimistic outlook, but those who truly know me realise that this is not the case.
  11. I guess all of them at some time or another. It depends on the situation. I think I use these three the most: Rationalisation - I try to find a reason behind everything. I annoy myself with it and I'm sure I annoy the people around me with it because I ask too many questions. Displacement - If I want to rid myself of my anger I quite often opt to lose myself in playing the piano. Passive aggression - I can be positively vile when I want to be. I have been known to clean the toilet with someone's toothbrush after an argument.
  12. I'm excellent at injuring myself and I have a particular talent for falling over. I can make myself throw up without having to stick my fingers down my throat, which comes in useful when I find myself in a situation I want to get out of.
  13. The suspense is killing me! :ohnoes:
  14. Was that Jamie Bulger? If so, it was February 12, 1993. I hate thinking about what those boys did to him. :cry:
  15. Nicaraguan president General Anastasio Somoza Debayle resigned and fled to Miami. No. 1's in the music charts: *UK - Are Friends Electric? by Tubeway Army *US - Bad Girls by Donna Summer *Aus - Pop Muzik by M
  16. I have, and always have had a very wide and varying taste in music. But in 1992 I was a total Take That-ette, with Robbie Williams being my favourite. I went to loads of their concerts back then. I remember feeling as if my world was going to end when they split up in 1996, it was a 16 year old girl's nightmare. Anyway, now they've reformed and I'm not ashamed to admit that I still think they're great. I saw them twice last year on their reunion tour and will be seeing them again in November. :D
  17. I don't bother with hate. I much prefer love. :
  18. I'm thinking number 8. Kingdom of heaven
  19. There's so much pressure on children to grow up far too fast nowadays. They should be enjoying their childhood, not involving themselves in adult issues such as sex.
  20. Yeh, I have. What a sad life I lead. :XD: And yey....go me!
  21. I guess the question I'm asked the most is "Miss, please can I go to the toilet?"
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