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Everything posted by ZenoMoneZ

  1. Glad the future looks bright for you. Make you sure you stick to your plans and don't get bored. Boredem = Failure =;
  2. RSN: zenomonez I am: f2p Hope I win something :ohnoes:
  3. Um.... How can I put this.... Runescape became available to the public in 2001 :-k
  4. Taming! You can tame certain beasts through runescape and use them for your own dastardly plans! A lot like summoning, but without the gigantic lag that would be created \
  5. I never cease to cry when reading and thinking about him :( First Lillyuffie88 retires, then The Old Nite dies... What does the future hold for Zezima :ohnoes: R.I.P The Old Nite. You are definantly my role model =D>
  6. I'm sure they'll be for both p2p and f2p. I don't see why getting 99 skill on f2p is any less of an achievment (maybe even moreso) then a p2p
  7. Artistry would be interesting Ability to paint pictures? Creativity? Maybe comining artistry with some other things? :-s
  8. I was planning on raising everything evenly, but my woodcutting kinda got outta hand. So I guess I'm a woodcutter! Not for long though
  9. Thanks for the offer, but Mamong has already begun smithing me some steel =D> Can't wait for the war :thumbsup:
  10. Since I'm f2p, I'd buy full sara and save the 2.7m already in my bank for when I'm a member :
  11. I am so in : Is the steel given out before the war? Or do we have to get it ourselves?
  12. I'd rather make my own rune pick-axes then buy them for 32K each. We want pick axes smithable! :pray:
  13. Since your in the same place as me i'll drop by world 7 for a visit :D Can't stay long though, it's 11:04pm Edit: LIES! You are nowhere to be seen :evil:
  14. What: Cutting Yews Where: Edgvile World: 125 Chat: ON I'm hanging out with 4 other people but they don't seem too sociable
  15. :boohoo: This happened a few weeks ago. A huge line of player mods were waltzing around and saying stuff. A lot of them were member to
  16. I was horribly bored and remembered the site mini-clip. I went to it, and saw runescape as #1 on the 'top 10' list. It was the hottest thing in school, so I decided to give it a shot. That was June 2005 I created an account, and ditched it Created another, ditched it I created another one and forced myself to like it and it got hacked and banned Now I finally have Zenomonez, which I started sept 13th, 2006 Yay :3>
  17. Man, i get $30-$40 a month, and I can afford this. Please don't start with all this 'too expensive' stuff :shame:
  18. Hook me up! level 42 ftw \ However I may be a little higher depending on the day of the war
  19. I don't have any problems with the interface. I never did, I don't now. I just take it as it comes. RS3? Not anytime soon I can assure you And It's amazing how few people know about the ctrl button... :-$
  20. I feel sorry for zezima. All he wants to do is play the game he loves, and people can't accept the fact he's better then them :notalk: I can remember one particular person... Noob: You noob, zezima is an npc that sits in fally world 18 and gives members 10m every hour I was laughing too hard to respond
  21. I'll add you so that you won't be alone anymore. Don't bug me though :shame:
  22. No... they made the new tele to help new players get back to lumby if they get lost...
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